How you can achieve more results within the next few weeks than most people achieve in a year!

Well, it’s that time of year again – we’re well into March and I’m sure many of you are achieving fantastic results using my Bodytrim System…

However, over the last few weeks I’ve been getting feedback from some BTer’s that while they started off great guns in 2011, somewhere between January 1st and now, you’ve lost your way.

So, if you’re feeling like you’ve tried everything to lose the weight…

… fallen off the wagon and finding it hard to motivate yourself to get back on track

… finding it hard to overcome your cravings for the foods that keep you fat

… need help to bust through your plateaus which hold you back from losing weight

Well, I hope I can inject a dose of motivation into your arm right now, so that you can get up, get going and get some amazing results real fast. Click on the video below….

I’d love to know your feedback. Please blog post below and let me know how you think my new Bodytrim Boost can help you achieve RAPID RESULTS in the next four weeks! I’ll be choosing 5 lucky winners myself over the next few days who’ll each receive a MONTH’s supply.  GOOD LUCK!

So there you have it folks, I’m super excited to be making available over the next week a proven performer when it comes supercharging your results!

Some more details you may want to know. Unlike many protein options that are designed for sport or athletic performance, Bodytrim BOOST is a breakthrough protein formula designed specifically to assist RAPID weight loss.

Chris will be going through all of the details soon but to put it simply, Bodytrim BOOST helps you feel full and for longer – in fact up to 8 hours longer – and increase your results in as little as 7 days. And if that wasn’t enough, Bodytrim BOOST also:

  • Instantly reignites a tired metabolism (through increased thermogensis)
  • Helps you break free of the old plateau ‘shackles’ that once they’ve taken hold of you, feel like they will never let go
  • Allow you to say goodbye FOREVER to chocolate or other sweet cravings

What’s more – what if I could promise that you will never miss or dread having your protein only snack ever again?  We’ll, we’ve created two mouth watering flavours to help you do exactly that – Yummy Chocolate & Delicious Vanilla.

In fact, I’d go so far to say that because they taste so good you’ll actually see them as a special treat rather than something you are ‘meant to do.’

So, not only does Bodytrim BOOST come in two super delicious flavours, but the super concentrated formula also comes in a handy 400g tub so that can be taken anywhere and easily stored in your desk draw, your car or even your work bag.

So  you’ll not only be able to purchase Bodytrim BOOST at ‘never heard of prices’ but I’m also giving you the option of mixed orders ensuring you will never bored with one huge tub of the same flavour!

And believe me it’s only the beginning….!!

Over the next few days I’ll be letting you know not only more about Bodytrim BOOST… but also about some VERY special bonuses that I’ve put together especially for this launch.

You see, as I mentioned in my video I’ve ran some of the biggest and above all, most effective weight loss challenges in Australia over the last 10 years or so including the mega successful BodySculpt Challenge last year. During this time, to say the least, I’ve seen some truly amazing results being achieved… in fact, I’ve seen it time and time again where people achieve more results within a few weeks than most people achieve in a whole year!

And at the end of the day, I believe there is a reason…. or call it a ‘formula’ to why people in my past challenges were able to bust through and achieve such amazing results.

Well, the exciting news is that I’ve put all of this information together and am making this available as my FREE GIFT to you when you get your hands on Bodytrim BOOST!

The package is called my ‘Bodytrim BOOST Blueprint’ which includes a host of FREE weight loss tools, nutrition plans, weight loss psychology support and coaching (to name only a few) for you to be able to 100% hit the ground running and achieve some truly outstanding results.

Believe me, no stone has been left unturned!

You’ll be hearing more about this exciting new launch tomorrow but that’s it for now…

PS. To make sure you don’t miss out on the one-time and limited offer of Bodytrim BOOST, then don’t forget to click on the Early Bird button below.


543 Responses to “How you can achieve more results within the next few weeks than most people achieve in a year!”

  1. christie gardner Says:

    omg i honestly cant beleave how many posts there r!!!wowy.took me half hr just to get to greg,
    im just a newbie,but hav 6 lovely kids so hav put on weight in the last few yrs and it just wont go,wud love to try your boost please??cuz anything that helps me keep up with my kids i would muchly apreciate,thanks greg oxox

  2. Tony Smith Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have a yard full of wagons (the one’s I fell off just in case you didn’t get the cryptic) but I’m determined this time to give myself a BOOST and get rid of the totally unnecessary weight. It’s time to turn my life around. I’m seeing too many of my friends lose their lives for one reason or another. I guess I’m the lucky one who still has a chance to improve the odds but not without a BOOST from BT.

    Cheers and keep up the good work.


  3. colleen Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been doing the BT program religiously for 6 weeks, but neither the scales or tape measure have moved. I admitt that I feel good eating the BT way and am not hungry, but given that no results have occurred, I have given up the last 5 days and slipping back to old eating habits. Perhaps the BT boost will get the scales finally moving for me and give me some motivation to get things kick started again.

  4. Deidre Says:

    My husband and I started the BT system three weeks ago and so far my husband has lost 3kgs. I, however, lost 1.4kgs after the first week, gained 400g after the second and then lost that 400g in the third.

    I only want to lose 7kgs, but a 1kg loss in 3 weeks is terribly disheartening especially since my planned exercise includes two 45-50 minute walks every day!

    I sure need a BOOST!

    Deidre 🙂

  5. Yvette Says:

    Loving wife, mother of two working part-time, so between work kids sport, homework and running a house somehow I run out of me time. Yes I watch the DVD’s get motivated, cook and plan for a couple of weeks but life just gets in the way I need a BOOST.

  6. Liz Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Wow there are so many comments on here I dont know where to start reading… So many different inspirational stories and so many heartbreaking ones to…My thoughts go out to every single person on here. All of us want and need the same thing although all our stories are so very different….

    I have 5 children but i am only young though….36! Great number to. I have always been small really but have been going through an extremely tough time the last 3 yrs due to a new relationship… It really is the hardest relationship ever and because of this reason i went through severe depression and of course then came the weight gain….. So i went from a size 4-6 to a size 12-14, its unbelievable i know but true! I just could not find the inspiration or will power to do anything to improve the way i feel en look, simply because i felt like a 0 on a contract, empty and lonely!

    But then recently in the last 3 months i made a new female friend who gave me so much self worth and inspiration and told me that i could do anything i put my mind to and to just be patient, anything i want will happen and that i just have to be strong. And this is where i am now, thank you for good friends!!!

    Now i have been on body trim for two days… its hard but good…mentally i feel a lot more refreshed and strong and energetic even though its only been two days….My biggest worry is the cravings for carbs…..protein is good, excellent for us but its the ugly old carbs trying to rule you every single day…. I know it only takes 21-28 days to break a habit which is a good thing, right? But its the 0-21 days that makes it or break it…. So lets hope i can commit and be strong enough to tell the carbs to p…off!!! I really think this boost is another great new revolution for us carb and sugar lovers hope to that i could have one of those as financially i am not the wealthiest, not with 5 children anyway!!!

    Life is great and i dont think we should forget that….maybe if we try and take each day one by one we well win, lets not worry about a great big number like 21 or 28 but just 1. Everyday is a new day…and we are all in this together so lets focus on today…when we achieve our results for the day then we are winners, and then tomorrow we will just focus on tomorrow again its just 1 day…

    Good luck to everyone on here on this great and and very important journey!

    And Geoff thank you for making such a journey possible for people like us…You are a great inspiration and carer for your fellow human beings!

  7. Sue Says:

    Hi I have been using BT for 4 weeks now I have lost 3kg I feel great.I would have lost more but I wasn’t walking as much as I should (just lazy) Dvd’s are great motivators as well with what foods to eat.I just need to get up and walk I was not hungry once I feel this is the best weight loss program I have ever used

  8. Marjorie Says:

    Sounds fabulous just the boost I need with only 5 kgs to lose, hoping this will boost my success!

  9. Angelique Rhodes Says:

    Hi Geoff, just wanted to say thank you to you and your team. I have started body trim and have found it great, whilst I didn’t lose the 5 kgs in the first week I did lose 2.9kgs. You team was very supportive when I contact them about not losing any weight. Since starting with Bodytrim I have found out that I have serve arthritis in both my feet which makes the walking hard to do but I am hanging in there. Although I haven’t been able to go 10,000 steps but once I am still losing weight. The doctors offered a treatment plan for my health i.e feet etc which included a dietician to which I happily replied No Thank you I don’t need a dietician I have Bodytrim and it works. The girls at the doctors even asked what I was doing to lose my weight as they have noticed a change in my weight, body and happiness, again I replied with great gusto I am doing Geoff Jowett’s Bodytrim.
    Thanks again Geoff.
    regards Angelique.

  10. Sheree Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Well I have to admit that I thought this whole Bodytrim System was just another one of those waste of time, waste of money diets and put it in the same catergory as all the other ones which are advertised. Last week I finally realized I seriously needed help – I am also a qualified personal trainer but through serious ill health last year I put on a lot of weight, whilst my health issues are now sorted and being treated I have new health issues with the extra weight and need to lose all that I gained! My blood pressure has sky rocketed, my cholesterol is up, my weight has gone through the roof and that is only the begining of what I am now facing. I phoned my son who is also a personal trainer to discuss with him my options and he said straight out ‘get Bodytrim, it really works, we recommed it to all our clients, it is the only true healthy eating plan to lose weight, no tablets and no bull’, so I went straight out and bought it, I didnt even send in for the free trial offer being promoted, I wanted to start straight away not wait for it to arrive in the post – and I have now finished my carb detox and am feeling wonderful and how good will it be to have boost to help me take off on my journey with you???? I

  11. Maria Raspe Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have had good results in the first month, unfortunately I have also felt extremely tired, as I am also a first time mum. My baby now six months old takes up alot of my free time, and my husband works 12 hour shifts.
    My main problem is that I have no core strength as my abdominals are shot to pieces trying to exercise hurts, maybe because of the add weight since pregnancy.
    I am hoping if I lose more weight, it may help.

    thanks very much

  12. Nicole Gray Says:

    Hi there,
    I have been on the Bodytrim Programm for 7 Weeks and I have lost a wopping 10kg. I am so happy. After all the hard work running, cycling, pumping weights with no or negative results I have finally found something that works with less effort. BT has helped me on so many levels. My body pains have a decrease and I am always in a fantastic mood. I am going on a Holiday in June and the way I am currently going I belive I will be wearing that fancy bikini. BT Boost should get me there in no time. After 20 years beeing overweight I believe I deserve to look and feel awsome. Bring on Boost! All the best to everyone!

  13. Vicki Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    After losing 10kg a little over a year ago on Bodytrim, I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child. She is now 12weeks old and i am keen to get back into it! I would love a supply of the new Bodytrim boost to kick-start my way back into a more healthier and energetic lifestyle.

  14. Vicki Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    After starting Bodytrim over a year ago, i had lost 10kg and was looking and feeling great! I then found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child and my baby girl was born in January this year. She is 12wks old now and am ready to get back into it! I would love a supply of Bodytrim boost to kick-start my way back to a healthier and more energetic lifestyle.

  15. Frankie Gatenby Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Have just returned from a trip to Tasmania and am VERY much off the wagon. I want to get started again tomorrow and I’ve got a long way to go so I am very much looking forward to all the help I can get. Thanks for this new product. Frankie

  16. mary lang Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have had whooping cough for the last 6 weeks and have fallen off the BT+ program due to lack of energy and sheer exhaustion that the constant coughing brings with it. These shakes sound like they would give me the ideal kick start to get going again.
    I need to get organised but need quick and very easy options with very little preparation time while I am still recovering.
    I had lost 9kg on bt+ before I got sick and really need some help to get motivated and working on it again

    My fingers are crossed …a month’s supply of Boost Fullness Shakes will give the the boost I need


  17. Amanda Says:

    I haven’t started Bodytrim yet, I’m going to start on Monday after I’ve watched the DVD’s and read through the book. I have to say though, you are such a motivational person. Whenever I have doubted myself (I have tried many diets to lose weight and failed miserably…) watching your video’s always gives me the confidence I need to know that I can do this! Thank you so much!

    • Sue Says:

      I have also tried many diets but failed each time BT is so easy you never feel hungry at all You can do it Amanda its great Just keep watching the DVD’s

  18. Melanie Says:

    I had the most amazing results using the Body Trim system last Christmas. I was on this system until October last year and went on a P&O (OHOHOH) Cruise this seen me putting 13kg back on I have let myself go back to bad habits and not to proud of this. Time to take your great program and get serious again. Can not wait to see the amazing changes as I did not reach my goal….. I am going to this time.

  19. Kim Says:

    Hi there,
    I am onto my fifth week of bodytrim and have so far lost 5 kilo’s which I am happy with none the less…. But I have always struggled with weight and after having my 2nd child 6 months ago, I am struggling even more. I lack a lot of confidence so I give up easily and have strayed a couple of times since being on the program. I would really love to try BOOST to lift me back up and help restore my confidence with more weight loss 🙂 Thanks for creating this fantastic system and it does actually work unlike many others.
    Kind Regards
    Kim 🙂

  20. ros Says:

    hi geoff

    All was going great week 1 lost 1.3kg but week 2 big disappointment put all back on plus another 1. Seem to be struggling to stick with it at present & feel boost would be just the thing i need to get motivated especially looking forward to “getting my head right” sounds like just what i need

  21. Margaret Says:

    Bodytrim has helped me and several of my patients (I am a GP) I have slipped back a bit as I am dealing with my darling mothers dying. When I get home I will need a boost!

    • MARILYN M Says:

      Hi Magaret
      Went through the same thing 6 months ago with my adorable Mum. Have put on 10kgs since her passing in Sept – felt like my world had collapsed (having my foot and arm in a cast for the last 6 months didn’t help either)but am now ready to resume my bodytrim journey and get rid of those pesky kilos I piled on. Know you too will achieve success when the dust has settled.

  22. manjeep Says:

    Hi there Geoff

    your bodytrim system is amazing and not only does it help you loose weight but its the only plan that not only looses weight but teaches you what is good, when and why and your portion sizes etc. this plan has encouraged me to change my lifestyle and it also teaches you to loose weight the natural way with your body recieving its full nutrients where as when i tried the lemon detox diet i started to feel really weak and tired, i am really looking forward to your new plan and will surely try it and reccomend to other friends and family as well, especially my sister. thanks

  23. Melanie Gowlland Says:

    hi geoff
    I lost 11 kgs on Bodytrim in 2009 and kept it off for 18 months but have managed to put the weight back on. I got very tired of all the protein even though I was much better and happier eating a lot more protein and a lot less carbs. I’m hoping that the new Boost can jump start me again and get me back on track to be healthy and fit again! Wish me luck!

  24. Sandra Gow Says:

    My weight loss has been slow and reasonably steady, but has hit a plateau now. Re-doing the three day detox gave me the same result as the first time I did it – no weight loss at all! I don’t know why but it’s really slow going. For a while there I lost half to a kilo a week but that’s dropped off again too.

    I really need a BOOST to get me going again and to sort out my metabolism.

    One of my major problems I feel is that I can’t do 10,000 steps a day because of a knee injury; if I try to do that much walking the pain increases to a level that I cannot take. I know this programme should work for me anyway, just a bit slower than someone who can do the exercise.

    I’m convinced that this is the best programme I’ve been involved with, and recommend it to everyone who asks me. But I really really do need some help now Geoff!

    Sandra in NZ

  25. Kelly Says:

    Wow! You guys are at it again. Your motivation, drive & thirst to do better not only for yourselves but for so many others is truly inspiring. Unfortunately, I don’t quite match up with you and would love to re-ignite myself. I powered with Bodytrim a couple of years ago & can’t quite get back in to the groove. I need to lose about another 20kg. 5 of which I want to lose before Easter’s camping trip. Please give me a BOOST!

  26. tina youles Says:

    Hello Geoff.
    I purchased Body Trim some time ago, with no sucess.I am going to give it another try.Will let you know how it goes.

    Thanks Tina

  27. Rebecca Solomon Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’ve been doing Bodytrim on and off since 2008 and started again late November and so far I have lost 7Kgs. Christmas came and went and I found it hard to stay on track, sometimes gaining 1-2kgs back. Each time I start again I go with great guns and feel really good, but then life happens and I seem to struggle again.
    I’m a mother of 2 small children, hence where the weight came from. My first pregnancy I fell into the trap of overindulging myself and gaining 20kgs. My second pregnancy I was smarter and only gained 8kg which I lost fairly easily after starting bodytrim 6 weeks post having my daughter. However I was stuck with the 13kgs left over from my first pregnancy. To be honest I got depressed and gave up again and gained back 3 of those Kgs. But like I said above I started again last November and I am determined to get back to my goal weight before I try for baby number 3.
    I work permanent night duty on the weekends couple that with having two small children and sleep is a rare commodity. Unfortunately being tired I tend to reach for naughty snacks at night trying to get that energy kick or indulge in toast straight before crashing into bed. I have your protein shacks that I carry with me at work, I have brought the cookies, I use the new nutra shot, I have tried bodytrim, bodytrim+ and body sculpt but I just cant stay focused/motivated. I’ve seen all the adverts for these new diet drinks and think maybe, but each time I think no stay with bodytrim, you get to eat food and not miss out. Your new Boost drink may be just what I need to get me through the night shifts and stop me snacking and eating bad foods before going to bed. I really want to be a yummy mummy and feel proud of what I have achieved.

  28. Maryanne Says:

    Hiya Geoff
    I have been in BodyTrim Plus for the past few weeks and to be honest havent really seen changes that I was expecting, i can see so many people have committed to your program and they have such positive results that I too wonder what on earth im doing wrong. I think this could help me to give me that extra push and provide confidence back in the products so that i keep going.
    Appreciate your help and thanks

  29. Pat Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Its been a while since my daughter, Cindy, and I joined Body trim.
    Back then I was a smoker but have now been smoke free for 18 months.
    The new Body Trim Boost sounds like it is something that would help me. I am not a sweet eater and our household has been fairly full on through the last year.
    After reading the comments above I feel we all know that we should loose weight and become healthier people however also like some of the people above My motovation and mindset are just missing.
    I hope the new Bodytrim Boost is the shot or should I say shock my whole body needs. I love the idea of a RAPID RESULTS in only a few short weeks.

  30. Antoinette Bennett Says:

    Hello. I am just geting motivated and waiting with great anticipation for my Body Trim pack to arrive. I have tried so many diets, shakes, detox, jenny craig but none of these have worked for me. As I lose my motivation because I get bored. Thats why I’m looking forward to the Body Trim pack, this is because I have read and heard through word of mouth that this product really works. I cant wait to start and start shedding the kilos instantluy. I have a back injury that limits my exercise ability so when Body Trim said no strenuous exercise I couldn’t believe it. I decided its time to take up the challenge to get rid of the 40kg of fat that I want gone so then I can be who I use to be. At the moment I’m so overweigh I am ashamed I’ve goten so big. Please Body Trim help me!! I also want to see how this new Boost shakes work. Thank you.

  31. Jude Says:

    I have only just joined and can’t wait to receive all the goodies. I am an extremely active, busy 50 (nearly) year old and struggling to stop middle age spread. I won’t give in so bring on the boost – I’m up for it.

  32. Lynette Vernon Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have used your first Body Trim when it came out with huge success and I was starting to look great and then I had problem and went off it I have just restarted and I am finding it very difficult and I have a very long way to go to reach my goal. To have an extra boost would be just great, I really need a boost to get things started so that I can get my motivation back. I know the Body Trim System works, I have proved it the first time around but I don’t have the motivation to continue, I am not happy with myself for letting outside influences get to, it depresses me because I’m not getting anywhere and I am finding getting back on track hard work even through I look at and re look at the DVD. I am hopeful that Boost shakes will give me the extra Boost that I need to get the ball rolling again, as all of my results have flown out the window. I am sure that if I can get back on track I can achieve my goal. Thank you so very much Geoff for all the work you and your team put into Bodytrim and for all the research you and your staff do before you release a new product. I am sure there a thousand out there who feel the same way that I do.

  33. Helen Burns Says:

    Hey Guys,
    Ive taken two years to open the boby trim box because of such unmotivation.Ive now had 2 children and have decided its time,not only for me but for them.Im sick of peoples negative put downs and its time to show them all that im changing for the better now and forever.I just need that extra motivation and the body boost shake sounds like my keys to happiness.
    Thankyou for my second chance of happiness and freedom from my fat body.

  34. Jodes Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I’ve just purchased the bodytrim system and almost completed watching the DVD’s. I have to say that I’m extreamly impressed. I’m already boasting about the system to others and I haven’t even started it yet. I’ve never been happy with my appearance and my health in general so I’m really looking forward to starting this venture as I’m 110% convinced I’m going to make it.

    Thanks Geoff.

  35. Cathy Says:

    Bodytrim worked really well for me in 2009 and 2010 but I seem to have hit a plateau now. If I keep up my exercise regime and eat totally correctly, I lose a tiny bit of weight a day but if I have even one day where I miss a walk and/or drink one glass of wine – it goes back on again. It’s getting a bit tiresome and I am certainly in need of a BOOST!

  36. Patricia Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Can not wait
    for the boost need a change
    Thanks Pat

  37. kelly Says:

    HI there, bodytrim definately works, Ive just started a new job a month ago where we dont get breaks during the day so I was thinking bodytrim boost might be the answer to quick snacks that will see me through the busy days without skipping meals

    • Sandra Gow Says:

      Gee Kelly, that’s a bit rough not getting any breaks during the day at your new job – I’m sure the employment laws would have something to day about that!

      I’m finding it hard to get back to losing weight after having a bit of a plateau – I had a couple of weeks where we went out to dinner a few times so I thougth I’d re-do the three day detox and get back into it. I didn’t lose any weight at all on the three day detox! I don’t know what’s going wrong here but I REALLY REALLY need a BOOST!!

  38. Jacqui Mahoney Says:

    Dear Geoff
    I am very unhappy with myself. I am trying desperately to get back on track. I lost 7kgs last year and have been a bodytrim member for over a year now. I recently bought bodytrim plus, but am being slack. I think where I went wrong was in winning a personal training for three months and doing heaps on cardio and weights. I got off the 10,000 steps routine…I did not loose one bit of weight while training in three months…and train hard I did!!! I have cut out the hard cardio sessions, maintained the tonging session to keep my mucsles looking good and am back to my 10,000 steps. I NEED a boost to kick start my weight loss again. I only have 8kgs to go to get to my goal weight. HELP!!!!


  39. Joanne Wright Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been on bodytrim since Aug 2010 and feel great. Have gone from 88kgs to 65kgs. The thing I have really noticed is where I have been losing weight. My buttocks, arms, shoulders,love handle areas around my ribs and waist, etc. This has never happened before. I don’t do strenuous exercise I walk every week day and cycle to work and back ( 5kms) and I enjoy my free day every Saturday. The results have been truly amazing!!! Thank you so much. Sometimes I do feel deprived of snack things but the results I’ve had help me get through that barrier. I think a “Boost” would be very helpful at this stage in my new lifestyle!
    Thanks again for your help, Jo

  40. MK Says:

    Hi Geoff.
    I started Body Trim for medical reasons; my cholesterol was high, I was lethargic and extremely unenergised. Since beginning in Dec 2010, my cholesterol has returned to normal and I feel fantastic! The walking each day has also reduced my stress levels. I have also lost 6 kgs in the process so extremely happy. My hubby has also come on the journey and lost 7 kgs. I have to say that after 3 months, we are starting to find eating the protein snacks difficult and falling off the rails a bit. Any boost would be welcomed!

  41. Peta Says:


    Help! I’ve been battling depression and working through a seperation – I need some motivation to get back on track – THIS could be it!

  42. Barbara Channing Says:

    Hi Geoff, I am a new user of Bodytrim and have only just received the pack and listened to all of the DVD’s. Having yoyo’d all of my life with my weight – I’m now 55 and have never found the right combination for insulin resistance for my thyroid/weight problem. I truly found your logic in the science of insulin management inspiring and I’m into Day 2 tomorrow! Yay, very excited and would also love to try the Boost to kickstart and fastrack my weightloss so I can get into a ball gown for our charity ball. Congratulations for motivating so many people.

  43. Claire Ryan Says:

    I have been doing bodytrim since the beginning of the year, but after losing some quick kilos I have reached a plateau and cannot get past a certain number on the scales and I am following the bodytrim formula to the letter. My weight has always been a subject that has dominated most of my life and I promised myself that 2011 would be the year that all changed I think the bodytrim boost could be just what I need to stop myself from
    getting too disheartened and giving up on my dream. Claire

  44. Mel Says:

    I have platued and just can not get it started again this would help me get to goal which is only 10-15kgs away after losing 35kgs already

  45. Ruth Says:

    Help…I’ve fallen off the track. Need a “boost” to help me going. Thanks for the video to inspire me. Lots of things happening in life and on the run all the time. Lost 15kg and have now put 5 kg back on and feeling a bit down. Can’t fit into my clothes and need motivation to get back on track. Doing it alone and need some help…I need your help. Please can you boost me along. A gift to lift me up and get back on track.

  46. Deborah Mitchell Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Just a quick note to say how pleased iam with program i brought the first progam and placed in the draw. I since have purchased the bodytrim plus have made my mind up fully just into the second week have found nothing hard about it wished i had started it along time ago have started walking something i used to enjoy a long time ago i could of had my free day but was not interested i prefered to stick to the progam enjoying it so much so easy maybe sometime down the track i may need the bodytrim boost have my son’s wedding coming up in August my just need a boost to fit into my dress.

    Once again many thanks iam enjoying your program

    Thank you
    Deborah Mitchell

  47. Anne Says:

    Hi Geoff and Gang,

    I started on the original Bodytrim at the beginning of February last year, and by the end of November I had lost 30kgs! The comments from family, friends and even casual acquaintances have been fantastic!

    Unfortunately, the rot started to set in over the festive season and by the end of February this year I had put about 4 kgs back on again……

    Your new Boost product sounds like it will be just what I need to get back on track again and give me the BOOST I need to get down to my target of a total weight loss of 35 to 40 kgs – and more importantly, give me the motivation to maintain the loss and not let the weight start creeping on again. I have felt so much healthier and happier whilst on the Bodytrim Program – and many people have commented on the improvement in my outlook and enegy levels.

    Thanks heaps for helping me get my health and well-being back on track!!

  48. nichola Grigg Says:

    i have been on Body trim for 2 weeks and havent lost a think
    my pedometer wont stay done up the clasp is broken so i have no idea have many steps ive done as it wont stay shut
    so i have to say that i would like my refund as the ad says if it dont work you get your money back well it gas not worked for me and i am very unhappy

  49. Sarah K Says:

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the great work you do in continually developing new products to assist all of us on our weight loss journey. Mine has been a constant battle all my life, since I was a child. I am finding now my daughter is starting to have a weight problem as well & I can’t help but feel responsible. Since being in body trim, I have started giving her more protein and she is going well with this. I haven’t weighed her to know the true impact as I don’t want her to feel she needs to go on a diet, but I do want her to be properly educated.

    I have been on the program for 4 weeks now & I had expected to lose more than I have, but I fell off the wagon badly last week celebrating my 36th birthday. I had planned for 1 free day & it turned into a 5 day celebration & a weight gain at the end of it all. I set a goal for a holiday to QLD in January 2012 & want to loose approximately 1/2 my body weight before then. I have a long & hard journey ahead, but I am greatful to have the support of the BT team &Geoff. I look forward to tyring BOOST & hope it can help me with my food addiction.


  50. Janet Says:

    Just eight weeks into BT and the first 11kg lost, I know that at last I have found the eating pattern that will suit me for the rest of my life. Time pressures and complexity are always the factors that have brought defeat with other weight loss systems but with BT the simplicity and “forgivingness” of the programme means that, even if I do fall off the wagon, it is so easy to jump back on without feeling that I have failed. I am over 60, so old habits and the usual emotional triggers are always lurking and running a business along with much family involvement means I am always short of time. I have found the Bodylicious bars to be a blessing when chocolate cravings tap me on the shoulder and the protein shakes are a refreshing way to finish the day when other protein snacks lose their appeal. I have another 33 kg to go to reach my retirement weight (I have every confidence they will coincide!). My husband has joined me on BT and is delighted to have lost 12 kgs and reached his goal weight already. We are thrilled to have found the programme and await the release of Bodytrim Boost with anticipation. We don’t think of it as a diet, rather an adventure we have embarked on to give us the quality of life we have wanted for so long. Thanks Geoff and the BT team.

  51. Valerie Says:

    Hello Geoff
    I think I must be the only one Body Trim has not worked for – I want it to work but my inspiration is deflated. I need something to change my whole mindset and to get motivated. I have read a lot of the comments above and the common thread is we get off track for one reason or another – how can this be when we all know it is for our own health sake that we should be leaner and fitter. Please help. I am hoping your new tool Body Trim Boost is the answer to kill the overweight suffering once and for all.

  52. Frances Wharton Says:

    Dear Geoff

    My name is Frances. I have just purchased your Body trim weight loss system and I must say that I am very impressed with whole concept.

    I would like to commend you on a wonderfully researched and put together package. The sheer simplicity of the program is such a draw card…it’s so very doable.

    Now, a little bit about myself. My family & migrated to this wonderful country Australia from Sri Lanka in 1970. I was 23 years old and a mother of two gorgeous children. I am 152cm tall and at the time weighed just 38 kilos. No, I wasn’t anorexic…far from it because I loved food & I ate like a horse…I didn’t even know the meaning of the word diet…all I can put it down to is good wholesome food & a great metabolism. But migrating to Australia was the start of my weight issues being exposed to the likes of cakes, pastries, desserts, cheese, cream and the list goes on…

    Yes, the weight crept up when I was in my mid to late thirties…in 1984 I weighed over 60 kilos. The reason I remember this is because this was the year I contracted breast cancer.. Needless to say I was shattered because losing a breast at the age of 37 was completely & utterly devastating. However a wonderful plastic surgeon took pity on me and put me back together again so to speak. The trauma of the reconstructive surgery took its toll because I lost 12 kilos without even lifting a finger! I ended up with a very nice trim figure. From memory this is best I ever looked & felt.

    Then a sedentary job and complacency set in. And in 2000 I was a whopping 75kilos! Not good! But in 2001 I came to my senses & decided to do something about it. I went on a low carbohydrate diet not dissimilar to yours and lost 5 kilos in 5 weeks. The quick weight loss was just what I needed to motivate me. I then continued my weight loss regime by eating packaged food from well renowned Company. In approximately 12 months I lost 19 kilos.

    I maintained this weight for a number of years but in 2006 I became very ill with an autoimmune disease called Dermatomyoitis and if this wasn’t enough one of the side affects of one my medications gave me shingles. The pain was excruciating…and four years later the pain in my head still lingers on but is quite manageable. And true to form, once again the weight crept back on. I went up to a massive 86 kilos. Because of my illness, I have been on massive doses of steroids and am still on this medication but on a smaller dosage including other medications, which doesn’t help. And to make matters worse, I also acquired a sweet tooth! I tried to replicate my 2001 diet regime, but lacked the motivation and the tenacity…I lost just 4 kilos. Last year I decided to try again…and in four months I lost another 8.4 kilos. But my birthday cake was my downfall as my craving for sweet foods came back. And this is where I am right now…73.6 kilos (practically double my weight to when I first arrived in Australia).

    I started your BT diet on Monday. Geoff I need to take advantage on the assistance offered on your website because I need help! I find consuming 3-4 litres of water each day quite challenging because as a general rule, I never drank water! At the moment all I can manage is a maximum of 2 litres a day (I cant bring myself to drink water in the evening because I don’t want to keep waking up during the night). I have even added mint leaves & lemon to my water to make more palatable but as they say, practice makes perfect! I have made a concerted effort to stick to your diet, but unfortunately I succumbed to temptation when one of work colleagues bought me glass of wine on Thursday. What was I thinking! And although I have kept up with the six meals each day, so much protein has hindered my toiletry habits somewhat…The outcome of all of this is that my weight has hardly budged and I’m quite devastated…I’ve only lost a total of 400 grams. I can only attribute this to the fact I was already on a similar lo-carbohydrate diet.

    Geoff, as you can see I am well & truly in need of a “BOOST” to not only boost up my metabolism but also supply me with that much needed fibre to combat my other problem…

    Thanks again and congratulations on a great program



  53. Rob Says:

    Geoff, Boost is coming at the right time, I’ve lost weight but I have now plateau so this could be the kick I need. Well done

  54. Jenny A Says:

    I’ve been a BodyTrim member for 2 and a half years and have managed to keep off 15kg of the 17kg I originally lost.
    I would like to do better and re-loose that additional 2kg and a ‘Boost’ is just what I need to help achieve this goal.
    Bring it on!

  55. Dean Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    My wife has been following the Bodytrim program alongside myself but she is having difficulty breaking away from a plateau, I’m hoping that your Bodytrim Boost will help her achieve the ‘Boost’ she needs to continue her weight loss.

    • Judy Macaulay Says:

      Hi Geoff,
      I started Body Trim ealy last year and lost 10 Kg. I felt great and have maintained this wieght for 12 months. Unfortunately I still need to lose another 20 Kg and Body Trim Boost will be just what i need to get me back on track. I am struggling with my mind power and look forward to listnening to the CD to motivate and Boost my efforts. I love the Bodylicious Bars and find they are a great standby. I’m sure the Bodytrim Boost will be just as effective and can’t wait to try it.

  56. Deanna Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I was back ‘on the wagon’ after getting engaged at the start of this year and lost 6kg. Was walking and feeling great. Then I broke my toe 😦 This hindered my ability to walk and feel as good as I was. I would love to get bak on the wagon again and feel this will help “BOOST” me 🙂 I lost 13kg last year on BT and would love to lose more to look beautiful on my wedding day, or more so just to feel as happy and motivated as I did when I was following BT word for word. I’d really love this kick start, I think it is exactly what I need to fell emotionally, mentally and physically better 🙂

  57. Belinda Says:

    To be honest I have gone back to the 3 day protein only time as I was disheartened to learn that I hadn’t lost the 9kgs I thought I had lost because my scales were wrong. Pschologically this has stumped me and I thought why bother but I am trying hard to get my head back into the Bodytrim System and I believe loosing some much needed weight rapidly would help me to get back in that right frame of mind. Please, please help me! I need to be around to see my kids get old!


  58. Linda Ross Says:

    Hi, to Geoff and the BT Team i now have been following your system for nearly 3 year’s- i really wasn’t that overweight when i started as i also work in the fitness industry, cutting out some carbohydrate’s has made me feel alot more energetic, leaner, healthier and more strong and fit, i love walking my dog’s and i also run in the evening’s and ,keep up my cardio for fitness,purely for fitness i know that if i eat 3 meal’s and 3 protein snack’s i can get through my exercise as some day;s i do more exercise than other’s, i love your system and i also enjoy my shake’s which i consider my sweet treat to stay consistant — i would definitely enjoy a better boost with the shake’s as i know this would help keep up maintenance and motivation —– i am very active, although some day’s i do struggle mentally, as i am only human at the end of the day and fight with myself to stay on track.

  59. Amy Says:


    I have only just started on Bodytrim and after watching the amazingly motivational videos I was left with a smile on my face excited about the new journey for weight loss.
    I have tried many diets and am wanting a BOOST to help me on that journey to see fast results for the begining. I think it will give me the determination and hope and with hard work I am hoping to loose the weight I have gained over the past 5 years since I left school and finally feel confident and happy again.
    I would love to try BOOST.

  60. Lisa Says:

    I definitely need a BOOST! My Fit for Fifty quest was a good goal and I am fitter and have been ever so steadily loosing weight and increasing my fitness. I refuse to give up but it would be encouraging to get a BOOST! I seem to loose a 1 kg about every 3 months.

  61. Margaret Says:

    Geoff – you have “hit the nail on the head”. It is always the “mental side” that gets me everytime so if you can help with that then please you will have my full and undivided attention.

  62. LeighG Says:

    He Geoff, Can not wait to get my hands on Boost, I am sure by past experience it is Fantastic – Leigh

  63. Nita Says:

    Dear Geoff,
    I have been with you since the beginning. I have told so many people about your fantastic program. I lost 10kg and was feeling good, but I can’t seem to get under the 90kg. I feel like I am letting you down. After reading your email tonight I felt renewed strength. I strggle with positive self talk and am my own worst enemy. I am telling myself I will not let Geoff and myself down anymore. 70kg HERE I COME!

  64. Rose Says:

    Hi Geoff, wow how exciting to hear about Bodytrim Boost, I have been on BT since the start of Feb and so far have lost almost 7 kilo’s I feel fantastic and am delighted to be so much more comfortable not only in my clothes but in myself. I am turning 30 in July and my goal weight is 62kgs – I am about 7kgs off so I think Bodytrim Boost is just want I need to make it – what better birthday present? 🙂

  65. Sarah Voysey Says:

    I bought BT two years ago and lost ALL the weight I wanted to lose but then a holiday, visitors, Christmas and starting work all conspired against me to fall off “the wagon” and I’ve not been in the right mindset recently. But I think this is going to really help me! I needed a new angle, a new “BOOST” (!) to get me back on track so I can be body-beautiful again for a Vanuatu holiday in a few short months!

  66. michelle Bowen Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have given up as i can not loose my craving for sweet sugar foods no matter how many times i do the three days of protein i always fall of the wagon and eat sugar.I am your one failure.

  67. Ingrid Komar Says:

    Hi Geoff, after starting off losing weight with the 3 day detox, an illness sent me off track and I am struggling to get back on again. I am so overwhelmed at the moment with pain that I don’t seem to be able to make the right choices. I wake each morning thinking today I will start from the beginning but I am unable to get organised. I have put back the weight I lost. Boost sounds fantastic and could be the key for me.

    Thanks for all your supportive texts and emails.

  68. simone Says:

    Hi, I have been doing body trim for quite some time now and its fantastic..except i just cant get past the weight that i am now…i loose weight and get to this point and cant seem to budge my weight..i only need to loose another 5 or 6 kilos but i just cant seem to get there…boost sounds like just what i need to help me get rid of these last few kilos that just keep hanging on…cant wait to try it

  69. Deb Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    after years of trying unsuccessfully to battle my weight gain caused by an insulin resistance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, I have just over 1 week ago started on your bodytrim system. I am dangerously overweight, with my weight in KG’s almost equaling my height in CM’s. I have 2 young children, and feel like I have been waiting my whole life for something which is not just a quick fix, or a miracle pill. But what you have given the public and myself, is the miracle of a lifestyle change.

    In my first week on the program I have struggled through the 3 carb detox days, but once over the initial hurdle, I have found the food delicious, to the point where I am making extra to share with my friends at work because they are all wondering about my yummy lunches already. Although in the first week I have lost only 2.5 kg, I still believe this could work for me. I admit though that I am finding it hard with the protein only snack, I already feel like if I see another boiled egg I will scream, I need to lose this weight, and I need to lose it urgently, for for my family, for my children, but most of all for myself, I have never in my life been happy with the way I look, I have never had a moment where I thought “You know what, I look pretty”. I avoid going out, my son has never been to the beach, or the local swimming pool, because I am just too embarrassed to take him. He gets teased by other kids at school, all I want is to be happy with myself, and for my kids to be happy too. I know though, that I need help with this………. And by the sound of it Boost could be just the thing………. Please help me Geoff I want more than anything to succeed this time.


  70. Karen Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’ve had a go at Bodytrim a few times now over the last couple of years and since July last year I have lost 17kg (only fell off the wagon twice). But the last couple of weeks I have stayed the same weight and have been following bodytrim same as always. I love your other shakes and have them as my mid-morning snack every day and I have nearly run out. So trying a new shake would be great. I also have started a new job with longer hours and with the hubby and 3 children it is going to be a challenge. I know I need this boost to keep me going. I also have a goal to be around 60kg for my 40th Birthday in June this year (about 9kg to go). Hoping boost will get me over the line.
    Thanks for all your hard work, Karen.

  71. Blair Says:

    hi, geoff. i purchased bodytrim last year and stuck to it for 4months and lost 12kg’s i then fell off the wagon and haven’t been able to get motivated to get back on. i am currently heavier than ever before at just over 106kgs. my shirts are now getting a bit small for me and i’m a little conscious of myself when out in public! i need your help mate!

  72. Kerri Says:

    I started on Bodytrim Australia Day 2010 and lost over 16kg. I had a check up with my GP and all my bloods came back better than ever before, lower Cholesterol, lower blood pressure and no medications needed anymore. Xmas 2010 was when I began to endulge in my old bad habits. I put on 4kg in 3 months but have just gotten back in control and started with Bodytrim Plus. I know this system works and I know that BOOST will only improve my ability to keep the weight off. So many people ask what I did, I simply reply…..not much really, just BODYTRIM.

  73. Andrew Wall Says:

    Hello Geoff,
    I have just received your bodytrim package today 28/03/2011 & am very interested in the new Boost Shake as I am 48 yrs old & need to lose a massive 56 kg to reach my ideal weight for height ratio I have tried other weight loss programmes with minimal success thats why I decided to try Bodytrim as your success rate is unbelievable & hoping to be another success story for your programme

    Thank you

  74. Karen Whittaker Says:

    Hi Geoff! Just started two days ago and already feeling positive effects! I work full time and with your new Boost shakes I can see myself not struggling to get meals prepared and fit in the exercise in the few short hours I have to spare. Not forgetting time with family. I need to feel ‘fab’! You have already helped me to feel that in a few days! Many thanks!

  75. Karen R Says:

    Dear Geoff,
    I have just turned 39 yrs old, i have recently started your bodytrim program. I have found it hard to get started as i have been through alot over the last few weeks with a domestic violence matter . I would love to be one of the first to try the new Bodytrim Boost. I am weighing in at 146kgs and want to loose the weight to be there for my children and improve my health and as the saying goes start a new book especially with everything my daughters and I have been through the last few months


  76. holly franklin Says:

    I bought BT in March last year and lost 13kg in first 2 weeks, unfortunately I fell sick and also fell off the weightloss wagon. Due to health reasons I was extremely motivated to improve my health. I asked my Dr whether it was more important to quit smoking (40 per day)or lose weight. Quitting came first, having accomplished this and 7 months later I am now ready to tackle my next big step…the weight. With this new product I believe it will give me the added incentive to achieve and excel.

  77. James Wester Says:

    My wife bought bodytrim for me because my weight had become a serious health issue and she was sick of me applying my own rules to various other weight loss systems then wondering why they didnt work. When she saw me eating almonds she told me to spit them out. I asked why and she said she didn’t know, handed me the book and told me to read the reason-“it’s in there-follow it to the letter!!”
    She is also a former competitive bodybuilder and has encouraged me to disregard everything we thought we knew and follow bodytrim to the letter. I have lost over 15 kgs since starting on 23/11, and everyone s asking her if she s back in training, and she’s just following the eating plan with me.
    The protein shake is the last remnant of bodybuilding days we re hanging onto.
    We ve sourced the lowest carb one that doesnt taste too foul, but it comes in a box my wife could hide in.
    Im stoked with my results to date but have been considering other thermogenic aids. A specifically designed metabolic boosting shake-ahhhh just what I need!

  78. richard Says:

    hi geoff ,i paid all that money and couldn’t start because of heart bypass doctor said high protein diet was no good for me so i didn’t start may be this may be some thing i can try thanks rick

  79. Micaela Gough Says:

    I began my Bodytrim journey in April 2009 & by Christmas I had lost 42kg. I decided to enjoy my Christmas break & start back again in the new year of 2010 to lose the remaining 10kg. My plans went awry when I experienced medical problems that saw me in hospital twice & family health problems. I started & stopped so many times throughout 2010 & consequently the weight crept back on. 2011 is my Bodytrim year again – I have set a goal for my 10th wedding anniversary in Oct & my 40th b’day in Nov. I have lost 8.15kg since Feb & have 16kg to go. Please help me “Boost” my weightloss, my morale & my anniversary holiday. WHEN I reach my goal weight, I will be 18kg lighter than my Honeymoon weight. What a treat for my Husband (& me)!

  80. Trish Jones Says:

    Thamks Geoff,
    Once again you’ve rescued me! I would love to try the Bodytrim Boost,I’ve really lost my way of late and was wondering just what I could do to get back on track.Looking forward to my email!


  81. Sharon Says:

    boost me up Geoff, can’t wait to try the new boost!

  82. julie dupuy Says:

    Dear Geoff
    My husband and I started Bodytrim on 1st November. I have lost 13 kg and nearly at my goal weight. My husband gave up smoking last May after a lifetime of smoking. He put on 15kgs, he has lost 15.5kgs and can fit into his old clothes again, but has seemed to stand still. the odd gelati etc does not help. he really needs a boost to loose another 15kgs.
    everybody says how well we both look since losing weight and now my younger sister and her partner have stareted as well.
    She told me the other day how grateful she was and would not have done it without my encouragement. That was great to hear. you must be disciplined and follow the rules to the letter, especially the first 6 weeks and especially the no alcohol rule except your free day.
    Once again, thankyou, our lives are changed and I feel great.

  83. Melissa Zander Says:

    I have only 4kg’s to go and have hit a plateau. I have finally lost my cravings for carbs but that seems to have been replaced with a craving for all things sweet (which I never had before). I am hoping that the shake will shake that craving. Bring it on!!

  84. Jane Guarino Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Well this is just what I need A BIG Boost, I started Bodytrim., but stopped as Ididnt feel it was doing me any good. So after 10wks ( 6 holidays & lots of happy hours then 4 wks off work operation) few kgs on I need a BOOST along. Over the pased 3yrs I have gained 10kgs and wish for them to be gone. So I hope you can pleas help me.

  85. Michelle Venter Says:

    When I look in the mirror I look back in disbelief – how did I get to this point??? I have always been a steady weight but I think the years of crash dieting and hating me have eventually caught up. I am back on the bodytrim diet again (had success the last time but slipped off the rails once again) and am finding it a bit of a challenge with me doing night duty but I am sticking to my guns. I think this boost is just the thing to get me going and keeping me on track…I need all the motivation I can get. Well done for always trying to keep people interested and motivated.

  86. T Holst Says:

    Bodytrim works brilliantly for controlling my weight and the boost shake looks to make this potent system a piece of cake! Not the best analogy.

  87. Selena Says:

    Give it me! Yeah! No one is gonna stop me from losing this weight! Yeah! Boost is gonna help me….

  88. Steve Says:

    I have only been on Bodytrim for 3 weeks and my man boobs are disappearing, my beer belly has reduced and I am feeling so much better. Boost sounds fantastic. Would love to try it out for free if possible. Luving Bodytrim. It’s not a diet it’s a way of life for so many and now it’s my way of life. Thanks Heaps

  89. Kylie Says:

    Hi, I have been doing Bodytrim for a week. I lost 3 kilos in my first 3 days (after detoxing) which was great but even though I have followed the weight loss phase correctly I have not lost anymore. I thought I would at least have lost a little more after the first 3 days. However I am very happy that I have even lost 3 kilos as I was very skeptical to begin with. I think the Bodytrim Boost would help me as I am a fairly simple eater and do not eat a lot of variety of foods (very fussy) and I believe that having the Bodytrim Boost would add further variety to my snacks as I am starting to feel (already) that I am tiring of the same foods. I want to keep motivated so that I can lose the weight I need to lose. Kylie

  90. Karen Says:

    HI Geoff
    Bodytrim Boost sounds great. Can’t wait to try it.

  91. Michelle Srbinovski Says:

    Hi Guys,

    My daughter and I have both been on bodytrim and in the two months prior to Christmas we lost a combined total of 20kgs. Things seem to have slowed and since then we have found it really hard to get back into the swing of things again. We would really appreciate something that would help us get back into that “losing mindset” again now that life has really reignited with work and uni. Seriously looking forward to seeing what BOOST can do for us

  92. Lyn Delaney Says:

    Hi Geoff, I went on Body Trim last year and lost 14 Kilos I was the lowest weight that I have been in years and it felt so good. Since giving up smoking I have put 8 kilos back on. I would really love to try the new Bodytrim Boost so that I can get back on track with my weight lose as I don’t want it to creep up on me again. Thank you for all the motivation that you give me through your emails and the website. Looking forward to losing this weight again. Lyn Delaney

  93. Slavica Says:

    Boost me up Scotty (well Geoff actually). Can’t wait to try out your new fast track method of weight loss via boost shakes. Bring it on please!!

  94. Jeff Myers Says:

    My goal is to lose 25kg by Oct 11. I have an Army reunion to go to and want to show that I may have aged over the past 40yrs, but my body is still the same as when I was 16.
    If anyone can do it for me Bodytrim can.


  95. Dee Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I would love to try your boost program as I would love to get more weight of my legs especially I find it really difficult to get around sometimes with osteo and brittle bone in both legs, wih two small children it is hard to keep up but I think if I could get more weight of these knees I would be leaping ahead ha ha.

  96. Sharon Says:

    Hi Geoff!
    I started Bodytrim about a year ago and have found it to be a great program (losing 12kgs) and a couple of other friends have also used it with great results. During the first couple of months of this year, I put on about 7kgs due to emotional eating caused by the illness and subsequent passing of my Mum on the 7th February. I have gotten back on track again and am doing okay, but could sure do with an extra boost!

  97. Jean Says:

    Have fallen off the bandwagon and am about to restart the Bodytrim System. I made good progress towards my goals when I first did Bodytrim and Bodytrim Boost sounds like an excellent way to kickstart my program and achieve the results I want.


    HI Geoff

    I’ve been doing Bodytrim for 4 weeks now and after loosing 3.5 kilos the first week I’ve been too nervous to weigh myself, in case I haven’t lost the amount I hope, and then as a result loose the right “headspace” that I’m in! I’m also concerned because being “peri-menopausal” what used to work in the past is not so successful now. My husband has been doing Bodytrim with me and has lost 5 kilos. I just hope that your new boost won’t be too sweet and is it possible to mix fruit with it for a smoothie for brekky??

  99. Andrea Says:

    I lost 12 kgs the first time I did the bodytrim program, and have been able to maintain that loss through being more aware now of what is better for me to eat. I have been struggling with motivation to get on with it and lose another 12 kgs. A bodytrim boost is just what I need and look forward to trying it out!

  100. Michelle Says:

    I’m always completely amazed at the amazing ease with which you get what our “body” needs and wants and you make it into something as wonderful as BodyTrim … looking forward to Boost and also to trying the new Vitamins shake for the morning … Great work Geoff and team.

  101. Peter Says:

    Only a few kilos after so long – Bodytrim hasn’t done it for me so far. If Bodytrim Boost can deliver it would be fantastic. – persisting regardless.

  102. Stewart Lawson Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Sounds fantastic, can’t wait to use it. Bodytrim has truly worked for me, but I have plateaued, however, I’m sure that Body Boost will give me the kick start that I need to get back on track. Thank you.


  103. Robyn Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have just started body trim been on it for a week now and finding great results this is the only programme that I have tried that really works keep it up I think the bodytrim boost is a great idea as I find it hard to keep interested in staying on track and i am sure it is just the motivation I need to stick to the programme

  104. Julie Butts Says:

    Exactly what I’m looking for. You’ve done it again Geoff & team. Can’t wait.

  105. Julie Pritchard Says:

    I have been using Bodytrim now for 7 months and it’s the best program I have ever used. Working Nightshift I often find I hit a brick wall with only having a half hour break and trying to find a good meal to keep me going that’s quick and easy. So thats were the Bodytrim Boost would play a major roll for me as well speeding up my weightloss. I find it difficult to adjust going from shift work to days, your body clock goes out of order. So bring it on.

  106. nicol Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I’m starting bodytrim again after really falling off as I struggled to eat/prepare the protein serves while being a stay at home mum to my 2yr old, +get in the steps and look after him first and foremost…I got the protein shake a while ago but can’t really afford that regularly, I usually give up when I don’t get the protein in as I think it’s not going to work without following the plan however am very excited about the new boost one and am praying it will give me the boost to lose the 40kg I have to lose still…and hopefully it isn’t too expensive, although if it keeps me on track it will be worth it…thank you so much for continuing fighting for us and bringing us new products.


  107. Tina Goodwin Says:

    Well I am really happy with the results that I have had since the New Year, but now after two weeks on a travelling holiday, I need a boost to get me back to task so that I can lose the rest of the weight that I need to.

    Thanks a lot

  108. Niknak Says:

    I lost 18 kilos last year on Bodytrim in 6 months, I kept it all off until December, put 3 on & have lost 1 of those, but no matter what I do I’ve hit a plateau, even using my Bodytrim knowledge. I am either hungry or craving sweet things, which I didn’t do before.

    I have about 7 kilos to go to my target weight & going to the UK in July for my mum’s 80th birthday as a surpprise for her. It would be great being the weight I was when I left as a 20 year old in 1977.

    She has only seen me at my highest weight since then

    I love your protein shakes and will be trying your Boost shake. but a free month worth would be a fantastic bonus & extra motivation for me to succeed

  109. Karen Says:

    I don’t know if BOOST is going to be the miracle I need but I’m desperate to try something that works. I know Bodytrim works if you stick to it but I’m having trouble, lots of trouble. I had set myself a goal of 10kg by my 40th birthday 3 months ago. It’s now 2 months until my 40th and I’ve put on 2 kg. So now I have 12kg to lose by 20 May which is a little unrealistic.
    HELP ME!!!


  110. Jan Says:

    Dear Geoff
    I have been on bodtrim and have been very successful. But I had an accident ,fell over the garden with the secatuers in my left hand which severed my ulna nerve and artery. This was at the end of January I had to have mirco surgery on my hand to fix the nerves. Lucky I am right handed it will be 18 months until I will have the full use of my hand. Trying to remain positive is difficult at time especially since then I have put on 8 kilos yep nearly a kilo a week. No gardening or walking the dogs since the accident.
    I know I am using food and alcohol to get through this. If I could get my weight back on track I feel I would have my confidence to keep going with my hand rehab.
    I would so love a BOOST right now Geoff., to get me off this downhill spiral.



  111. KerryS Says:

    I would love to have something to help me get back on track.
    I lost 5kg and now it has seem to paused for quite a few months.
    Maybe this would help???
    Thanks Kerry

  112. Linda Lonick Says:

    This could be just what I need to get me back on track. The weight has been creeping back on again. My brother passed away last year and the grief I felt left me quite depressed and of course I turned to food again. I had lost 8 kilos and lots of inches 12 months before and now feel like a failure. Hopefully this will be the tool that gets me back where I should be. Thanks Geoff.

  113. Debra Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Thank you for working so tirelessly to keep coming up with new motivational aids and products to help us on our Bodytrim way.
    I first signed up for Bodytrim in 2008 and lost a good deal of weight and inches (so impressed). I never did get to my goal weight though, mainly, I believe because of my own ‘blocks’ I seem to put up when ever I am going really well. So here I am some 2 1/2 years later, still weighing in less than I did when I first started this journey and still believing quite strongly in Bodytrim. It is still the easiest and quickest way to motivate yourself in to losing weight I have found.
    I own a B&B and also work outside of our business, so essentially my husband and I work long hard hours seven days a week. Sometimes, I am surrounded by food that I have prepared, other times I am up getting breakfast for guests in the early hours of the morning and most times find that I have been awake for several hours long before I put the first morsel of food in my mouth. So not the Bodytrim way!!
    Several months ago, my husband gave up smoking and replaced the cigarettes with food – lots of food. I naturally went out in sympathy with him, not wanting him to quit giving up smoking and packed on 4 kilos in a matter of two months! We are now both on Bodytrim and given our busy lives I know that Boost is going to give us both the boost we need to shift that weight. Bring on 12 noon on Wednesday!!!!

  114. Rose Says:

    Hi Geoff & Bodytrim Team,
    I would LOVE 2 win a month’s supply of BODYTRIM BOOST. I started out with a huge bang for 2011 ……then discouragement set in and all came to a halt! Now I am so invigorated as ever to make 2011 my year of success. I have a GOAL to rejoin the work force Jan 2012 – thats when my grandson goes to daycare. I’ve been out of shape for too long and now I’m all geared up to get back in there. And knowing that theres a new way of getting RAPID RESULTS gives me even more incentive to make my goal a reality. I need this BOOST Geoff …… let me be lucky winner no.1 yeeehaaaaa

  115. Stephen Yates Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have now been using Body Trim for 7 weeks and have lost 10 Kilos so far, I am wanting to lose another 5 kilos and have no doubts that I will achieve it. Some weeks the weight lose slows down but as long as I am losing I am very happy. My wife has lost 5 kilos,(she is a lot smaller than me ) and is also very happy. We have found the Body Trim system very easy to stick too. Best thing we have done. Steve

  116. mel Says:

    Hi Geoff, thank you for your fabulous program. I have lost 15kg so far and really proud of my efforts. I have another 10kg to lose and would love to rev up my progress with your new boost shakes. What a great idea as sometimes it is really hard to stick to the protein only snacks and when life goes pear shaped its hard to stay organised with the right meals. I Have my cousin’s wedding in four weeks and have a bought a dress to wear and it’s hanging on my wardrobe door to help motivate me to stay on track and blow my family away with my great new body!! I would love the boost shakes to continue down this new path in my life. Thanks for a great program and support system for my new life style.

  117. Karen Paull Says:

    Love body trim been doing it for over a year lost 13kg and kept weight off but after holidaying in Christchurch over xmas with family ive gotten out of my routine and finding it hard to get back into it Boost sounds great an i’m eager to give it a go as i have done with most of the other BT products which i love I tell all my friends this is the easiest diet they will ever try and i’ve tried many great work BT xxx Karen

  118. Judy Hapeta Says:

    I would love to try new Bodytrim Boost. I have been on the program for 3 weeks and have probably lost 1 kg.
    I have had an operation on my foot where walking is an issue at the moment so can’t acheive the required 10,000 steps that I was doing before the operation.
    I have just been away for 4 days so am back on the 3 day carb detox. I will be weighing myself at the beginning to see if I can loose the 6kg you say you can because I have seen nothing like that in my results. In fact I am really disappointed. I have followed everything that has been said. I have lsitened to and watched all the DVD’s and CD”s and read your book.
    I so would love a helping hand to get there quicker as I have 60+ kilos to lose.
    I would love to be one of the first people to try the new Bodytrim Boost and have it work for them


  119. Donna Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I’m just about to start BT so if boost could make my start go off with a bang that would be great

  120. Robyn Says:

    Bodytrim Boost is what I need
    To bust through the plateau & finally succeed!
    Feel fuller for longer & get rid of the cravings
    Maybe it’ll stop my rantings & ravings!
    And wouldn’t you know it, the launch is on Wednesday,
    When I’m helping at school for Grandparents Day!
    I hope I don’t miss out, Boost is what I need
    I’m down on my knees – I’m starting to plead!
    Please let me get some, it would make me so happy
    To lose that extra weight & stop being a fatty!!!


  121. Karen Szekeres Says:

    Hi Geoff. I had a baby almost 10 months ago puting on 8.5kgs. I managed to lose 9kgs on my own in the 6-7mths after birth, but was still obese. I ordered the bodytrim+ program because I wanted to be a fitter mother (I have 4 children now and want to be more active with them). Since commencing, I have enjoyed losing 10.5kgs in the past 3mths. The last couple of weeks I have struggled, but I’m determined to get back on track and achieve my goal. I will lose these final 5kgs. I have been singing the praises of your program to family and friends – anyone who asks me how I’m losing the weight. Thanks Geoff and your team. xxx

  122. Janet Hayes Says:

    Geoff thank you I have lost 11/2 stone since starting on your diet, only have another 1/2 stone to go but have plateaued and the last amount is the hardest! Am looking forward to Body trim boost to help me loose the rest.

  123. Leisa Says:

    I have just signed up for the BodyTrim Plus program and awaiting it’s delivery. I am almost hitting 100 kg and what a difference it would make to me not only emotionally, mentally and physicallyif I also got that extra boost from a months FREE supply.

    This is needs to be lifestyle change for me and I would love to be movitated especially in the first month of the program.

    Help me! Give me the kick start to change my life forever and be the person I truly am inside of all this!

  124. Marie B Says:

    Dear Geoff, I need some more motivation and Boost sounds just what I need. I am disabled and cannot exercise much but have lost so much with BodyTrim all my family tell me to keep up the good work that I lookd great. However I see in the mirror there is a need to lose a lot more and look forward to some more help from a great programme.

  125. Anabella Says:


    I got the bodytrim program free trial for my daughter who is overweight,
    she followed all the instructions and with the three days detox she managed to loose 2.4 Kg she was very happy but after that in the following 3 weeks she lost nothing, we are very dissapointed with the program as she followed everything to the letter.
    Thank you,

  126. Berrie Says:

    I would love the opportunity of trying Bodytrim Boost – I’ve reached a plateau and I need a kickstart (or a kick in the butt!) to get the weight moving again! I’m always hungry, and I think that Boost might fix that problem!

  127. Nola Pearce Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I dont know what it is but you seem to be able to hone in on my weight problem. Yes I have fallen off the wagon it is a losing battle for me I am terribly uncomfortable with my weight I am about 25kgs overweight. My son is getting married in four weeks and I would like to feel good on the day and I have lost the plot. When I read about feeling good in four weeks I could not believe it . it is almost like you know me and my problem. Weight has slowly been going on over the last 10 years I am in my 60’s and there are a lot of women in the same boat. All of my friends have the same problem and we have tried everything believe me and nothing has worked.. I am desperate for help I need motivation and I need to get my head in the right space. I would like to thank you very much for your email….Its like someone cares..Thanks Nola

  128. Lynn Says:

    I lost my husband very suddenly 10 months ago, and have been on a roller coaster of comfort eating since.
    It is now time to look after ME, and a ‘BOOST’ like this would certainly get me going and motivated.I need to regain my own health and start to feel good about ME again, after all the pain these past months.
    I don’t eat properly or nutriciously, so need all the help I can get!

  129. Kay Griffiths Says:

    I have just started on your program and it would enable me to boost my weight loss efforts.

  130. Amanda Says:

    Hey Geoff!

    Have just heard about the new Bodytrim Boost, and i’m excited!! Am a long time user of bodytrim and have been on a plateau for sooo long… I think this might just be the thing to get me to my goal at last – thank goodness!! Being unable to move forward is really disheartening and makes you feel like there isnt going to be an end. But if this is as good as it sounds, then I definately cant wait! Thanks!! 🙂

  131. rebecca bick Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I would firstly like to thankyou for inspiring me to change my life with your emotional tips and strategies in bodytrim that make me want to be a better me!
    Having given birth to my second son and being on antidepressants for five years due to panic attacks and quitting smoking my metabolism and self esteem have both taken a battering and i would so appreciate the chance to try the new boost. Thankyou again, Bec.

  132. allyson close Says:

    Hi, I loved bt but unfortuanletly i had to return the system when the floods hit because we needed the money. We live in the lockyer valley and lost our cars and half the house and the insurance refused to pay out. I feel i have lost myself since the floods and would love the convienience of a shake. I need to do something to make myself feel like a person again. I want to be able to have something focus on thats just for me.

  133. Peter Says:

    Ive followed Bodytrim and have lost 20kgs im not the same person i feel sooo good and its all in the eating, change the diet it really does work I go to the gym once sometimes twice a week i would love to try the body boost as im on the go from 4am till 5.30pm and really feel i need the….. boost I have now reached a plato and have been at 85 kgs for 8 months now and feel that body boost could be a trigger to reaching my goal of 80kgs Thankyou Chris for your program and continued support
    Kindness and Regards
    Peter Scott

  134. Judy Says:

    I have been with Bodytrim from practically its inception. Loved the 3 minutes meals that were produced and wish with all my heart they would return. It made life so much easier and something to look forward to at night. Then I tried the Trim Shakes and they get me through the day. I am now very excited about the Bodytrim Boost and look forward to try that. I have recommended Bodytrim to every Tom Dick and Harry I come across and keep coming back to it every time I “fall off the wagon” because it actually makes me feel good. That promise of a feeling of “well-being” is a simple truth.

  135. Christine Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I must admit, I am one of those who have no motivation!!
    I DO want to loose weight but the thought of buying special items or doing heaps of exersice really gets me down before I even start!!
    I have been following/reading all the emails you send me but have yet to take the plunge and start! I really need a good kick!!!

    So i was hoping that although I havent yet bought any of your products that I could sample what you have e.g. ‘boost’ (or any other product for that matter!) and see the proof that it does work.

    I am a mum of 7 children and have very little energy. I have been to the doc. and am on thyroid tablets which have helped some but i am still lacking the desire to just get up and do something!!


  136. Mark Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    have been doing the BT+ Program for 4 weeks and have lost 8 kgs. At 195cm weighing 108 kgs i did not look overweight but knew there was something wrong when my I had to keep adjusting my belt to a larger size. Also my shirts were a little uncomfortable around the chest. I have never felt hungry on the program, are amazed that I eat 6 times a day and have had to BUY a smaller belt. I must confess that in the last 3-4 days I have been craving sweet things. This might be normal but a Boost might be the ticket to get me to my goal weight of 95 kgs. Just cant believe its not a diet but a way eating sensibly and enjoying life…and can’t believe how much more energy I have !

  137. Kate Ahern Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been doing Bodytrim now for what seems like forever. Initially, I lost 6 of the 10 or so kgs I wanted to lose but then everything stagnated. Family matters including my son having spinal surgery (aged 9 – what a brave young man) has led to alot of comfort eating and drinking – my emotional crutch if you like. My exercise routine has gone out of the window too since I have to be available to him 24/7. I tried to give up the booze and put on 2kg in 3 days (not much motivation there!) but have spent alot of hours recently re-reading all the Bodytrim newsletters trying to “boost” myself. Rapid results from your new product would really help matters – I am hoping that my little hero will soon be able to be back to his independent self so maybe I will have some me time to fix myself.
    Thank you so far for all the help you have given me. You are quite an inspiration.

    Regards Kate

  138. Lara Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been on the body trim system before I had a baby,and now I’m ready to loose all that baby fat. This week,i rejoined the gym,and restarted on the body trim system. I have set a 16 kg goal to loose.
    I really would like to achieve this before I turn 40,so Im not fat and 40.
    I would love the” Boost” to help me get there. Please “boost” my weight loss with this fab sounding new product,so I stay on track and keep motivated:)
    Cheers, Lara

  139. Cathy H Says:

    Well, today I have started the BodyTrim system for the umpteenth time, not because the system doesn’t work, but because I don’t have the confidence and belief in myself to lose the 20+ kilos I need to. The psychology support will definitely be welcomed! Thanks Geoff for your enthusiasm and encouragement – you are amazing!!

  140. Rebecca Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I am really excited to hear about and try the new Bodytrim BOOST. I started Body trim last year when at the time i was first pregnant with my second child and was amazed at the results. As my pregnancy went on i used your principles to help me minimise my weight gain and was really happy with how i went. Now that i have had the baby i found it easy to get back into the weight loss following your principals and am enjoying the journey. I do find that those days that sleep deprivation kicks in its harder to stick to the plan and have fallen of the wagon a few times but once i get back on i am proud of the results i achieve. I have found that i have plateaued a bit of late and think the BOOST will really help me get closer to my goal weight quicker and give me an extra bit of variety to my diet along with helping me to say goodbye to my chocolate and cake craving demons for good so i can live a long, healthy and happy life with my two beautiful kids and teach them how to stay healthy.


  141. Mary Jane Beach Says:

    I have not tried your boost in the past, have just started your program this month, got off to a bit of a rocky start, given incorrect info about diabetes and your program, is boost suitable for diabetics?
    I am thinking about trying some of your products.

  142. Leanne Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I have been on Body Trim for 7 weeks now and am finding it refreshing to loose weight without having to bust my butt having to go to gyms etc. My weight has zig zagged up and down over the last 14 years and feel that I have found the right system for me. I feel that the new Body Trim Boost will be of benefit to assist in greater weight loss and therefore achieve your goals sooner….making alot of people very happy. I would love the opportunity to try this new product and get even better results.

  143. Ange Says:

    Hi BT team,
    I was a former “successful” Body Trimmer, up until 2 years ago, which i am very sad to say, i have put back on the weight i lost, and then some. I have given myself a gazillion different excuses, tomorrow, after this function etc etc etc. After successfully getting myself and 2 children through the trauma and post trauma of Black Saturday, i am stronger and ready to get the incredible energetic me back.
    Body Trim Boost is just what i need to kick start my way to freedom with rapid results and i am well and truly ready to kick my weights big juicy bum into oblivion.
    Keep up the great work

  144. michelle Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I think the new Bodytrim Boost would be the perfect opportunity to get my motivation back. I was on Bodytrim last year(and might I say doing really well) but somehow I managed to fall back into the same old body and soul destroying pattern of comfort eating wheneverI felt depressed or lacked self confidence.
    Something was said at home the other day, my 14 year old daughter said I’m not going to “turn” out like mum when I grow up.
    Unfortunately I said probably the worst thing I could say to an already body conscious teenager, “Sorry honey, but this is your future! My mum is like it, and her mum is too and so on!!
    I felt terrible after I said it and knew it was the wrong response, but I’ve just become so snappy and irritable when someone mentions my weight. I know it’s my fault I am the way I am, and that my daughter doesn’t have to and hopefully won’t fall into the same bad habits that I did as a child.
    I think for her to see me being motivated and positive again would be the best thing that could possibly happen, and I know with the help of Bodytrim Boost this would become a reality!


    • Linda Forsman Says:

      Yes, Michelle, I know how you feel….I Lost 16kgs for my daughter’s wedding………….then BOOM..! not body boost…was body boom.
      5kgs in 4 weeks.
      I have been shoving everything i can find in my mouth…….including great quantities of wine and nibbles…I think it’s BECAUSE of the food, that i’ve been snappy and irritable. I’m sick of canned fish and chicken, really over boiled eggs..and all the protein shakes i have available are either really expensive, or have heaps of carbs in them.
      Because my husband is doing BT as well, i feel like i’ve become his dietitian and my life is revolving around what snacks we have etc….BT Boost would really, really, be a BOOST.

  145. Amanda Hall Says:

    Looking forward to the new bodytrim boost. I have been following the program and not seeing much movement even though i am doing the steps and 6 meals a day. My husband loses the weight so easily. it would be great to get some additional options to help boost me achieving results.

  146. JOY Says:


  147. Teena Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I am currently following your Body Sculpt program, as I am entering my first model-fitness competition this year. I use your delicious protein shakes for some of my protein snacks. I would love to try your Bodytrim Boost to help me with my fitness goals. I would love to achieve more results sooner. To make sure I get my body ready in time for the competition. Yes I would like Bodytrim Boost to give me a kick through my plateaus.

  148. Renee Says:

    After 3 babies and a lifetime of being physically unhappy, I read about Bodytrim and started it today! I have tried unsuccessfully to get my husband – a GP – on board but hope that if I can achieve great results that he will be convinced.
    I am not obese so my goals are not extreme. It’s about 10 kgs and I will feel like a new person. I would love anything that will help me get there for once and for all.

  149. Bernadette Kime Says:

    G’day Geoff,
    I’m so excited about your new concept, i’ve lost 30kg & would still love to loose another 10kg, i’ve really come to a major plateau & no matter how hard I work it’s just not coming off. I believe Bodytrim Boost is the answer to my problem, i have bought every possible release & believe it’s about time i received a consolation for that, but no matter what I’m already on the early bird list. Love your work Geoff, keep the encouragement up.

  150. Chrissy Joanni Says:

    Hey Geoff,

    Kids at school keep teasing a girl because she is chubby. One day she gets fed up so she says, “I’m fat but you’re ugly. I can turn skinny in a month or two, but in a month or two, you’ll still be ugly!………..

    That was me months and months and years ago…..and I’m still trying and desperate to lose weight and have a normal life! In fact to reach my target weight, I actually have to halve my current body weight! I’m two weeks in to your body trim system and this is my last chance. I’m a new mum and am getting married in one year. I don’t wanna be a fat elephant bride! After a lifetime of trying to lose weight your bodytrim system is my last resource! Hopefully BOOST will gimme the BOOST I need to finally reach my goal! I can’t wait. Thanks for all your support Geoff!


  151. Mary Says:

    Hi Jeff

    I tried BT early last year, and lost around 8kg in 4 months. Then I went back to my normal eating habits and have put on 13kgs. I’m now heavier than I’ve ever been before, although I’ve made a few attempts to get back on the BT wagon. I really feel as if I need a “Boost” to get me back on track now – I really need to lose the extra kgs to take the pressure off a painful back issue that’s getting worse by the day.


  152. Jocelyn Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    My husband and I have been on the program now for 6 weeks. We have averaged about a kilo per week – not the 5 kilos (average in first week) as advertised. We are trying to keep ourselves motivated but are finding it a bit hard at the moment. Any Boost would be great.

  153. syd wolski Says:

    i;m afraid i got bored with eggs and cold chicken and meats i found 10.000 steps difficult to do daily and after four weeks the results were dissapointing i followed the plan as per instructions even bought the bars so i think i gave it a good shot for little result syd.

  154. Kathleen Says:

    G’day Geoff,
    I have been going to the Gym for 6 months working hard and eating “right” with very mininum results. I have now started the Body Trim journey as others simply just don’t work or result in first month or two and then I plateau. I have my sisters wedding and husbands 40th and really want to achieve some dramatic result so I don’t go through the “what to wear” depression when that date gets here end of May and then June. Please Help I still have 15-20kg’s to go.
    Thank you for your program!
    : ) Kath

  155. Lisa Says:

    I’m a Bodytrim Shake junkie now, so Im very excited to read about Bodytrim Boost – bring on March 30th I say, cannot wait!

  156. Anne Says:

    I am slowly regaining much of what I lost last year, despite my commitment to the programme – would like assistnce in starting the stedy losing pattern I had last year

  157. MICHELLE Says:

    Hi BodyTrim Team,
    I began my BT adventure on the 7th March 2011.
    Coincidentally my son’s 9th birthday, a great day for an “overhaul” anniversary I figured.
    I consider myself as your average working mum with 2 boys, they keep me busy with their sports and school commitments, but my “me” time had slipped away.
    I started the bad habits of skipping meals, eating snacks at 3.30 pm and then piling the plate at dinnertime cause I was starving, I even managed to stuff in desert.
    On the 1st August 2010, I gave up smoking and because I was good, thought that I could give myself rewards!!
    By March 2011, the total of all my extras and shameful eating plans had added up to 8kg.
    While that may not seem like too much, my job requires me to be fit and able to keep up.
    So here I am!
    My new adventure…well it has been a slow moving one so far, but I understand my metabolism has had some decent punishment over the years, it is something that I have really abused.

    I will put my hand up for some extra help here and I am hoping the Bodytrim Boost can give me that.

    Now back to my 10,000 steps……..

  158. John James Says:

    Hi all,
    I need a boost to get me going again,Hope this works.

  159. Tania Toffolon Says:

    With body trim boost it would help u achieve you results faster……so then ideal weight would be close at hand…..i’m on my 7 th week and love the program….

  160. Jodie Says:

    I am currently trying to loose more weight for my up coming job. i have always had a struggle with my weight since i was a teen but now on your program its helped a little.
    As i will be living away from my home without my family for eight months it will be very hard to maintain my weight loss.
    I feel I would be a great person to trial your new bodytrim boost and it will give me the motivation to loose weight and focus on my New Job with the Police Force.
    Cheers Jodie

  161. Trish McQuade Says:

    Hi Team,

    Bodytrim Boost would not only help us achieve RAPID RESULTS, but would put us on the path of a HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LIFESTYLE!


  162. Joyce Downes Says:

    Dear Geoff,
    I am a 57y.o. 112 kg blob. I have used your BT 1 program in the past to lose 8kg (was 120kg) and have remained the same ever since. I bought a product through IGEA life sciences called Super Slim which I was hoping would give me an extra boost. The product makes me feel well and has helped greatly with regularity but I do not feel full after taking it and have had no weight loss. After reading all the blogs why is everyone including me falling off the wagon or losing weight so slowly that they lose the drive and will? I have been listening to hypnosis CD’s (not yours) and still no luck. Personally, I think we all suffer from a mental disorder or blockage that allows us sometimes to lose weight but then reinforces the need to be fat and we then yo-yo. I have bought many products (at great expense) to combat my problem and think that deep down that is a contributing factor to the mental blockage. Subconciously, you think you have failed with other expensive products and programs and you hope a new one will help, so you try it. BUT your brain tells you “you are spending and spending and for what, you know you are bound to fail” and this gets re-inforced every time you try. Maybe this aspect of heavy cost should be addressed. I have noticed that many of your clients have bought BT1, then Bodysculpt, then the shakes and bars to enable them to remain compliant and still they fall off the wagon. So what is the core problem? Is it laziness, money, motivation? You seem to have addressed motivation. Everybody desperately wants to lose the weight they have piled on and you try to motivate them more, some even know they may die without losing the weight so what is blocking such a great need? I know you are doing your best by bringing out new things to help but I still feel the core hasn’t been addressed. It must be laziness or money, and nobody will willingly admit to being lazy although I have been at times. The blogs I have read so far are depressing as more people have fallen off the wagon (time and time again) than the lucky ones who have managed to bust through their blockage. I would like to try again with the new Boost but am afraid to do so in case I fail again and set myself up for further problems. I live in hope that your research will help all those who are left behind.
    Regards Joyce

  163. Louise Says:

    I have lost 19 kilos and would love to loose another 5 kilos. For the first time in my life I have been able to maintain the weight I have already lost, and I love my new body, but I could do with a BOOST to loose the rest.

  164. Jacqui Says:

    Hi Geoff while I really like the idea of the BodyTrim Boost what has got me most intrigued is the Boost Blueprint and the motivational CD. Too many people forget about how powerful the mind is. I am keen to get my weightloss back on track and get my mind in on the action too. I can see nothing but good coming from this. Cheers Jac

  165. Kim Anderson Says:

    hi Geoff,
    I could do with some extra help please. I started on the Body Trim system last year, lost 6 kilos, but have now put 9 on. That leaves me 3 kilo’s heavier then when I started. Please help, as I have pretty tight financial constraints, so any and all help would be appreciated. I could really use the BOOST!! I feel so depressed from carrying the extra weight.

  166. Chris Oldham Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I started using BT in late June last year and have lost nearly 60kg. I feel great and I can’t thank you enough. I am tranisitoning to the weight maintenance phase and am looking forward to incorporating your new product into my regime.

    I bought BT+ for my wife who has just finished with breast feeding returned to work after 12 month maternity leave. She has made a brave start and looks great but is finding the going a bit tough at times and I think the alternative offered with your new product will give her the range and flexibility for when the days get long and she craves an afternoon sugar injection which she got used to whilst being at home all day with the bub.

    We are both big advocates of the system, it has shown us that we can have the executive lifestyle and remain healthy/loose weight so we can enjoy every spare moment with our baby – I certainly couldn’t have done it all 60kg ago. I just wish I had a dollar for everytime my wife and I wrote your website down on a post it note – that way we could update our wardrodes with much smaller clothes, quicker :-).

    Thank you again, congratulations on what I’m sure is another great product in your range and I look forward to continuing to spread the BT word.

    Kind Regards,

    Chris Oldham

  167. Cathy Says:

    Hi i started the program last year and went really well with it but moved to New Zealand and stopped using the program as i was with family that i havent seen in a long time so eating food that i should not have been and gained some weight back but looked in the mirror the other day and did not like what i saw so have decided to start back on the programe again and gain control of my life.

  168. Monique Says:

    I could do with a boost bodytrim team 🙂


  169. Ash raabe Says:

    I purchased bodytrim over a year ago and lost about 15 kilos which was enough for me to fall pregnant. Or so I thought. I lost my baby 3 weeks ago and right now its hard to be positive. The future looks dark and I don’t know how to start again

  170. Jodee Sinclair Says:

    Dear Geoff,

    Well I have started reading your bodytrim + program and I can see the benefits of it but I have yet to work out how to apply it to my busy life with a new born baby but Il get there, but having something to help me be movtivated and keep on track before I start would be a great help. But by reading the emails I can see many more people are more in need then me so I will wait to see how much it is.
    Thanks Jodee

  171. Jenny Says:

    Hi Geoff

    Really looking forward to trying the boost. I have been a member for 12months now. Find your emails,newsletters and texting great morale boosters I have maintained my 14kilo loss for most of the year but feel another 6 kilos would be my ideal wieght so a boost is just what I need now. Hoping to here from you.

  172. Ruth Clark Says:

    I’d love to win that 6 months free supply of Boost. I am just back on the wagon and need a Boost!

  173. Cheryl Topsfield Says:

    Well Geoff, it sounds like you have done it again, another product to help us on the way because you know that we have a very weak nature in that we cannot stick to a routine to get the desired results we want. We want it and we want it now but don’t want to do the work to achieve it, so I am glad that you are continuing to work on how to help us overcome our short comings in weight loss. Can’t ‘weight’ to try the new Bodytrim Boost, maybe this is finally the product that will help me overcome my weighty problems “the easy way”.

  174. Danute Carter Says:

    Im still struggling to loose any weight , I bought you meals and after eating them for a week I found them to be very unappertizing “sorry”. When I first joined, you said you werent like other weight lose industries, asking for money for this and that. But you have done exactly that, if not more. You have had a lot of success with some people, but so have other weight loss programs. I just wished Body Trim had worked for me. I think Im just a real failure. Thankyou anyway.

  175. Donna Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I am excited about Bodytrim BOOST as I have achieved so much with BT but still have that last and most important part to go. I started BT just over a year ago and have lost 23kg. I feel fantastic and am totally committed to the program, but have experienced a plateau over the last few months and am finding it hard to to my goal of losing 30kg. I don’t feel like I am doing anything any different, but Bodytrim BOOST sounds just like what I need to help me get past this point. I would really love to have the chance to try it and see if it is as good as you say!

  176. Judy Dunne Says:

    Wow Geoff – I’ve just read your email telling us of the bonuses that you are also going to give us. I thought Boost sounded fantastic and just what I needed but this whole package it JUST RIGHT for me.

    I have started on Body Trim, done well, faltered and stopped so many times over the last 3 years it is not funny. So many things have contributed to this but probably the biggy is the additional help to keep motivated and keep the hunger pangs at bay. I can see that your whole package is going to answer the final problems I encounter. Because I live a packed life to have the blue print is going to be SO good – I can get back into it without having to spend time to “think” what to plan as you will have done all that for me. I love the thought of it all being laid out for me with the additional help of Boost.

    I can’t wait.

    I feel excited now about starting again and the timing couldn’t be better as I get back home from holidays next week 🙂

  177. Donna Says:

    Dear Geoff,
    I am soooooo ready for your BOOST tools.
    I have struggled over the past year to keep a positive outlook about my health and as a direct result, my weight. I suffer from a skin condition in very sensitive parts of my body that makes it difficult to walk. Being on the BodyTrim program on and off over 12mths my weight has see-sawed. Needless to say, I feel so frustrated at being stuck in this Catch 22 situation that I am so looking forward to your motivation CD especially…I need a mental hand!

  178. david prosser Says:

    Hey there Geoff,
    thanks for the heads up and the message. I started BT in February and must admitt I fell off track for about a week but am back on track now. I certainly need a “BOOST”and would be greatful for any further help and advise. Thank you Geoff BT is really good for me.
    All the best,

  179. morte Says:

    I’ve been trying for a long while to shift my weight … BT works, but seems to need *something* more to help me stick to it. This may just be the ‘boost’ I need to stop me feeling hungry so I don’t over-snack, aren’t as tempted to ‘cheat’ and binge.

  180. Leza ONeill Says:

    This is what a need the boost to get on track and stay on track…. Have gained over 12 kilos since losing 18 over a year and a half ago. Cant seem to stay on track and get the weight back off. Nothing fits in the closet but refuse to go shopping until they fit again. I want to have at least 10kilos gone by the 19th May. If you give me this opportunity and have some faith in me I will sit the challenge and will finally achieve the result once and for all………….BRING IT ON!!!

  181. Jean Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I am looking forward to trying Boost as it will help me to get motivated again as its easy to slip back into your old habits.
    After taking medison for breast cancer and have high colesterol I am not allowed to eat eggs or cheese etc and its hart to find an alternative
    that you enjoy.

  182. dianne dow Says:

    boost would give me a boost taking large quantities of prednisone has played havoc with my weight and mind set. i also had problems with some of the bodytrim meals esp the greek lamb – 2 tablespoons of fat and gristle in each of the sachets I have tried.

  183. Jean Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I am looking forward to trying Boost to get me motivated again, its easy to slip back into your old habits
    Due to high colesteral & taking medication for breast cancer I miss eating eggs & cheese as they are so easy to prepare and quick. So its sometimes hard to find a subistute that you enjoy. So I think Boost will be great.


  184. Margaret Osborn Says:

    Hi Geoff and Bodytrim team,

    firstly, I woud like to to thank you for your dedication to the entire body trim family with your ongoing support, tips,positivity, and marvellous products. I started my weighty loss journey at the beginning of last year, and was struggling with the yoyo effect. My son introduced me to body trim in September, and I then started to power ahead. I have lost twenty one and a half kilo’s all up, at least 15k’s since commencing body trim. I have gone from size 16 jeans to size eight. I am now however loosing my way, and starting to pile weight back on. I am through circumstances beyond my control, away from home,helping my daughter and Son in law in Sydney. I have only enjoyed a fortnight at home since December. My kids are shift workers, and work gruelling shifts of 7am-7pm, and nights of 7pm-7am. Take-away food if a huge part of thier diet due to time, and energy, as are many sweet sugar filled treats, such as cheese cakes, bavarians, mice creams, etc.(all of which I love). I have also been cooking meals to help, however because they are not yet ready to take on all of the body trim regime, they need potatoes, rice, carrots, peas, etc to be included with their meals. Again, these are all things that I love. I now find it easier to include all of these ingredients on my plate at meal time, rether than be talked into into it when I say no.

    I am not even geting my steps in most days, as I am minding animalsand keeeping them quiet while the kids try to sleep before a night shift, or awaiting workmen who are conducting renovations of the home they have recently purchased.

    I am really in need of a boost to get me back on track, and also to show by example, that bodytrim really works, and achieve two more recruits to your program. I am also keen to try bodytrim boost, as I am finding that the normal shakes are not keepiing me satisfied. I am frequently starving again in less than an hour. I frequently use an extra half a scoop of protein powder to try and alleviate this problem, and therefore go through my supply much quicker than I should. I am 58 years old, on an invalid pension, and suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, acute depression, and panic anxiety. Ihave come so far since commencing body trim, and have been handling my health problems so well that they have been begining to take a back seat, rather than control of my life.
    I have been slipping, and without a boost, am frightened of the downward spiral, and all thart I could lose.

  185. Debb Says:

    I have used the BT system before and went from a 16 – 12. – Great results! Now after the birth of my son I’m back to 16+. I’m tired all the time, and don’t have energy to much around with my son, I’m out of breathe, and my blood pressure is sky high. I work full time and find it difficult to make separate dinners for the family, beside the fact I’m exhausted by the time I get home. So I end up getting pizza or something else. I need a kick in the pants and this shake may be just the “BOOST” I need! :o)

  186. Julie Says:

    Hi Geoff and team

    I really need a boost. With my daughter very ill for nearly 2 years and in hospital since August last year it has been very difficult to get past my plateau. I think I have done very well not to have resorted to food for comfort…too much and not really gaining much weight. However, I really need help in getting the last 6 or so kilos off. I think the BodyTrim and BodySculpt systems are fantastic – but am really looking forward to trying out the new Boost shake as I am sure that seeing results faster would make me feel a whole lot better about myself and my situation and put me back in control to some extent. Bring on Wednesday!!!!

    Regards, Julie

  187. LouLou Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have struggled with my weight since being anorexic as a teenager. Once I got over that and started putting weight on, it just didn’t stop. I’ve been through other “fad” diets, always coming out the other side with even more weight.
    I love the BodyTrim program, it’s been working really well for me, as I’ve been so full of energy and sleeping fantastically.
    I could really do with the extra boost, as I’m getting married soon (two months today!) which I’m really excited about, but would really love to look my absolute best!

  188. Therese Mills Says:

    Hi Geoff, Although i have not been on bodytrim very long I am finding my biggest struggle the protein snacks. When I heard about boost I felt it could really be the answer to the biggest hiccup I face in my weight loss adventure. My arm is out and waiting for that big injection of motivation. Please pick me to inject that dose……Therese

  189. Michelle Innes Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I am hoping that the new Bodytrim Boost will give me the kickstart I need to get back on track. Would like to be trim before I turn 40 so am hoping this will help.


  190. Michelle Says:

    I am a single mother of 3 year old twins and I work full time. I used to work out and eat really well before kids but have lost my way with time constraints and family commitments. Please help give me a boost and free me up some time from meals that I can spend with my kids having fun instead of cooking.

  191. Phil Connor Says:

    Hey Geoff,
    I have been on body trim for a while now but i am not seeing the results i would like as i have been a little lazy and not doing enough exercise, with working long hours and looking after the house there just doesnt seem to be enough hours in the day.
    Boost sounds like just what i need to get my weight loss back on track so i can be the active dad and husband that my kids and wife deserve 🙂

  192. GILLIAN Noulton Says:

    I love how good I feel on bodytrim but I became stuck on a plateau which was very frustrating. I need this so much for my health. I want to be there for my beautiful new grandbabies Jakoby and Teleah but I am scared that if I can’t succeed I won’t be. Please, please, please let this be the help I need to get my stubborn metabolism firing.

  193. Joh Says:

    I just cannot face another serving of sliced ham or another tin of tuna! I really need a sweet option for my protein snack because I have not only fallen off the wagon, I suspect it hit me with the front and back wheels when it went over me! I would love to try another option, I still have 15 kilos to go before I can try for baby No. 2.

  194. Jess K Says:

    Hi Geoff!

    2011 is my year to get healthy again! I start the BT system, but recently hit a few speed bumps. I get married in 4 weeks and I am desperate to hit the “goal” I had in mind for my wedding day. I want to continue to lose weight after we get married, as not long after we are going to start trying for a family. The biggest thing that scares me with this, is that we will have trouble due to my weight.

    To be given the opportunity to try this product…simply amazing.

    Thank you,


  195. Says:

    B oost will surely help my
    O verweight body
    O vercome its
    S luggishness
    T o lose the last 10kg!!!

    Please please please

  196. Cyndi Cole Says:

    Body trim has helped me lose 15 kgs but I seem to be just maintaining now and boost would be a big help to get me going again.

  197. ADAM DUKAT Says:

    Hi Geoff. It is Adam, 30 kilo overweight bus driver. Did try other diets. Your system is the best, and the motivationally You yourself are inspireing. If I don’t have the results with my efforts, I do blame myself, for not adhereing precisely to Your advice. Take 10000 steps a day. Or three hour rule. For many very good reasons, I do not follow the way I should. I do hope Your BOOST might help. I guess, we all do. In a way. I try. I fail. And than I try again. If BOOST does what You claim it will,— we will trumpet about it all over the world. OK? Like we do about Your system. It works. I did checked that out. If You follow correctly. Anyway, I’m greatfull You try to help thouse little guys like myself. Please keep doing Your good work. And thank You. By. Adam.

  198. tracey Says:

    i wouldl love to give this a try as i have been on bt for 7 weeks and have only lost 2kgs so i think i need a boost

  199. Tammy Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I think your new Bodytrim BOOST will be a great hit. I have just started the program and loving it. It is so easy to follow. I feel so energetic. This new shake will greatly help those cravings in the afternoon. Thanks.

  200. Marina Says:

    I am finding it harder to shift the weight after coming back from a three week cruise. How do you say no to all that food!! I start BT nearly every Monday and by Tuesday I have eaten the wrong thing. I can make a thousand excuses but really it’s just me having very little will power. This new Boost shake might be the answer to filling me up and keeping me out of the pantry.

  201. melanie Says:

    Ki Ora Geoff Since the Big EarthQuake on 22ndSept in Christchurch, I had cocooned myself in my home, no power for 3 weeks, Gym gone and took up comfort eating as a new Hobby! Last week completed 3ProteinFree days, now on Weight Loss Phase, but I KNOW BodyTrim Boost will assist me both Mentally and Physically in getting me back on Track.No more self Pity as there are worse off families than mine, but if I can be Positive, both how I look and how I feel, I think I will get through this ! Thanks Melanie

  202. Marion Says:

    Hey Geoff

    I was on the program and saw how quickly it worked. I got put off having eggs, tuna an meat though. I also craved sugary refined carbs badly for my free day and when I gave up on the program continued to crave them. I did put on more weight than when i had begun. When I consider starting the program again, which I have done.. the main factor stopping me is having to eat the same foods over and over and the possibility of not being able to maintain such a diet in the long run. Anyways it really does work and I do like the energy and results I had on the program. I was thinking of getting protein powder for the next time I started the program but never got around to it. I think it would help motivate me to have the Boost powder.


  203. juanita michel Says:

    Hi Geoff.and team, I did go on the body trim 2 years ago and lost 7kg which was great, i am at a point now that I need the Body trim BOOST to get me started. I would love to win one of them . Thank You .

  204. irene andrews Says:

    just read the e-mail from jeff about boost. i have just started on the bodytrim system.on saturday 26/3/2011 so am still in the detox stage am fine with the protein during the day but finding the evenings hard going wanting biscuits/bread but so far have resisted them. i have gradually gained 20kgs over the last 10 years so it is time to do some thing about it have tried many so called diets but always felt deprived. Iam hoping this system will work for me my husband is also doing it with me . he is a type2 diabetic and over the last 2 days his sugar levels have improved almost back to normal. so hoping the free triL of boost will give me EXTRA KICK START I NEED.thAT

  205. Louise Says:

    I have been on the program since late October 2010 and have lost 12kgs. Well in the last 4 weeks have risen my steps to 11000 a day and still no more weight has dropped. Frustrated working so hard and trying to stay motivated. The boost sounds like the next step. Bring it on.

  206. Sue Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I started body trim quite a while ago, and know that it works however, I have lost motivation and have regained most of the weight because I have been eating salad sandwiches for lunch etc. Carbs really hate me.!!

    I love to exercise but have arthritis in my feet etc and it does take the fun out of it all.

    It is relatively easy to be on bodytrim, and I find it quite easy to eat mainly protein, however I do plateau a lot which is discouraging and I do find it hard preparing different meals for the others in my family – financial wise.

    I think I really need a Boost and would love to give your Boost a try.

  207. Tania Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been on BT+ for 8 weeks,
    lost 14kgs and 52cms.
    But you know the best part is how great I feel and how easy I find it.
    I just love this program and find that I fine tune it as I go.
    I read EVERY label now and have even got my children doing the same thing. The kids are my greatest supports of course my man is just loving it!
    I am more looking forward the chance to get my hands on the ‘blueprints’ than anything!! LOL
    Any new tools that can make this new life of mine work even smoother would be the best news!
    Who would NOT want to use every tool they can.

  208. Roz Jeffrey Says:

    Boost me, Boost. 5 kg to go and it just wont budge. Despite my trials and tribulations, it is hard to shed. So give me a boost with Boost!!

  209. Ken & Eli Says:

    Hi Geoff and Team, We have been bodytrim for near 2 years, being desperate to lose the kilo’s. We have also bought ALL the numerous products released including; shakes, ready to eat meals, BT+ and Nutrashot. When do the sales stop? We have entered the numerous competitions (without success) and being a husband and wife team – this keeps us going – striving to KEEP the kilo’s we have lost OFF, particularly as we get older the barriers seem almost impossible! I still struggle with the night snack and my husband has almost plateaued and we just can’t afford to keep spending and spending – the cost of living is going to spiral, so somethings will need to be cut from the expenditure. Don’t get us wrong the program works but costs and add-on sales are becoming too much. Maybe the NEW BT Boost will work wonders but can we afford it????????
    Regards, Ken & Eli

  210. Marg Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I think you are doing a really good job. Its the easiest thing i have found to loose weight i put my sister onto it in NZ and she has found it easy too and has lost the most weight ever on any diet. I am finding trouble now at the end with motivation. Never had this problem at the beginning and wanting to eat sweet things. I hope boost can help and loose the last kilos i have left. I also hope it will help with being tired and with travelling on a plane and going overseas. I dont want to do bad when im away and if you have a long flight its hard to eat the protein etc. Looking forward to trying boost.

  211. Karen James Says:

    Hi Team
    I am really excited about this it will help greatly when you feel you need a boost. Great work well done!

  212. Jocelyn Says:

    Hi Geoff & Chris
    I started on Bodytrim 12 months ago and did very well for the first 2 months – then I fell off the wagon, lost my way and have put the weight back on. I am hoping that this new Boost will turn my mindset around and get me back on the right track again. Please help. Jocelyn

  213. Kristy Geyson Says:

    I am unfortunately one of those people who started the year strong but have now fallen off the body trim wagon. my dearest and closest sister is getting married in 5 weeks and as a bridesmaid I have been trying my hardest but with some other major issues going in in my life which I am having to deal with, weight loss has been pushed aside. I would love to loose at least 5 kilos by my sisters wedding and would love the chance to get my hands on bodytrims BOOST to help me get there! thanks.. kristy

  214. Stacey Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been on the BT system for 2 weeks now and i have done everything right or so i thought, I did the 3 day detox and i am eating my 3 main meals and protein snacks every 2-3 hours, over 10,000 steps a day and my 30 min walk and drinking 2lts of water per day. I am sad to say that my results are not great i have only lost 800g and i am loosing the motivation and my confidence in the system. I do believe that the system works but maybe just not for me.

    Is it possible that my metabolism just does not exsist?
    Or is taking its time to get started?

    Please help!!!!
    Thanks, Stacey.

  215. Paula Says:

    Am ready to start new life with new lighter look. Have had great success on BodyTrim in the past – just need a “Boost” to get me started again!

  216. Margaret Rimmer Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’m new to Bodytrim and want all the help and motivation I can get. It is my 60th birthday in 5 weeks and I want to surprise all my family and friends with my new trim body.

  217. Joanne Says:

    Hi team

    I haven’t exactly fallen off the wagon but I’d definitely say I’ve slipped and my feet are dragging. I need a BOOST right now to get me back up there and reinvigorate my motivation. Nothing like success to encourage success. I can’t wait to BOOST my result. Bring it on BodyTrim!

  218. Amy McFarlane Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I’ve been a BTer on and off for almost 2 years, and it is the only program I’ve ever tried which has truly worked for me. Unfortunately, after 21 yrs of being overweight, I tend to reach a certain weight (a few kgs above my lowest weight, which I was when a man attempted to assault me) and freak out, convincing myself that I ‘deserve’ a break from the diet. I psychologically sabotage myself BADLY, and even knowing it’s a response to the assault I can’t stop, and tend to put on half the weight I’ve lost within a month before managing to talk myself down from the ‘fat ledge’ and start again. Now, I’m three weeks into my fifth BT cycle and am only a few kgs from the barrier weight. I honestly believe that, if I can smash through that weight, I’ll be able to continue my weight loss journey, so the BT BOOST could be just what I’m looking for. Anyway, that’s my answer to ‘how could it help you’. Hope this finds you well and strong! =)

    – Amy

  219. Amanda Says:

    Hi Geoff and Team,
    Sounds like it is exactly what i need to try. I have been on BT for about 12 months and i have lost 11kilos and keep them off. I have never really fallen off the wagon, but have hit a plateu. I have my 40th birthday coming up and i am trying very hard to budge the last 5 kilos i want to loose. Boost sounds like my saviour. I will be sure to give it a go and keep on Body Triming. Keep up the great work Geoff!

  220. Mark Says:

    Hey Geoff,
    Only been on Bodytrim a short time. I am a new man. I actually go out with my beautiful wife again and starting to reclaim what I deserve in enjoying my life. Iwant it all!!! Hit me with a turbo shift in my life and give me some of that Boost and make me a happier man quicker.
    Thanks mate you have saved my life.


  221. Rebecca Burnett Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I started in July and was doing great until the Christmas period. I am finding it hard to get going again and I think that Body Trim Boost would give me the push I need to continue.
    I have 8 months to lose as much weight as possible so that I can look fantastic on my wedding day and I feel that Body trim boost would get me closer to my dream goals and dream wedding 🙂
    Thank You for designing Body Trim as it is the only thing that has worked or me and I am finally able to loss weight whilst not feeling hungry or like I am missing out!

  222. Troy Pike Says:

    Hi Geoff ,
    I have ben on Bodytrim for 12 months now and i have lost 20kgs and feeling good but over the last month or so i have lost a lot of motivation and am finding it hard to stick to the program. I have still about 30 kgs to lose untill i can be close to my target of 110 kgs , i think that the bodytrim boost may be the answer to my problem [hopefully] . Keep up the good work .


  223. Kerryn Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am a 41 year old mum of 4 daughters. My youngest was a huge suprise as I was 40 when I had her. I would love the opportunity to have rapid results with my weight as I have put on alot of weight since having daughter number 4. I have been a yo-yo dieter for such a long time and I realise that as a mum I need to be showing my daughters the right approach to weight. I know that having a kick start would then enable me to increase my motivation (which is lacking). Thank you for giving us the chance to be the bodies we were meant to be!

  224. sarah Says:


    I purchased your program a few week’s ago but have not yet started as I have purchased a product form the chemist while I was waiting for your program.
    It dose the same thing as your new product dose and I have found it fantastic the way it work’s.
    I’m not sure if I want to go of the product and risk the last 5 week’s of hard work go down the drain.
    I need this product to continue on this great path I’m on so if I were to be the one to win this product it would be absolutly fantastic as I will be able to go to your product’s instead that I have found very interesting.
    I have over 50kg’s lose still and I would like to lose the magority of it by the end of the year. so far this is the longest I have stuck to a program.

    Thank you for your time and support


  225. mary kathleen (kate) scally Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I started the body trim a week ago and to be honest I actually rang up to cancel just the day after I put in the order but it but it was too late to cancel. I got misled into believing that your shakes and protien bars were meal replacement. Thankfully after talking to one of your nutritionists I was reassured that was not the case. So I didn’t have any of them this week to see what would happen and to prove the point (just had my first protein bar about 15mins ago, delicious, and VERY filling!) Got on the scales this morning and went YESSSSSSSSSSSSS…nearly 6 kilo,s!! SOOOOOOOO glad my order didn’t get cancelled..and best of all I now know this is a weight loss program I can stick to…easily..I never feel hungry and I’m feeling great!
    Thank you BIG TIME…Kate

  226. Helene Says:

    I would love to win this competition…I certainly need a Boost. Since Jan it has been very hard for me to stay on Sureslim…I am a volunteer with red Cross and have been very busy in Victoria, helping with the floods. It has been hard to stay on track as I’ve been working away from home, eating meals all over the place that are provided, not getting my snacks and generally off the wagon. To add to the stress, my own home was flooded the weekend of the huge down pour in Melbourne, then after a quick trip to Sri Lanka to my daughters wedding I returned to find that my house had been invaded by European Wasps…they had eaten through the plaster!! Now not only do the carpets need replacing, but the wall has to be repaired and repainted..looks like I’ll eventually get the carpets by Christmas!!

  227. Phil Connor Says:

    Hi Jeff, Since starting on the body trim program 12 months ago I have lost a total of 23kg, that loss was before christmas, since the christmas period my weightloss has slowed down, some weeks i have recorded no weight loss. I am starting to wander what i am doing wrong, i am sticking to the bodytrim book and not changing anything, I am hoping if I were to be given the opportunity to try your New BOOST to give me a Boost for 4 weeks to enable me to find that positive outlook again would be great! I still have another 23kg (thereabouts) to lose but am struggling through it at the moment. thanks again for helping me lose the last 23kg and thankyou for helping me lose the next 23

  228. Mans Says:

    Buddy Geoff
    I am entering my third week of BT and whilst I am pleased with the 4.1kg I haved lost, because I have so far to go (65kg) I really need the boost your fab new product offers to give me the extra edge in conjunction with the eating plan.
    Your buddy Mans

  229. Alicia Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    My husband and I have been on Bodytrim for a few weeks, he;s lost 10kg and I’ve lost 3 of the 7kg I want to lose. Already I’m fitting into clothes I haven;t worn since I was pregnant with my first child 4 years ago. I’m feeling so much more confident and happy, thank you!

    I find being home with 2 young kids can make the days fly by so sometimes I look at the clock and I’ve missed a protein snack. They also sometimes make it hard for me to sit down and have something to eat. The shakes would be such a help because it would take hardly any time to drink and then I can get back to my kids. And I would love the variety to add to the “protein snack” list.

    I’ll definitely be placing an order when they become available.

    Thanks Geoff

  230. Allie Says:

    Geoff, I think your BodyTrim BOOST will give me the push I need to put on my BOOTS and get myself moving! I just have to ‘Tri’ and it will give me the ‘Umph’ to Triumph!

  231. Colleen Buchhorn Says:

    Perfect timing Geoff! I have a goal, and that is to reach 65kg by 1 August, when I take off for a life-time holiday sailing the Greek Islands with some close friends. My mini goal was to lose just 1kg a week but I am already 4.9kg behind where I need to be to achieve my ultimate goal (I am currently 86.9kg). Starting today (Monday – of course!), I have decided to be more focussed on getting back on track before my goal becomes unreachable. But the BOOST shake is just what the doctor ordered which will ensure my goal is achieved.

  232. Marina Says:

    HI Geoff

    After many years of my weight going up and down, I find what I lose, always seems to come back and bring its friends. I lead a hectic life, with 3 kids and running my own business, so BT BOOST seems like the kick start I need. I want this to be the last time I take this journey so I can like myself again, and live the life I want to, and not be controlled by this constant struggle.

  233. MANDY Says:

    Dear Geoff and BT team.

    I’m hoping that this is what I need to kickstart my bodytrim lifestyle again. I have done well on the bodytrim system in ther past losing 16kg but had some health issues come up that didn’t enable to exercise to keep happening. I fell off the wagon BIG TIME and when that happened the depression creeped back in also. I feel as if I’m back at square one as I’ve put most of the weight back on……..It’s not life when you weigh in at 118kg…it’s simply exsisting on auto pilot….I would love to have this kickstart to turn things around and this time break the double digits barrier once and for all.

  234. Nicola Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I would lurve to enter your competition… not for me but for a girl up the road from me, Ms T. Ms T has been trying to lose weight on another weightloss program, (lets call it JC so as not to incriminate…) she’d been on the program for quite a few months, and is now completely out of $$ and has not seen the results promised. I have lent her my BT+ that you kindly sent me, and I would love to pass on some additional BOOST to her to kick start her BT+ program.

    Love your work buddy


  235. Kay Crocker Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been using your system since July 2010 and have lost nearly 22 kilos however I need to lose at least another 15 or so. I am finding I am slowing a little and plateauing which is happening more often. I have the motivation and definitely will continue to reach my goal but I feel a ‘kickstart’ with the Boost might give the body a helping hand. By the way with or without the Boost I am most grateful to you for this program – one I can be on for the rest of my life. I am 64 years of age and enjoying the new me, the new fitness levels and the new clothes! My one regret is that I didn’t start earlier.

  236. Anna Says:

    Been on Bodytrim before but couldn’t get the motivation going when I went off antidepressants with severe withdrawal effects as a result. AND, the reason I stopped taking the antidepressants in the first place was because they caused me to gain so much weight – 20 kg in 2 years!
    Need help to start Bodytrim again and am in need of a major BOOST.

  237. Karen Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have been on body trim now for 12 months I lost the 10 kilos I wanted to loose but have gained 5 kilos back and am desperatley trying to get something to give me a boost to get back on track to win a 6 months supply may just be that incentive to get me movitated again. Thank you Karen

  238. Jessie Palmer Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I’ve only just signed up for BodyTrim but I’m very excited to start the program! I need something that will get me fast results as I’m going overseas to the Greek Islands with 3 friends and I’m dreading sitting on the beach in my current shape! I will definitely be looking into the new shakes available, even though it will mean spending a bit more money it will be worth it if I can confidently wear a bikini! Thanks for your ongoing support through emails, every little bit of encouragement helps.

  239. Lisa Newbury Says:

    Sometimes I find protein shakes don’t leave me feeling full especially since I make them up with water. They don’t need to be any sweeter bur having that full feeling like I’ve had a milkshake will definitely help me resist looking for naughty carb loaded foods.

  240. Helen Says:

    Looking forward ti this extra help..thanks

  241. Jan Says:

    Hi Geoff and the team

    Can’t wait for the launch tomorrow of the new protein boost .
    You guys never cease to amaze me of the commitment to us , even when we have fallen over you are right there to pick us up so I just want to say thank you.

    I am in a dark place right now with my job it has me so stressed out and depressed.
    Thanks to your new product I am waiting and so excited I feel this will give me the lift I need to get my confidence back.

    Cheers till tomorrow

  242. Jeanette Says:

    HI Geoff, Yep, I am lazy so BOOST will be an absolute godsend to me. I am the President of an organisation of approx. 120 ladies, so because of being in the public eye so to speak, need to look and feel my very best. I am a retired lady of 71 years and have now been on Body Trim for 12 months. Proudly, I have lost 10 kgs. And yes, I have kept it off now for 6 months. With BOOST, I will be able to return to my goal weight so much easier after such things as holidays (don’t we all put on weight during holidays???) – the lazy way. So BOOST, here I come!

  243. sharon Says:

    Been on bt for a week struggling to keep the gremlins away and slip back into the carb addiction. I am turning 40 end of june and would love to lose 20kg, I’ll still have another person and half to go but at least I will feel better on the day…I could really do with a booost!!
    ta Sharon

  244. Alison Says:

    I have achieved great success with BT, but living with clinical depression and severe chronic pain makes it impossible for me to undertake any form of exercise. I have lost 15kg in the last 8 months, but am still 10kg away from my goal weight. I have plateaued for the last couple of months and need a “boost” to help me reach my target weight.
    I am very proud of what I have achieved, but I know that I can do better.

  245. Bruning Christine Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I have been doing really well with Body Trim throughout 2010,but since new year I have lost motivation and headed back to sweet cravings. I
    really need a “boost” to get back on track and kick start the programme .

    Christine B.

  246. Bruning Christine Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I have been doing really well with Body Trim throughout 2010,but since new year I have lost motivation and headed back to sweet cravings. I
    really need a “boost” to get back on track and kick start the programme .


  247. Kellie Says:

    Thanks Geoff for a sensible and realistic approach to weight management that answers all the questions. I too am one who has hit a plateau and needs a boost, but can honestly say that continuing to eat compliant foods has become a way of life and I feel better for it, even though I’m not really losing any weight right now. Thanks for a healthier me!

  248. Annette Doyle Says:

    I joined the bodytrim programme last year and have dropped 10 kilos since October last year. I have loved how it fits into my lifestyle and gives me confidence to know I can keep to a healthy weight but I am now wanting to lose those last 5 kilos and its hard!!! I hope that BOOST will help achieve this. Yay!! Annette

  249. Kristy Says:

    Good morning,
    I have just started this program last Wedensday, I already have a shake at moment to also help kick start the 10kgs i need to loose to feel better about myself. Now that my bubba is 10mths old i thought time to get that belly fat gone and start getting back into shape. I think the boost shake will be ideal for someone like me who needs a kick start to stay motivated, the showing of weightloss will keep me motivated, however i havent lost any yet, but i just have to be patient. I want to achive that perfect balance of family, work, fitness and looking and feeling good about one self and i decided last wednesday was going to be my start. its great you have brought out something that will coincide with your current program and I look forward to utilising both options. Have a wonderful day. Kristy

  250. Trish Allen Says:

    hi Bodytrm Team
    I hope you can give me a Boost with your new product I can do with a Boost .

  251. Ann Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Body Trim boost sounds like it would help me maintain my committment to your program. I have found it the best ‘eating program’ since Day 1. I have lost nearly half of my goal of 13 kg, and the meals really seem to suit my Type 2 Diabetes. At the beginning I found it a bit of a struggle, but I have got into a bit of a routine with meals and that seems to be working. I have much better energy levels now, probably because my blood glucose levels are stable I think and I have lost that 6 kg.

  252. Cass Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Whilst I have to say that in terms of a “diet” BT is possibly the eating plan I have been most comfortable with, have to say I am disillusioned with my results so far. You state that “if you don’t lose 5 kgs in the first week then it’s free”- well I lost 2kgs, following the plan to the absolute “T” and have struggled to lose part of a kg a week in the subsequent 4 weeks.

    Everywhere I read that high protein, low carb diets knock weight off in a super hurry. Well not me. I am forgoing pasta, bread, deserts, potatos (all things that are obviously bad for me) and stilll not seeing any ‘quicker’results than if I was following another diet that suggests eating all foods but in controlled amounts.

    I have another 25kgs to lose, I don’t want to give up again – I need reassurance and help.

    Thank you.

  253. Emma Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    From what I can gather, the new Bodytrim Boost should only be used in the short-term e.g. if you had a wedding come up. Does this mean that when you stop using Bodytrim Boost, the weight you have lost will potentially be put back on, and your weight loss will not continue at the same rate?

  254. Koula Langanis Says:


    Take me away from all these Greeks!!! All they do is feed you 😦

    Hey, I’m Greek myself 🙂 They mean well, but enough is enough!!

    Koula 😦

  255. Dave Jonkers Says:

    G’Day Geoff,

    I have been reading some of the responses to this new and innovative breakthrough that you have put together, and I tell you what, I am very excited to be a part of BodyTrim BOOST. Like most people on this blog, I have achieved good results on the BodyTrim system so far, and yes, I am getting bored on the same foods, and now have plateaued out and not really shifting the weight off as fast as I would like. However, I must say and be brutally honest with you and myself, that I have suffered quite of bit of depression lately due to being separated and eventually divorced since October last year and having a real challenge being motivated to really do anything in everyday life. I was married for nearly 12 years and my wife and she decided to leave me and now I am divorced with one little gorgeous 8 year old girl that I have every fortnight.
    Last night, I decided to hit the gym again after 5 months off (due to lack of motivation), and even though I am quite sore now, I had the most wonderful time. I have now committed myself to going to the gym at least 3 times a week. I am now much more motivated and committed than every before on the BodyTrim system, and now looking for opportunities to get my mental attitude back to a healthy and vibrant state so I can shake off this depression that I still have. Generally, I have always been a positive person, but the lose of my marriage and family has taken its toll, and I am now so ready to leave the past behind me and so looking forward to my new future. Your BodyTrim system and now BOOST will give me the tools to not only lose weight, but also attain the right mental attitude for the rest of my life
    Geoff, your BodyTrim system really ROCKS !!!


  256. Derek Tys Says:

    Hey Geoff,
    I have been using Bodytrim for a couple of years now. Was at 103kg, now down to 80kg if I can believe my scale!. Been up and down a few times, but never put it all back on.
    Eating regularly has always worked well for me: grazing is the way to go!

    I look forward to the little advances and enhancements of Bodytrim and supportive products. Lost heaps of weight recently from Nutrishot, which was great!
    Am equally keen on discovering and experiencing Boost. I have used a gamut of products from when I used to ‘do’ gym: creatine, lean system 7, carnitine, etc.
    I am hoping that Boost can be added to the formidable arsenal tha is part of the Bodytrim System in helping me to achieve the body I desire.
    Good on you.

  257. Sarah Bachmann Says:

    Hi everyone at BT.

    Thanks to a friend for telling me about BT and lending me her videos, I did BT a bit over a year ago and it worked a treat, losing about 10kg… only since then I have put most back on. Knowing that I needed to do something, and with an incentive of being selected to go to Europe for work in 2 months (and my partner is coming with me so we can have a holiday – we are VERY excited!), I recently purchased my own BT and re-started the programme.

    After re-starting, I lost a couple of kilos in the first week and then found out I had caught Ross River Virus! My joints are sore – too sore to be exercising (even treadmilling), so now I am limited to doing BT without the walking. That of course will be even harder as I know my weight loss will be slower and I know from experience that less weight loss means less motivation.

    I should mention that my weight has yo-yo’d my whole life and I TRULY want to get off this crazy roundabout. I want to lose some weight and keep it off. I know that when I weight just that 10 or 15 kilos less, I feel so much better and healthier.

    So I guess I’m at the point where I need a bit of extra help. I’m feeling pretty flat because of this virus (and having put weight back on)… but I really, really want to lose about 10 kilos before we go away.

    I have spent God knows how much money on every possible weight loss programme in the past. Believe me, I have tried them all. I even had lap band surgery but had to have it removed because it slipped. But Bodytrim is the one I am coming back to. Because I DO know it works.

    That’s where I am asking for your help. I think your Blueprint and Boost would be a HUGE help. I have tried other protein shakes in the past and have found them to be great, but of course they don’t have the thermogenic properties of your shake.

    I hope that you will consider me for the free 3 month supply as I’d love to try it and I’d love to be one of your success stories!


  258. Gayle Daines Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I have only a few weeks before my holiday of a lifetime in Hawaii, and would like to be able to walk on Waikiki beach with my head held high and a spring in my step.

    Bring on the Boost, I’m so ready for it.


  259. Kaz Angelique Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’m new to BT, & although I have been following it for a month now, due to medical conditions, loss has been slow.
    I would LOVE to to BOOST my wight loss & get the edge over my medical condition & lose a lot more, a whole lot faster.
    I have a very important function coming up late this year & I won’t attend it, if I haven’t got my weight down enough.
    Good Luck to all the BT’ers & Good Luck to me.

  260. Marg Shooter Says:

    Hi Geoff , I have been on Body Trim for over a month. I walk 10,000 steps at least daily, paddle up to four times a week.Work full time. I’m off to the Nationals as part of the State Team today.However in spite of staying on the suggested program I have only lost 4 kilos. 3 in the first week and then only one since then.
    I have tried to order some of your shakes and bars but have not been successful maybe I have the wrong pin number. I still would like to loose at least 10 kilos. I would be grateful for any help. Thanks Marg

  261. Carol Green Says:

    I have been on the Bodytrim program for one week and have lost 5kg. I just love it. I did not want to have my free day (but I did)I enjoy it so much. It is so easy to do and takes no time. I live by myself and I cook like Geoff, quick and easy. Thanks for getting my head set right.

  262. kat Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Started the bodytrim at the start of the year and this went really well for a while. I have since fallen off the wagon due to my busy lifestyle and have to admit, lack of motivation. Would love to get back on track and lose the weight that has haunted me all my life. I must admit I have tried many diets and the bodytrim really works so I am keen to see if the bodytrim boost will help and motivate me to get back on track.


  263. Linda Says:

    My husband and I have been on BodyTrim for 8 weeks. While my results are pretty good (I hit the odd speed bump every now and then – 3 morning teas and a lunch at my work last week) my husband is going a little slower.

    I think the Bodytrim Boost is just what he needs to give him a kick start and in turn that will help me because with him motivated and happy it will be a lot easier for me.

    Looking forward to trying out Boost, I am a huge fan of BodyTrim and have got my parents and my sister and her husband on the program. My brother-in-law now has almost normal glucose and blood pressure readings after about 3 weeks on the program – his Dr’s are happy.


  264. Ela Says:

    Another fantastic opportunity to help us all. My husband and I have both lost 16 kg each in the last few months and are thrilled. But we also both have come a little unstuck recently. We know it works and works very well but it would be fantastic to get re-motivated. Bodytrim Boost sounds like just the thing to get us back on track especially with winter fast approaching. We are going to visit two of our kids who live overseas in July and we’d love them to go wow look at you both. Thanks so much for what you and your team do for the BT community.

  265. deborah Baker Says:

    I really need this to give me the motivation again. I saw some photos the other day after we had been on Bodytrim and I LOOKED GOOD then. Over time and a back injury I have put on 6kgs and I am not happy. I am ready to try BOOST to get my mind back on track as well as the BODY back

  266. Cherie-Jayne Roughley Says:

    Hi Geoff and the team,

    I have been a supporter and user of bodytrim for quite awhile now, I did lose some weight the first time I tried the system but I had glandular fever and slowly due to tiredness and a definite lack of motivation it crept back on.
    I am a single mother of one beautiful boy and I work in the mining industry. For the last year I have been doing fly in/out at a remote site near coober pedy. I work 7days/7nights 12hr shifts and then one week off. During the last year I have used the bodytrim system as best I can up here but my weeks off were always carb/junk food filled. Still even though I didn’t follow the plan completely I have lost 17kgs. I started at 85kg then went steadily down to now 68. I have convinced most of my shift-mates of the benefits of bodytrim (I talk about it all the time lol) and due to good eating and excercise we are the healthiest crew in our workplace.
    I have all of the systems, Original Bodytrim/ bodytrim plus/Bodysculpt and I use the shakes and Nutra shot daily and love the protein cookies for a sweet treat on occasion!! This is the first time since my son was born (9yrs) that I have been this light but I would really like to reach my recommended weight-height which is 63kg.
    My problem is I seem to have reached a plateau at the moment and as we are in the middle of a sitewide health challenge I am trying my best to tip the scales in my favour. My time is very limited so your new Boost product will hopefully be just the thing I need to help me stop the hovering needle and get me back on track to an amazing healthier me!!

    Thankyou so much for all the time and effort you guys have put into making these systems and products, and all the extra support! I am positive I would not have ever managed to get healthy without the knowledge you have provided. I am very grateful!!

    kind wishes


  267. Linda Says:

    I want to start living again. I have become more overweight and depressed in the last few years and I realise I have to put on my ‘big girl pants’ and deal with this. I’ve met a gentleman and this has made me look at myself and want to become fitter and start participating in life again. He will be overseas for a month and, if I could even begin to start losing weight, I know I’d feel better and more positive about myself and that would benefit my budding romance! Thank you

  268. Sandra Spinks Says:

    I’m really excited about Boost. I have more kilos to loose and feel disillusioned . My willpower has faded and it frightens me. A Boost is what I’m looking for !

  269. Melanie Jones Says:

    Hi Geoff, as i am a stay at home mum running a house hold with 3 young children is a struggle sometimes and must be to most mothers and fathers out there aswell.I started BT in January with great results, I had the motivation and goals set. Then I decided it was time to go back to school and get my self a career, and during the last month have found it a struggle to get motivated and with amount of school work and the day to day running of the household and looking after myself to stay on track. Maybe the Bodytrim BOOST is the BOOST I am looking for.

    Kind regards


  270. peter stoicos Says:

    i’ve just joined BodyTrim so i dont really know what to expect just yet.

    I’ve heard alot about it so we will wait and see the results as soon as i get my trial pack for the first week and see whether it lives up to its promise by losing a minimum of 5kilos in the first week.


  271. Debbie Says:

    Dear Geoff
    Wow so many people needing help with bodytrim. I have only been on bodytrim for a week and am enjoying it so far, simple to follow and stick to. I have 7kgs to loose to get to my goal weight. But my story is to loose weight and give up smoking as well. Well since being on Bodytrim and not smoking I lost 1.7kg and no smoking. Getting there I hope.

  272. sylvia Says:

    Hi Geoff

    Have been using the bodytrim system for two years now and have lost 15kg it has turned my life around. I have been trying to lose the last five kilos but have found it to be a struggle, i think this new product may be the answer i believe it will help me to shed those 5 last stubborn kilos thankyou for always trying to provide us bodytrimmers with new products to keep us motivated to keep going cant wait to try boost.

  273. anne Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I lost 20kg last year easy in 4 months and loved it. I still have 30 kg to lose and have been trying for the last couple of months but can’t seem to budge the weight, even though I’m doing the same as when I was so successful last time. Its like my body knows what is going on and says “You wont trick me again I’m hanging on to this fat.”

    So I’m hoping that Boost and the motivational soundtrack would start the wonderful weight loss trip again, so I can finally get and stay at the place I want to be. Thanks for the BT tv episodes, I love them.

    Cheers Anne

  274. Deb Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Well what can I say that hasnt already been said? I am just another bodytrimmer that has been on the program for about 18 months. I lost over 24 kilos in the first 8 months (so know that it can work if you stick to the program) but I have been on a plateau ever since and probably heading for that spiral affect of slowly putting the weight back on. I went to Bodytrim plus to hopefully kickstart my weightloss again and I bought the nutrashot hoping that would give me a change. I have bought the meals,snacks and shakes in the past so is this another Bodytrim product to sell to us poor deflated souls that will do anything to make weightloss easier? We all want that magic pill Geoff and I hope that Boost is it and not just another weightloss gimmicky revenue raiser product for Bodytrim to expand the business with.

  275. Toni Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Well what I say my husband and I have been doing BodyTrim + for 3 weeks and seeing results. Myself with 4.2kg and my husband 8.4kg. As we have a family trip organised later this year and going to see family we thought that we needed to do something.
    We had to be in the right head space and for us we were there together. I love seeing my husband’s face when he steps on the scale everyweek. (we are like teenagers again as we measure each other and giggle with excitement).
    He had a business trip interstate and followed the BT to the tee, I packed some bars for him and he packed the tuna..BodyTrim Boost will add to the excitment of having something else to help us reach a goal and a time that we can live again.

    X Toni

  276. Angela Says:

    Bring it on Geoff!
    I have just started (again) on BT, it being the only sane eating plan I have seen that produces good results. The ‘noise’ from rules/chatter about other diets is deafening whereas BT is simple & clear & effective. I love your enthusiasm, you are inspiring & for that I thank you.

  277. Shirley Says:

    This sounds like a great weapon to help me get those last 15 or so kgs off. I have osteo arthritis, have already lost 20kg and find that your system really helps keep the pain – particularly in my hands, under control. My GP is pleased and has actually reduced my level of medication, but I am sick of my limited snack choices and the temptation to skip one or substitute it for something that’s not good is often almost too much to resist.
    Boost? . . .bring it on!

  278. Ana Renaux Says:

    Id love a kick start right now. I was on BT a year ago and did lose 8 kg in 9 weeks. Since then I fell off the program for a string of personal things that saw me lose focus. My daughter died, Ive had my little 1yr old grandson stay here and there and now Ive had to have my thyroid removed. Im scared of putting on weight with balancing the medication and will be starting Bodytrim again with a fresh outlook. Bodytrim Boost could save me from letting things get out of hand, or falling off the program.

  279. Gary Goodwin Says:

    Hello Geoff,

    This is my first go on Bodytrim. I’m really excited and my wife is doing it with me so we can motivate each other. The one thing that concerns my wife is nightshifts. My wife is a shift worker and I do 12 hour shifts as well as a 3 hour commute each day. On two of those shifts she may find it hard to get in her 10000 steps. Is it ok if she makes them up on the other days. She also finds it difficult between 1am and 4am, she tends to crave for sugar during that period. If you can suggest the best thing for her to eat at that time it would be terrific. Both my wife and I feel motivated and excited at the prospect of putting on our winter clothing and not having any trouble doing up the zipper. Have a geat day and good luck to all the other body trimmers.

  280. Grant Bentley Says:

    Hi Geof,
    I have been a BT’er for less than a week and I can honestly say that my initial skepticism has been replaced by astonishment. I love the way that the program is designed, the way that your whole team are always encouraging, but most of all I love the facy that this system is going to change my way of eating forever! I believe that BT Boost will be such a positive addition to the snack program, iot will give every BT’er another protein only alternative, and we all know that the more options we have the easier remaining compliant to the program becomes.

  281. Venessa Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I have been on a weight loss/health kick for a few years nows and have recently been diagnosed with PCOS. The excess androgens make it near impossible to lose weight and the crazy blood sugar levels can make every day a roller coaster ride! I’ve now refined my diet even more (also have fructose malabsorption) but a high protein & vegetable diet is definately for me. I have lost 8kg with BodyTrim before, but would love a BOOST and some extra support to keep me focused and on track.

    The BOOST shake sounds awesome because people with fructose mal [like me] have problems absorbing nutrients, so I’ll take all the added nutrients I can get! The sustained protein release means greater control of my blood sugar levels and will help keep calorie consumption down. I think it’s a winner!

    Thanks for inspiration and support for the BT community and Aussie’s in general. You’re a great bloke Geoff – keep up the good work, we appreciate it!

    Venessa 🙂

  282. Helene Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I think I need a bit of a Boost – I’ve managed to loose just over 8kg since starting my journey at the begining of the year and want to loose another 7kg but have been stuck for the past few weeks and just cant seem to get any further and now the dreaded “something sweet craving” has started getting to me 😦

  283. Kim Says:

    I have hit a low in my weight loss. so to have BOOST come along at this time is a real blessing. I believe the blueprint may just be the answer. I know my head gets in the way of my weight loss. Can’t wait to be able to order.

  284. Deanne Says:

    Hi Geoff, You are a marvel and an inspiration. Wish you would run for Parliament, wouldnt we see some changes. Maybe you could bottle your enthusiasm and motivation for those of us who are lacking and include it with the new Boost, which I cant wait to try.

  285. Michael Says:

    I have been trying to follow the BodyTrim routine for over 2 months now and have only managed to go from 112.5kg to 107.1kg – a loss of just 5.4kg against my target of 30kg loss – perhaps because I am aged 73 this year and with DVT, worn knee joint, Diabetes & Bronchiectasis maybe I am unable to follow the excercise segment of the program with sufficient vigour?
    So I look forward to being able to try this additional BodyTrimBoost to see if that can make the difference!

  286. Shaun campbell Says:

    Have been using the body trim system for almost a week and have lost7.5 kilos so far and best of all i am not hungry and feel better than ever thx

  287. Donna Witnish Says:

    I started on BT just before Christmas and have lost 6 kilos but since then no matter what I do my weight does not decrease. I have two friends who have been on BT and both have lost their desired weight and both do look fantastic. I would love to be like my two friends and am open to anything that will help get my body into weight losing mode. In February I purchase the Nutra Shot hoping to boost my metabolism but again nothing. Maybe these shakes will be the answer!!

  288. Kylie Says:

    Its funny, reading all the other replies how much they sound like me. Im feeling more determined now to get back on track. It seems the last 5 – 10 kg are where everyone gets off track. Its good to have the support. (and now a boost).

  289. Laura Holmes Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have had gastric banding surgery a couple of years ago to help me kickstart my weight loss. I have lost 25kgs as a result of that so far. Iknow that this is not be all end all solution to keeping the weight off and I am looking to find something that will finish helping me reach my goal weight of 65kgs. Also this feels likea lifestyle change that will be something I can keep doing for years to come. I know I need brain training as well that the banding doesn’t deal with because weghtloss starts with your way of thinking. Cheers,Laura.

  290. Says:

    Looking forward to the boost as the last 3 or so kilos just wont budge. The boost shake may be just what I need

  291. Anita Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I’ve certainly hit a few speed bumps since the new year, could do with a ‘Boost’ to get things moving along again. This product sounds awesome and I can’t wait to order mine, It’ll be great to have another protein option at snack time. Looking forward to launch day!

  292. Johanna Galligan Says:

    Wow this looks fantastic. I started my BT lifestyle last week & have been amazed at how easy it is. I feel fantastic, reignited my love of walking & lost 2.5 kgs! I am impressed by the research that has gone into the programme & love that it is ‘real food’ based. However with 17.5 kgs to lose I think that this is just the BOOST I’ll need to stay on track, lose my extra weight & most importantly keep it off. I’ve struggled with my weight for years but ive finally said goodbye to the old me & am eagerly awaiting the new, trimmer, healthier, happier me.

  293. Rebecca Thompson Says:

    Hi jeff well i have been following your program for over a week now and am yet to see any weight loss on the scales but i feel like you have lifted a weight off my shoulders.
    I feel at peace just knowing i can stick to this program because im really enjoying it.
    I am really getting into my 10.000 steps of walking,i was going to the gym and running every second day before i started this program but now i realize i wasnt consistence and i feel this is doable in my new lifestyle aproch. Thanks Jeff for the no crap plan 🙂
    I would love to try your new boost product because i know your products will work.

  294. Chris Stanley Says:

    Hi Geoff I’m going through menopause & am struggling with motivation & energy at the moment.I would love to try your new product.I love body trim & have told all my friends to try it & they all love it to.When I met you at the chemist in Cleveland you were a true inspiration I would love to feel that way again cheers Chris 😦

  295. Cecilia Catherine Senior Says:

    Hi Geoff, I am putting my trust in Bodytrim Boost to make me look good again, feel good again , to march into the future full of confidence, poise and verve. Cecilia

  296. jan corcoran Says:

    Dearest Geoff
    Allow me to say goodbye FOREVER to chocolate, icecream or other sweet cravings.
    To be honest this is my biggest downfall ever. I walk, swim and try my hardest even by not having the demon cholocate and other sweet things in the house.
    Please help me Geoff as we are off to Jindabyne late April for our sons birthday, Anzac Day and Easter. I have been on Bodytrim but like others I have hit a plateau.
    I enjoy being on Body trim even when I do fall of the wagon I will never give up and think how much effort you put into living your dream by helping others. I do a lot of volunteer work and enjoy people saying you look good and you have lost some weight. I say I am doing “BodyTrim”.
    So I believe Bodytrim Boost ( BB) would be the best thing ever as I am lazy at times and need the Boost!!!
    Thanks Geoff. Cheers Jan

  297. Patricia Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Need your help
    I have lost 12k over 7weeks
    need to lose another 4k
    hate the protein only day. after the free day
    getting bored

  298. Rob Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I have lose 20k in 6 weeks
    getting bored
    please help
    i have another 20k to go

  299. Amanda Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Boost sounds great. my husband is away for four weeks and I would like him to come home to a new me. More Energetic and much lighter and off my plateau.

    Bodytrim Boost- Can’t wait to give it a go

  300. Sherri Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    This is my last chance at trying to lose the kilo’s that keep on creeping up – I know all the theory – have tried everything – BUT ?? and that’s the million dollar question which I hope that BODYTRIM BOOST and BB BLUEPRINT will help to answer! So this is an SOS call for help!!

  301. Emma Says:

    My family came
    Across BodyTrim by accident and it has completely changed the way our family attacks everyday life! Two years ago, my hubby and I were struggling to get pregnant. We were both carrying excess weight – we lost it with BodyTrim! My hubby looks fabulous but I haven’t been able to shake this baby weight! I’m desperately hoping this Boost and motivational cd will assist me in losing it!

  302. Patricia Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I have been on body trim now 7 weeks, lost 12k.
    need to lose another 4k
    please help
    i am getting bored,
    I find the protein only days hard

  303. tammy Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am a single mother of 3 pre teen/ teen boys. I have tried losing weight many times in the past and my self esteem takes a hit every time i lose then weight only to gain it all plus extra when i go off the diet…….I have been on the trim club for a week now but this is my 5th day on bosytrim. Your new product sounds great as my biggest hurdle in the past is boredom with foods and my craving for all the junk food we used to eat. i would luv to set an example for my children on the best way to eat healthy and that any task is achievable no matter how hard or how many times you have to try to get to your goal..
    looking forward to weightloss for life…


  304. Annie Palfrey Says:

    have Bodytrim 1 and Bodytrim + and I still have hit the dreaded Plateau I need a BOOST to get me back on track ..I am off to the uK to my sisters wedding in June and it would be a BOOST to my confidence to loose these last 10 kilos …I need to also have some help to stop me wanting all the goodies I miss from the UK including would you believe BOOST chocolate bars …I also love the fact BOOST comes in small packages to allow me to take it with me overseas… I dont need excess baggage on me or in my luggage lol .. with Body Trim I will conquer this weighty issue..thankyou Annie Palfrey

  305. Mike B. Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I was looking a my daughters wedding photos a few weeks ago I came across a picture of Dads proud moment of walking my princess down the aisle, it was a side view I was so ashamed of myself for not looking after my body, I was carrying far too much tummy fat. I have been on your weight loss program for 6 weeks and lost many kilos but need to speed up the loss for my youngest daughters wedding later this year. help.

  306. Adrienne Says:

    After quite some time watching the TV ads I joined the program on the weekend and so haven’t even received my first order. I was impressed with the customer service in starting and waking to such a motivational email this morning was great. Instead of vegging out in front of the TV I went for a walk and feel really good. I need to lose 24kgs (wow, putting that in writing is a bit scary) and I know my metabolism is one of my problems; the boost shake looks like a way of pushing this along and I’d love to try it. Happy Monday

  307. Alecia Says:

    Can’t wait for the boost! This is going to be amazing! This is what I love about bodytrim the most – the fact that you know exactly what we need or how our needs are changing and you and your team rise up and meet the challenge! YOUR TEAM is the reason we succeed!

    Now with bodytrim boost we have another reason to succeed in our new lifestyle!!

    Thanks Geoff and team bodytrim for helping us all reach our goals!

  308. Neale Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    After my kidney transplant I was gaining weight due to medication and lack of mobility. Since I started your program I have started and continue to lose weight and reshape my body. I am walking much more and am enjoying life with a vigor I thought I would never regain.

    Thanks Geoff for the great programs you have available and I am looking forward to Body BOOST with great anticipation.


  309. Helen Evans-Lemmo Says:

    By getting a BOOST to the system, the numbers keep going down even faster! The pride in the way I look and the way I feel about myself keeps going up! The extra energy I have from already losing weight and the fact I feel better mentally & physically has given me the incentive to hit the gym & the pool and actually LOVE going. By having an extra BOOST I’ll be able to achieve even more, even faster and know that this isn’t just a 2 week quick fix, it’s a change in my WHOLE LIFE FOREVER !!!
    Can’t wait for BOOST so PUMPED! 🙂

  310. Anne Says:

    I’m feeling that I can’t get back on track.
    I started off really well with the 3 protein only days & stupidly weighed myself. I had lost 2kg in 3 days & was so excited that I must have slackened off with the program because by the end of the week, Id put 1kg back on! No-one but myself to blame…
    That was 2 weeks ago & each Monday I start off again with good intentions.

    Anne (feeling a bit low today)

  311. CAROL Says:


    This sounds like it might be just what I need. I am really struggling with my weight at the moment. I have lost 45kg over the past few years, but have now put back on 30kg – why do overweight people do this?? I have just in the last weeks realised that I have hit menopause, and my youngest child has just moved out of home, so I am really stuggling with this huge change in my life. Would love to feel that I have something going for me at the moment.

  312. Annie Palfrey Says:

    G’Day I had great results with body trim 1 but then hit a I bought body trim + and was great to see I was again loosing weight … I am off to the UK in June for my sisters wedding and would a love to loose a few more kilos ..and B have something small to carry in my luggage to help me stay on the program …if one of the lucky winners I would be ecstatic… I like being a walking advert for bodytrim ..its the only non diet that really works …people ask all the time what diet I did to loose weight and I tell them to go buy the bodytrim system it really is a great lifestyle way to live .

  313. Anna Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been on Bodytrim and lost 14kg and now being on maintenance have got into a bad place again and the biggest issue is that I just can’t stop eating chocolate!!!! I’m pretty good otherwise. Its a mental and physical craving so any help to break this cycle that is slowly putting the kgs back would be most grateful. Looking forward to seeing what Bodytrim BOOST is all about.
    Thanks so much,

  314. Libby Says:

    Hi Geoff!

    I look forward to the Body Trim Boost to help speed up my sluggish metabolism; being over 40, having 4 children and working full time, means anything that can help me with being organised is a winner so I am especially excited about your blueprint! Thank you so much for your wonderful system and all the incredible improvements you keep coming up with!

  315. Carl Feilberg Says:

    Sounds like it can really help when kick start my metabolism and keep my weight loss on track

  316. Jay Says:


    I’m just starting out my Bodytrim journey, needing to loose around 30kg. My main downfall in the past is diet related, no breakfast with a large lunch and dinner. I need a BOOST to get a good kickstart on my journey so I can get my body in a routine of eating smaller regular meals.

  317. bear Says:

    Good Morning Geoff,
    The plateau!!… – it’s now been a few weeks, probably a month and I my goal of another 5-10kgs seems like it’s not going to happen. I have increased my steps, water and introduced cardio, with no result. I need a change from Tuna as well. I say – Bring on the BOOST!!….

  318. Kim french Says:

    I’m definitely getting back on that wagon and dropping these last 5 kgs

  319. frances burnett Says:

    hi geoff,, all year ive slowly watched myself gain weight and now i stand at 140kg i feel so fat and like it will never come off, id love to try your technique and see if i could actually loose some weight,, but i have my doubts as this may be another qimmick. goeff if you really think you could help me loose the weight please help me.
    regards frances

  320. J Cherry Says:

    Hi Goeff, I thank you so much for BT. My Dr said those words you never want to hear. “Lose weight or you will die!” Thanks to you, I am. Over the last 50 years I have been on every diet known to man with no permanent or sustainable success. Now I feel I’m on the right track. I am now having steady weight loss and I feel there is a future for me. I am fixing the body but definitely need to work on the mind. Your boost program sounds perfect. You and your team are a God send and I thank you again for your help in my ongoing battle. Joy

  321. Sammie Says:

    Hi! I have lost 8kgs in 3 months and have gone from a size 18 to a size 14-16. Everyone is commenting and saying how good I look. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and being overweight has always made things feel that much worse. Ive had an injury occur and havent been able to exercise and have gained a few kgs. I really want to get this weight off, i need to loose another 30kgs. I would really appreciate it if you could help me boost my weight loss. Having a 1 year old and 3 year old doesnt help the process because Im constantly interrupted trying to do weights/strengthening exercises. Thankyou so much for creating such a wonderful program 🙂 Sammie xx

  322. Landi Says:

    Ohhh my how EXCITING, i can’t wait, i must admit that i have been slack, i have had the system for over a month now BUT i am starting the program on Friday (so that i detox over the weekend), i am Super Excited to start this journey. I need to lose 60kg to be in my heathly range, I konw it will be tough but i have a goal, my wedding day :). Well Ciao for now, Landi

  323. Leanne Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I am still in my 1st week and am already happy with the results! Your passion and focus to help people like myself is amazing and your enthusiasm is felt through the DVDs in the starters pack.

    I would love to get on board with the boost program as I am really into it at the moment and I want to keep my momentum up. I generally give up after a couple of weeks even if the results are looking good…

    I want this time to be different! I want this to work!


  324. Kath clark Says:

    Dear Geoff, the thing I found the hardest was the chewing , lots of protein lots of chewing, and am still slightly haunted by the smell of hard boiled eggs. Needless to say totally off the wagon . In fact it’s at the bottom of a canyon AND on fire. Boost sounds like the answer to my prayers . Kath

  325. Emma Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I am truly excited about this. I have lived with a eating disorder for over 10 years now and embarked on the BT journey this time last year. It changed my entire life because food no longer became the enemy. In 10 years i have gone from being over weight, anorexic then from there i became an exercise fanatic but a binge eater. BT taught me so many things but like many people i lost my way and am back to where i started. I finally have the mindset of making this work for me once and for all. BT does work and Boost sounds awesome. I used to think the only way i would loose weight is by not eating…. (how sad is that!).


  326. Vickie Watkins Says:

    Vickie Says,
    Hi Geoff, I want to first of all thank you for this great program. This is my second attempt and I am definitely feeling more coonfident and alive. I have always struggled with my weight and last year saw me at my worst with 3 deaths in my family over a six month period, the worst being my mother. Then 3 months later I had a heart attack scare. Of course they told me that I was carrying too much weight. This gave me a scare and made me realise I needed to do something about it. I am determined to change my life and I believe that Boost will help me to do that.
    Thanks again.

  327. Linda Pill Says:

    O.K Geoff, you have my attention – again! I’ve been a member of your BodyTrim family since the very beginning and have achieved the results you promised that I would. But – I have fallen off the wagon this year, got lazy and have resorted to my old habits, and I’m finding it really difficult to get organised again. Snacks have always been my biggest challenge – I’m not a big fan of shakes, but if BodyTrim Boost has an improved taste, I’m confident that this new product will be just what I need to get back on the BodyTrim wagon again, thanks.

  328. Kathy Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have just ordered your diet and am hopeing for a massive change …I have suffered from depression due to my weight for years. I have 6 children and have just gotten fatter after each one and been unable to lose the weight..I have watched my mother over the years stack on an unbeilaivable amount of weight to the point now that she is no longer mobile and very very sick so you see if your program works for us it would literally be life changing for a whole family. Your boost shake sounds amazing and i cant wait to get started,…Keep up the good work..:)

  329. Nicole Says:

    Hi Geoff
    This is my second try at Bodytrim. My first time around I lost 12 kgs with another 20kgs to go when I fell ill. Recently started back on the program again and Bodytrim Boost would be a great kickstart and incentive to keep going.

  330. Nikki Garrard Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’m a busy mum of 2 girls. I run a faculty at a college. I’m involved in the girls school and their 2 sports netball and soccer. I have failed a couple of times and am desperately unhappy. I am at my heaviest and am desperate to change how I look around but when it’s for me I struggle to commit because I’m so busy with everyone else. Please help x

  331. Pamela Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I have not received my Body Trim kit as yet but am already excited at the prospect of your Boost package and am looking forward to its launch tonight.

    I feel confident that Body Trim and Boost are the tools I need to make a real difference in my life and weight loss.

  332. Tracy Singh Says:

    I went really well for about 6wks, slow weight loss though, bout 4kg. Had lots of problems with constipation. Tried fibre options given online, but not much luck. Had a car accident and a few other things go wrong, fell off the wagon. Trying to get back on track, find it hard to have easy protein snack options, especially for work and not boring.

  333. gwenda Says:

    Hi i agree with and follow the bodytrim concept but am still having trouble losing weight so bodytrim boost would definitlely help my metabolism . I am desperate to lose weight and get my diabetes type 2 under control so that I can get a life again Good work Geoff and the team. Thanks

    • kerri Says:

      I have been a yo yo dieter for more than half of my life and to be honest am sick and tired of it! i even keep falling off the wagon on body trim, which is easy to do, so I have realised that my head is not in the right place. the bonus that comes with the boost program sounds exactly what i need. i will be going on a holiday to Hawaii in 3 months and i am determined not to be overweight when i am there as i want to enjoy everything when i am there and not feel self conscious.

  334. fiona Says:

    Dear Geoff
    Cant wait to try your Boost – perhaps it will contain a small dose of your amazing positive attitude – i sure need both right now

  335. Fiona Says:

    Having used the Bodytrim System last year, I achieved a pleasing result.
    Like many over the the Xmas/New Year period, I too became a little complacent and have hit a plateau. I feel that Bodytrim Boost will help me to push on and achieve my ultimate goal.

  336. Richard Says:

    I have trouble getting the full 10,000 steps a day – this could be just the thing to slingshot me to the next big gain (or weight loss as the case may be).
    Looking forward to some thing quick and easier to make, without any fancy prepearation etc.

  337. Pauline S Says:

    Hi Goeff,

    At the moment I am unable to view the video clip, but by reading what you have written I can see that this sounds like just the ideal thing for me at the moment, something to give me the boost that is needed to get back into the BT way of things after 10 weeks of immobility, now am still limited to certain exercises, and have a fair way to go before I get back fully into the swing of things properly.

    I guess I could say “just what the Dr ordered at this point of time for me”.

    Thank you so much for always having our best interest in mind when you are thinking and working on all these improvements to the programe.
    Much appraciated.
    Pauline S

  338. Dana Coad Says:

    Yikes! Started BT on the 14th March and did well for the first week (4kg lost).Then, old demons come into play, the wine with dinner, the weekend BBQ and so on. It’s not hard to lose focus, even in the early weeks. After all, the weight has taken many, many years to accumulate and we cant expect it to all go overnight. But we still do, dont we? We are still addicted to the quick fix, and somehow want someone, something, to sort it out for us, PAIN FREE. Geoff, although I believe your ‘tummy filler’ will help, I dont think it’s going to fix my longer term issues with carb dependance. Its abit like alcohol addiction, only abstinance is the cure. (At least until you are strong enough to resist). And I think that is a while away yet. Yours in hope and strength, Dana Coad

  339. Leanne Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    My partner and I just started BT on Friday, I am so excited that this way of life is the one that will help get me where I have never been before. I turned 30 last week and from when I was a little girl all I have known is how it feels to be obese. I was at weight watchers at 10 and since that day have not stopped “dieting”, I have tried every diet around – loose a few kilos, plateau and loose faith. Your DVDs were really easy to listen to and follow! I don’t recall ever being so excited and motivated to do this, I have just finished my detox tonight and really looking forward to starting tomorrow. I need this so much to show our my 2 year old daughter how to live a great life and not to make the same mistakes as I have, I want to run, jump and swim with her so so much. I have tried every shake out there Geoff, they are convenient and easy to have when you are busy. I think it would help me stay on the bandwagon and I am hoping that maybe I can be in the top 10 slimmers of the year :-), aim high I say! Boost could well be my answer to stay on BT till the end.
    Thanks again Geoff for creating BT – I just know this is the one for me!!

  340. Mario Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have just started in the last week and have not had any loss results at all, I am hope full that it may start this week. I have committed to the program thus far with no luck.

    Please help because I have an important event in 3 weeks and would love to look leaner and fitter for it and also I am wanting to start dating again, so this would be a real boost for my self esteem.


  341. Caroine Tyndall Says:

    Hi Chris & Geoff,
    This sounds like a really helpful tool that almost anyone can use. looking forward to trying it. Thanks for all the support you offer to everyone.

  342. Kylie Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I have been on the bodytrim system for 3 weeks with my husband. I have lost 3.7kg and my husband has lost 5kg. While we have both found it easy to follow, I thought that I would have lost more than what I did. I am still finding it hard to not crave for something sweet. So I am hoping with this new bodytrim boost that this will help with those cravings & I can hopefully see some better results next time on the scales.


  343. Gayle Prigg Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am only new to Body trim but have spent the past 6 months doing a different diet which uses the hight protein low carbs principle. I had a moderate success losing 14 kgs but have started to gain this again as soon as i was off the diet. Finding it really hard to get back on the wagon and really need a big boost and quickly. Because i am getting married in
    july and want to shed at least another 10-15 kgs.
    i have been a serial yo yo dieter all my life and my metabolic rate and thyroid are shot to pieces. I really need your help to reach my desired goal… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE 🙂 🙂 HELP HELP HELP

  344. Marilyn Caldwell Says:

    I have only started this week but find it easy to follow find the bars good as I am a contract cleaner and work long hours Will let you know next week how Iam going Thank You

  345. kellie Says:

    hi Geoff
    You are an answer to prayer dear boy 🙂 I was definitely not in a financial position to try yet another “idea” but i watched you & believed in your passion enough to take the risk- it has paid off!
    I have been on the body trim for 6 weeks now and i cant say enough how appreciative i am to you for your passion, finally i have answers to what i knew (as a nutritionist) to be true!! After several years of yoyo eating, massive exercise with no weight loss i am actually getting real results without having to run my body to the ground, and at nearly 40, 3 + children (i do youth work s, telling everyone i know- i cant wait to try Boost!
    Thank you again
    PS I researched for myself the protein bars & thank you that they really are the best bar on the market!

  346. Lyn Rolton Says:

    Wow, Geoff, you never cease to amaze us. Every time we think you can’t top the last event, you come up with something new to keep us going and on track!! And certainly this one is very relevant… from what everyone else appears to be saying. I too, have been struggling since Christmas – to keep on track, to keep the kgs off, to keep motivated and eating properly!! Has been very difficult….after the previous six months of blitzing 17 kgs off, to get to a plateau that has lasted since January. Help – is very welcome and needed. Thanks Geoff – for always coming up with something just when we really need it.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can’t wait for “Boost” to help to get me losing again.


  347. Dee Says:

    Have lost 7kgs in 8 weeks. As a full time uni student with back to back classes, being able to leave a Bodytrim BOOST tub and my shaker in my car means I never have any excuses about skipping meals or worse, grabbing fast food on the run. Everyone has access to water, so carrying around a shaker with a scoup of Bodytrim BOOST in my car and uni bag means I stick to my weightloss plan (15kgs to go!). I could do with a ‘BOOST’ myself as this is the time I normally plateau and give up! 🙂

  348. Megan Duncombe Says:

    Hey Geffro,
    I have been following Bodytrim & Bodysculpt for the past few years and I have achieved fantastic results. I have all the bodytrim products in my pantry to help keep me on track and compliant. I must admit I get as excited as you when you bring out new products to help the BT community and fast track results and I can’t wait to try them. I think that BOOST will help with my bodysculpting results and will hit the spot when I feel like something sweet or a bit naughty! If it fills me up longer that will be fantastic. I love the bodylicious shakes but sometimes they don’t quite hit the spot and fill you up when your hungary. Anyway can’t wait to get my hands on some BOOST.
    Cheers Megan

  349. Felicity Dix Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I asked my husband for the Bodytrim Plus System for my birthday gift. It arrived 4 days ago.What a gift it is going to be!!

    We have just finished watching DVD 3. We will both use the program but want to get a handle on it before actually commencing our physical journey( informed is empowered). As a health professional I both followed and recommended the 3 meals a day/ healthy food pyramid etc. It has perhaps been my downfall to some degree. Never mind this is a new day!

    We already walk 4kms a day, and cant wait to start the journey of change in our eating habits. All I can say is this actually makes sense. I have never been able to understand why I have been unable to shift weight in spite of exercising. You have provided us with the key.

    Apart from trusting you and following your recommended guidelines,Bodytrim Boost sounds such a wonderful adjunct to kick starting my obviously sluggish metabolism.

    This is going to be the start of the rest of our lives towards regaining our health, vitality and general wellbeing.


  350. karen Says:

    Hi Geoff and Team,
    I have just completed week one and lost 1.5kg very chuffed with this only 15kgs to go. Im heading off to Fiji in August my first holiday in 7 years Im hoping to look ok in bathers. I love the program and dont find it hard to achieve the 10000 steps in fact manage up to 14000 some days I work in hospitality and in 9 hours walk alot. On my days off and after work I take an hours walk .I live in the country and enjoy walking and checking out the farms and wild life. My day often starts at 7am and finishes at 3.30am the next day, so i need to snack alot more than six times I think boost may be just what I need to help achieve my goal.
    Thank you so much for a wonderful program.

  351. A Lyne Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I started Bodytrim in February this year and was going great guns! I’d lost about 8kgs in the first 4 weeks. I then went on holidays and things went down hill from there, needless to say I think I have nearly put it all back on!!! (I can’t be 100% sure of that though because I’m too scared to get back on the scales!). I always said that I would restart next week and I’m still saying that now.
    The thing I struggled with the most was the 3 protein snacks during the day. I’m not a seafood eater so it didn’t leave me with many options that I enjoyed eating, but as soon as I read that your new Bodytrim Boost tasted so good it was more like an indulgence than a snack I was hooked again.
    I’m so excited to try your new product, I really believe this will get me back to were I was before I went on holidays and back on my weightloss journey! HELP!!!

  352. Cath Says:

    Hi Geoff!
    Started Bodytrim a couple of months ago and was so motivated that not only did I lose the 4kgs to get to my goal weight quickly, but convinced my friend to change her eating habits to Bodytrim compliant foods and she is steadily losing weight. Sadly, I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit and have put back on a few kgs and the cravings have returned. I would love to try Bodytrim Boost to help me get over the hurdle as my birthday is in a couple of weeks and I’m going to a wedding at an island in a month. Can’t wait for it to be released.

  353. Debra Nisbet Says:

    Hey Geoff
    I have been on and off BT since the start and found it to have worked a treat only to have fallen off the sugar free wagon many times. I have considered hypnosis even. I recently went on an 8 week candida diet and have finally lost the bad habit of eating lollies and chocs and because I have gotten to this stage mentally I feel the boost product now would work well for me so I can lose some more weight before we go on holidays in July. I have enjoyed the trim feeling a couple of times now and feel really comfortable being there.

  354. Lisa Says:

    Hi Geoff and Team
    I have been AWOL for a little while – life takes over at times, but have realised that Easter is just around the corner and time to set some BIG goals for 2011……and what do you know – I open up my email and there is good ole Geoff all excited about a new product to BOOST results. Coincidence….I know not!!!! I think I have purchased every product that BT has out out over the last couple of years and look forward to hearing more of how BOOST is going to set me up to achieve my dreams and goals for 2011. I am ready and waiting – love a challenge – so bring it on. Thanks Lisa

  355. alison Says:

    Hello Geoff/Chris
    I am interested in the boost, but I take medications for high blood pressuer and thyroxine. Will boost have any effects?

  356. Deb Says:

    I have a real story to tell but I’ll leave it until I am slimmer of the week and can help motivate others as I have been motivated. I started body trim in January then unfortunately had an accident that has left me in bed for 9 weeks. I have remained foccussed and compliant. I started at 144kgs and am currently 125kgs. I have kept depression at bay by playing the motivational CDs each day. I am so proud that I have been successful and I keep wondering how much more I’ll loose when I begin exercising again. Unfortunately I had to resign from my job because of the illness so I’m hoping boost will not be to hard of a financial burden. I still have a lot of weight to shed and I really need a break right now. A months supply is just what I need to continue with my success. I look forward to telling my story to you all later on. Regards Deb

  357. kathy Says:

    Thank you so much for your ongoing support, encouragement and dedication to improving the lives of so many! I’ve had good results on Bodytrim over the past month and, in spite of opening a new second store 2 weeks ago and having a little stay in hospital today, I’m confident that I’ll stay on track. The Bodytrim Boost sounds ideal and would help give me that little extra help and encouragement whick I could use at the moment in order to stay focussed and positive!
    Thanks again
    warm regards

  358. Catherina Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am thrilled to bits about the BT Boost. I like a few of the others that have left messages has fallen off the wagon. I did great work when I first started the program and then with problems at home and the work load I am taking on have been struggling to stick to the program. I will be starting this coming week on the program again and hopefully when the BT Boost is available it will help with the sweet cravings I have been experiencing. Im so looking forward to getting this product to help me stay on track so when I take my holiday later in the year I will be trim taut and terrific.
    Thank you so much for all the products and inspriation you are giving us all.

  359. kate hart Says:

    I’ve been on the bodytrim programme for 11 weeks and have lost nearly 5 kilos which is great but I have struggled with cravings and wanting something sweet that would fill me up especially in the afternoon so my result haven’t been as rapid as they could have been. I’m a single mum with 3 kids and am doing a full time grad dip in education at uni and I find it hard in the afternoons and evening when i’m running around with kids and cooking dinner and studying etc. I get hungry and sometimes the tin of tuna doesn’t quite do it for me so the body boost sounds like the perfect solution for those times when I’m hungry and tired and need a sweet snack that will keep me going and help to keep me on track while I’m looking after everyone else 🙂

  360. Michael Harding Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been on body trim for the last 10 months & lost About 11kg, but since xmas i have gained 5.5kg.
    I find it very hard to get the momentum going again, from monday i AM going to start walking for 1hr 30 minutes (MY USUAL WALK ALONG THE BEACH) & with this new product Body Trim Boost & following the BT methodology I will get into that confident mind state & the weight will come off.

  361. Rosmarie Benedetto Says:

    What a great idea the “Boost” is. I was worried about my up-coming trip to Italy with all that food and sweets, and I loveeeeeeeeee my sweets! This will help me to still lose weight while I’m away and to curb my cravings. I’m a strong willed person but I can’t always say no to the sweet things in life. I still manage to do really well on the BT program and people do comment on how good I look.
    Thank you very much

  362. D Gray Says:

    Hi Geoff and to all BT devotees!
    After a car accident in 2008 in which I recieved a C2 fracture,(hangmans fracture more commonly known as) and my age going against me, I’m 49 this year, I stacted on the weight and have struggled since! But now with “BODY TRIM +” I’m finally starting the weight loss journey! I struggle as I can not acheive the 10000 steps a day but do as much walking as I possibly can at this time! Seeing the “BT Boost” shake coming to light gives me even greater hope that I too can again achieve a healthy & fitter me no matter the obstacles hindering me from all directions! Slowly but steadily is good, but, a real “BOOST” to send the kilos packing has me thinking I can be a “Yummy Mummy/Nanny” too!
    A big THANK YOU from me!!

  363. Cara Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    OMG….to be able to get some rapid weight loss results from Bodytrim BOOST would be amazing, to say the least!! I have struggled with my weight most of my life, I have only been on BT for a few short weeks but not only are the results great, I don’t even feel like I am on a diet at all, I love food and with the right choices (as you have educated us) I lose weight!! Brilliant!
    I think to see the results from using BT BOOST would make the impact so much greater in a few short weeks, it would be a massive motivator for me!
    Cara 🙂

  364. Brenda Parker membership payment Says:

    Hi Geoff, well,this has been my 1st day after detox, which went well apart from needing to urinate very frequently! I am a bit disolutioned with the fact that so many fall off the wagon as i have tried many diets and thought that this one would be different. I am not your standard person in that I am in a w/chair for 80% of the time and always the exercise part is no go. I walk in a heated pool x 4 weekly andf hope this is going to be adiquet. Lost 3kgs on detox. am very full of determination as I hate looking like mitchelin man or a sack of spuds in the w/chair. thanks for the start. Brenda

  365. Julie Says:

    I’ve been with Bodytrim for so long, lost all excess weight a couple of years ago on the program, put it back on, lost it, put it on .. am still yo yo-ing. My biggest problem is that I’m a …. you guessed it … a chocoholic. I dearly hope that “Boost” can help me in my 7 step program. I’m even OD’ing on Atkin Protein bars to get that chocolate fix, spending way too much time at the supermarket sniffing deeply around the Easter Egg displays, cannot seem to get past skinny hot chocolates (Wendy’s are the best) and demanding a portion of “tax” from the children when they have something chocolatey. Please please please let this be the end of my addiction. Send help fast! Easter is coming!!! Help!!!

  366. Lea Lea Says:

    Hi, My husband and I have been on BT for about 7 weeks now, my progress has been progressive, 500gm – 700gm losses per week. My husband has been averaging 2kg per week – lucky him. However our friends and work mates have definitely noticed the differences.
    We are truly enjoying the programme and are beginning to understand the nuts and bolts of it. We are steadfast in making this a permanent lifetyle change for us and have easily adapted the programme into our lifestyle.
    The BT Boost product sounds fantastic and is a great idea. Who doesn’t have an occasion where we would love a bit of a BOOST? We for an example have my brothers wedding coming up in a few months and it would be a great BOOST occasion.
    I also wanted to say Geoff, thank you for such a great programme that is so easy to follow. I can not recommend it or your efforts enough. Thank you again.

  367. Lorna Coonerty Says:

    Wow what a help this product will be. I wass doing really well on Body trim. Lost 5 kg then was ill in hospital for a while and have fallen offf the wagon putting on 2 kg and craving smacks again. This will really help me start again and lose another 5 kg before i visit my daughter in London in a months time. Thanks Geoff and team

  368. Lesley O'Brien Says:

    Hi BodyTrim Team

    A new product always excites me and hopefully this will give me the “boost” I need to knock off the 5kgs I put back on from being very slack with my food and excercise.

  369. Barbara Priest Says:

    Hi Geoff, I started BT in the New Year and have been disappointed with my results. It might help if I had a pedometer that actually worked. The 3 day detox was the most amazing thing ever! I can’t believe people are saying they still have cravings?? I think I need BT Boost to give my still sleeping (hope it isn’t dead!) metabolism a Boost and a kick start. Cheers. Barb

  370. Kylie De Cean Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I’m now into my 4th week on the program. I have been following the program as closely as I can. I have lost about 3 kilos now but was a bit disappointed in not losing the 5-6 kilos in the first week. I’ve watched yours and Chris’s videos and am really excited about this new Boost product. I think it will do wonders for me and give me the kick-start to really keep me motivated.


  371. Kim Says:

    Hi Geoff and team,

    I truly hope this will get people like myself back on track. I have done quite well to this stage (lost 6 kg) however there have been many sad moments in my/family lifes from October 2010 till date. I need to keep being focused and also get that zest back to my/our lifes. Hopefully this formula can give some of that back to me.

    I have 3 kids under six and run 3 business and has become difficult with eating 6 meals a day.

    I know and believe in your system because I have struggled from the age of 16 and this is the only program that is moving my weight. I do around 20,000 steps a day without excercising (as time is against me even with time management due to my life style as said previous).

    Well it is good to see you and your team look for the best results in us and keep us help us to keep us motivated.

    Kind regards,

  372. Rossie Stewart Says:

    The Body Trim program is so good and I love it. I would never be without Body Trim products in my cupboard and when I go out or to work I always pop a Bodydelicious Bar and a can of salmon in my basket. I am delighted to read about Boost and I am hoping it will help me when I experience sweet cravings for a few days every four or five weeks. It would seem like this maybe hormone based and it is frustrating because in three days I can so easily undo all the good eating and weight reduction for the previous four weeks. Boost may well be the answer and if so I will be one very happy lady.

  373. Sarah Day Says:

    Hi Geoff

    When I first started bodytrim I lost 13 kilos in around 8 weeks, I couldn’t believe how easy it was to lose weight and feel great, then along came christmas and all those yummy cocktails after work and I managed to stack on all that weight back on and more. I quit the drinks and started walking again but find the protein snacks very hard to stomach -its like I have had protein overload!! I’ve well and truly fallen off the wagon, and I really want to get back to eating healthily but its always been all or nothing for me so I really need help with these protein snacks… My brothers wedding is in 3 weeks and I have 7-10 kilos to lose, I would love this challenge to Boost me back in the right direction! PLEASE HELP ME GEOFF!!!! I would be ever grateful…. Thanks, Sarah

  374. Sue Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    This is great news to me. I am so pleased that there is another tool to put in the kit that will be available. I have almost given up trying to lose weight, even though I will feel andf look much better, as well as to enjoy good health. I started bodytrim a few years ago with great results, and let myself get brainwashed into doing a shakes program, which was great for the first week, but is super hard to stick with. I am going to do Bodytrim again as I know it works and fits into my lifestyle well, but need to boost my metabolism and my morale to make this work, and make this the last time I will have to beat myself up about the person I very much dislike looking at in the mirror.

  375. Kaye Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I am so thankful I found body trim!! I have lost nearly 8kgs in 9 weeks, in the middle of all that I have had heaps of health challenges, which has restricted my 10000 steps but I am still having a loss and losing those cms, has been fantastic. It seems I have hit a low in my personal life, with death of a close friend and business stresses as well as my health but body trim has made my lifestyle much easier to cope with, as I feel better for what I am eating. I am a mother of 5, self employed and turning 40 in October!! Can’t wait to show off my body then!!
    it really is a lifestyle not a diet!!

  376. Jan Says:

    I’m an insomniac that eats at night and during the day I’m always hungry. I try to comply with the 3 hour rule but I work in a veterinary hospital and it gets so hectic that sometimes 6 hours flys by without a moment to eat anything. However, I have been steadily losing weight until now. Aaarrrgghhhh I’ve hit the dreaded plateau. So bring on the BOOST! Looking forward to it. Only problem will be … chocalate or vanilla. I guess I’ll have to get both 🙂

  377. Gayle Hepper Says:

    Hi Geoff, Early last year i started on bodytrim i need to lose about 50 kg, i lost 18kg in time for my sons wedding in May then i lost another 5kg before my other son got married in August, after that i thought i would take a break (big mistake) i have found it really hard to get back on track, i have the protien shakes and the bodylicious bars but would like to try the Bodytrim Boost i think it would help me get back on track. Thank you

  378. Roslyn van Doorn Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    How will this help me ???
    I have been getting dizzy. This has derailed my walking and even getting around. As I cannot now drive, nor walk without someone to make sure I go straight. My eyes have got really bad and I am also in the middle of having cataracts removed from them. This may or may not have something to do with the dizzy. But at the moment I feel like a bit of a slug. If this BOOST will do what you say, then whooppie. I may have an answer to combat my inability to do much without help.
    Please, please please may I be one of the FIVE
    Take care

  379. bernie Says:

    Looking forward to using the boost to give me a BOOST in my weight loss, which has ben a abit stop and start for numerous reasons over the last months. Just diagonised with a fatty liver so need to turn my lifestyle around.

  380. Kathleen Says:

    Hi Geoff and friends,

    I started Body Trim this week, today is day 5. I am afraid that I am one of the people that experience slow weight loss. I have been super vigilant in following the program to a ‘t’ and am being encouraged by my husband- to- be, as he is doing it with me. Ken lost 5 kgs!!!!!in the detox phase and I have dropped just one. (which is something I suppose, but I can’t help feeling a little discouraged.)

    Hearing about the new BOOST supplement is certainly a BOOST to my motivation…..I want that weightloss result sooooo bad!

    Thank you TEAM BODYTRIM, for giving me hope to fit into my beautiful wedding dress, and for the chance to be able to look at the wedding photos with delight, not disgust!

  381. Ray Platt Says:

    hi Geoff
    I’m disappointed, I’ve reduced my food consumption by 30 to 40 percent and using 2 water crackers smeared very thinly with vegemite as an afternoon and evening snack. This is fine i don’t feel hungry, but after two weeks i’m not losing any weight, in fact i’ve gained 2.5 kgs.
    Unfortunately i cannot walk, except about 100 steps per day.
    SO it is not helping me.

  382. Elizabeth Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    reading about boytrim boost nearly made me cry. You see, I know bodytrim works, and I have done the system twice and both time lost 5 kilos, then I plateau. I Plateau because I’m not head strong, I try, but I’m not. Sweets get the better of me and when this happens, i become really harsh on myself, and my thoughts become constant, and negative. Its really hard.
    What you said yesterday really spoke to me, it’s like you know my weight loss journey, because I have literally been trying to do bodytrim successfully since January but seem to fail by Friday of every week. I hate that because negative weight loss really takes a toll on you emotionally, but on the other hand, positive weight loss results make you feel so amazing! I was about to give up, but when I heard about bodytrim boost, a drive came back for the need to be happy with myself in this life.
    Thanks for being able to relate Geoff, and to let us all know that we are not alone! =)

  383. Danielle Says:

    I’ve spent the last 18 months working hard to lose 40kgs and now have hit a roadblock and the weight just isn’t budging anymore and I think that the Boost shake might be just the thing I need to kick start things again. It sounds like it will give me the energy to get through my day as I find myself needing a nap with changing my diet has left me zapped.

  384. Alison Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am excited to hear more about the boost system as I have been following the bodytrim system religously and after 4 weeks have only lost 3 kg. I am pleased with the loss but at the same time I am frustrated as I believed your ads. that say lose 5kgs. in the first week.
    I wouldn’t feel so bad if I was cheating a little however I am sooo motivated and focussed that I am being meticulous with the guidelines of the bodytrim system. I have spoken with one of your nutritionalists
    who was full of praise for my loss but could understand my frustration. We went through my diet plan for the previous 3 days and she confirmed that I was doing everything correctly but maybe I had a slow metabolism and to keep persisting. I will say I no longer crave so,ething sweet and don’t really feel like I am missing out on yummy stuff anymore, but I am never hungry so at times I feel that I am almost force feeding myself. So I was relieved when my order of bodytrim shakes arrived as I can simply have a shake between meals and not feel like I am going to burst. I am just so keen to lose 10kgs., that I haven’t given up and am anxiously awaiting that weigh in day when my metabolism has decided to wake up. In light of this I am extremely eager to hear and see more about the bodytrim boost

  385. Rosalind Smith Says:

    Hi Geoff. I have been on BT for 4 weeks now and already my children have noticed that I have lost weight. I was 82kg and now down to 77kg with a goal of 70kg. Not much in relation to what others are achieving, but it makes a big difference to the way I look and the way I feel about myself. I think that BT Boost will be a great asset to so many by being a convenient aid to stopping those cravings that threaten to disrupt our best intentions. Thank you for everything.

  386. Roz Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    My husband and I have become devotees since we first started your program. We haven’t found it hard to follow at all. We both have been attending boot camp exercise sessions 3 times a week since December but didn’t see a real weight loss difference until we started on your program. My husband has lost more weight in this past three weeks on your program than he had since we started exercising!
    For me, the weight loss has been a lot slower. I have been losing weight consistantly each week but never more than 500-600g per week. I appreciate this still counts but it would be great to see a real difference each week.
    We are going on a cruise in three weeks time and would really appreciate a boost to my weight loss. Geoff, please help me look good!!!


  387. Heidi Winter Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Quite simply, anything that can help boost weight loss efforts is a wonderful thing.
    Motivation is the key ingredient for success in any diet, and what could be better for motivation than something like this?

    many thanks

  388. Julia Says:

    I find the 10,000 steps a day the hardest when working fulltime and looking after 2 kids. Just got a new puppy which is the motivation I needed to get out and start walking and now BT Boost will really help fastrack the eating side of things (especially snacks and lunch where I often grab whatever is available). Thanks BT, looking forward to next week!

  389. kerry Says:

    Well Geoff,
    I have used BT in the past and found it works.
    I have just restarted BT because I have added stressors in my life which have in turn impacted on my weight- I have taken in a teenager with attitude- very challenging!!!
    The difficulty I had in the past was accessing protein snacks. They were expensive, had weird taste and I generally I dreaded them. I would love to try BOOST! I would also appreciate any assistance as I am presently struggling with my fitness because of my weight gain and I plan to partake in a marathon in August.
    Cheers and thanks

  390. Barb Henrich Says:

    Wow! I think the boost is just what I need. I’ve been on BT for 12 months and lost 20kgs. That was easy and just great, but for the last 4-5 months I haven’t lost anymore. Getting a bit frustrated. I’m sure this is what I need to get me going again. Thanks so much.

  391. Chris Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I started Body Trim early last year and lost 20 kg’s, brilliant, 20 still to come off, we went overseas on holidays just prior to Christmas and was very happy about the 2 kilo’s that snuck on, but our Christmas break was a little less kind to me 3 more kilo’s sneaking on. Now I am back on track and raring to go to remove the now 25kilo’s I want to shift before our Christmas holiday this year, I am very happy with the results I have achieved while on Body Trim, as I have been on every diet known to man and have been successful in losing weight, but as soon as I stop being super strict back it comes, even though I put on 5 kilo’s it is still very good as normally a year after I have started something new all the lost weight has reappeared. I have a shocking sweet tooth so the BOOST sounds like it is just what I need, so keep up the good work and the new fresh ideas that keep rolling in, and bring on my new full time body for the rest of my life. Thanks

  392. susanne Hall Says:

    Dear Geoff,
    i would like to try the bt system again as i didnt stay on it and would love to try the boost powder. Im desperately trying to loose the weight but cannot afford to keep the bodytrim system. Please please help.

  393. Danielle Says:

    Hi there.

    I have always had a problem losing weight. I have to lose about 50kgs and I am just about to start Body Trim back up again. I need something like Body Trim BOOST to help give me the kick start I so desperately need. I am wanting to lose weight to get my life back again and be healthy so I can have a baby. I am 25 years old and being the weight I am is extremely depressing plus I want to be a great role model for my 6 year old daughter.

    Thank you so much. 🙂

  394. Helen Schilperoort Says:

    Can’t wait to try it! Life’s been crazy lately and have slipped off the bodytrim system. Looking forward to getting back into and with this added kick, I’m psyched to see the results!

  395. Nicole Says:

    Well done Geoff,

    I’m hoping to get my hands on this as I’m needing the extra motivation and hand in getting to my goal…it’s so easy to get off track and be discouraged, esp watching the biggest loser contestants carving up the weight loss(I’m not delusional I promise-I know they are in extreme and ideal circumstances for weight loss and there is no way a normal life can cater to that kind of eating/exercise-but it is a tad discouraging when you feel your weight loss is so slow or hit a plateau)
    Thanks for the constant changes your bringing us to make this journey easier and more attainable.

  396. Sheri Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Well I started BT in November and have currently lost 8kg, I have survived Christmas ,New Year my birthday, Valentines day and have even just returned from a 7 night cruise. I have been very disciplined about getting straight back on track if I faulter I have purchased BS and been doing that for about a month. I feel that over the last 6 weeks I am just maintaining which is better than gaining weight, but I still have another 5kg to loosed to get to my goal weight – THIS could be just what I need Thanks for all your encouragement and support Geoff you have been fabulous.

  397. Maria Honeywood Says:

    I have 5kg to go and can’t wait for Body Boost

  398. Marie Says:

    Good luck to all new Body trim members.
    I am only in my first week and am happy with the system thus far.
    Because of old injuries I am unable to do very much exercise so have been somewhat overweight despite my efforts to diet.

  399. Denise Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I have struggled a bit the past few months too. I go well for awhile then I come to a halt. I have been the same weight now for awhile. I have even bought myself a treadmill so that I have no excuse to not be able to walk everyday if the weathers bad. I have had an injury and have not been able to work for sometime now so I know this has not helped me mentally so any extra help I can get to losing weight would be fantastic:) Thanks

  400. Mrs Deborah Tierney Says:

    Dear Geoff, I have been on bodytrim for 8 weeks now and lost 5kg. half of my goal. I have spent the last two years trying to lose weight but no luck due to slow metabolism. I am a full time dance teacher so you can imagine how thrilled I am that your body trim is working for me. I am ecstatic with the results and passing on my success and recommendation to just about every I know. However I am finding it hard to get over the next hurdle and need help. I think Boost is just what I need and would be happy to promote this amazing product to all my friends. Thank you so much, I am truly grateful. Deborah

  401. Gwen Says:

    I have been trying to drop weight past 80kg, however it doesnt matter how much I walk and ridge the horse, it still doesnt come off. I would like to get back to 75kg but I end up eating all the wrong things again and so round and round we go! I would love to win Bodytrim Boost as I reckon it would do the trick. I have the original Bodytrim which took me from86kg to 80 but thats where everything ends!!!

  402. gwenda Says:

    Hi after reading all the comments feel I should add mine I started bodytrim in January found dvds etc very good and motivating did 3 day detox and did everything else that i was supposed to , Have knee and back problems but dog was pleased to walk longer in the morning to get the steps in did not lose any weight so was very disappointed .Did find I was not as hungry for carbs and chocolate missed cheese and icecream though I am Type 2 Diabetic on tablets with high BSL and think this may have been part of the problem am now on night time insulin so hopefully will get bsl down and metabolism going again do not want to go down the shakes for meals road want to eat proper food. BOOSt in addition to BT again will get me doing the right direction again Thanks

  403. Steph Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I started Bodytrim a few days before the big Earthquake in CHCH, NZ. Survival mode kicked in and getting fresh supplies became an issue! So lets just say the ‘wheels fell off!’ With no power, water or sewerage the day was spent simply getting thru. We are now back with services and time to focus again on ME! Bodytrim BOOST is just what I need to get back on track. Take Care

  404. kathy Says:

    I have done the 3 day detox and I also try to maintain my 10,000 steps/day.I am also attempting to have 6 meals(smaller portions) etc.
    I find that I have dropped around 3kgs but that fluctuates from day to day.My measurements have chnaged and I feel better on the whole.
    I believe that the programme certainly works but its the little bits that count.
    Stay positive and think like a thin person!

  405. Glenda Says:

    Hey I started bodytrim well over a year ago. I had great results I was confindent would last for life. During last year my health started to fail, so excercise and good nutrition fell by the way for quick energy boost snacks and driving to work instead of walking. The year ended with major surgery of which i am finally recovered. I really believe in your system as a life journey. Even in my illness, sticking to most of your principles I only gained about 5 kilos which I am determined to get rid of. So Monday is the day (and also my quit smoking day!) I am determined to be a better me and get back in control of my life. Any wisdom and encouragement would be greatly received. Cheers.

  406. Patricia Says:

    Hi Geof
    Its always good to have someone to motivate you and to help keep you on track and encourage one not to quit, thanks for your support.
    I’ve only been on BT for 2 weeks and believe if I can stay on track I will eventually reach my desired weight with the help of Body Trim BOOST Blueprint to help me through those times when needed.


  407. Mark Says:

    Geoff – HELP ME OUT………..I can’t seem to break my plateau, and I am starting to lose my motivation of staying on track………….I had been doing everything as expected………and had been losing the weight…..14 kgs, and now….i can’t seem to break my next short term 5 kg goal!

    It has been as frustrating as hell………………Please help me out!

    PS – got any suggestions for breakfast – I am gettting sick of having 2 hard boiled eggs and a banana for breakfast day in and day out, besides on my protein only day – just 2 hard boiled eggs that day

  408. Nicola Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have been reading all the excellent stories from the other bloggers and fully expect that you’ll choose their stories over mine, because I don’t feel that I’m anything special or that I have had great successes with the Bodytrim system. It’s rather the reverse, because I am struggling every day with keeping compliant and handling stress and ill health. I try walking every day, but find the 10,000 steps a struggle, too. I’d love to get that extra Boost about which you are so excited and inspiring but so many others sound so much more deserving than I. Still, one can only hope can’t one? Cheers and many thanks indeed

  409. Bruce McGregor Clark Says:

    Hi Geoff, just completed second week on BT, no probs really but my job unfortunately requires me to do 12 to 14 hrs,alternating nite/days, plus every second day staying away, it would be awesome to have an ace up my sleeve in the form of the new BT BOOST

  410. Geoff Jowett Says:

    Thanks for the AWESOME comments guys!!!

    Keep them coming!


    • kerrie Says:

      I’ve been on the BT now for three weeks. My staff have noticed the difference in my appearance already. I seem to be losing weight from all over ;ie ankles up. I’ve a school reunion in 5 weeks so I am pretty keen to keep going. I had a been of a blowout yesterday and resorted to chocolate so the idea of having a tub of something i my handbag to help sounds terrific. Dog is loving the extra walk he gets everyday!

    • marie Says:

      Hey Geoff, my partner & I have been on body trim for several months now & while we are convinced its the right thing to do, we are really struggling to break through the platau we’ve both reached. We promised ourselves that when we reach our goal weights we will get married but that seems rather & rather away from our reality of this year. We are both advicates for your system & have told all our friends about what we are doing, afew of them have also joined body trim, but even though we have loss 12 & 7 kilos we aren’t getting the results we expected & your helpline crew don’t seem to have any answers either. So please can you help us achieve our dream???

  411. Maureen Philbert Says:

    Hey Geoff!
    I’m just finishing day 3 of the protein only carb detox and I’m amazed that I don’t feel nearly as hard done by as I thought I would! It wasn’t made easier by the fact that I’m a chef – who also works part time in a Lolly shop…! I used my knowledge of food to help keep my protien choices interesting and the hope of not having to wear a mu mu on holiday to Bali for my best friend’s 40th in 4 months to push me on.
    I look back on pictures of me at his 30th in shame and don’t want to ruin the happy snaps this time around! I have all the motivation I need as my boyfriend & will be trying for a baby around that time too, but any Boost I can get in the meantime will be much appreciated! Good luck to everyone that has posted – we will get there!

  412. bernie Says:

    Started B.T. before Christmas but got side tracked with floods and everything going on. Just been diagonised with fatty liver so am keen to get back on track. The boost would be great addition to the body trim range. I have put the cds and mps on to a player so i can listen to the motivational talks from the body trim team to help motivate me.

  413. joan Says:

    Next week is the first anniversay of my Dad’s death, so everyone in the family is feeling a bit down. I have been on your program for a month and have felt great till this week. Although it has been hard with the heat here in the west to get the 10,000 steps in, but the dog loves you.

    I just need a boost in everyway, and losing weight is the best boost I can personally give myself .

  414. Carlyn Dyer Says:

    What superb timing. I am feeling lost and have self sabotaged. This could be the Boost I need. I look forward to learning more

  415. Libby Nunn Says:


    Thank you for creating Bodytrim it is the most amazing eating plan I have been fortunate enough to come across. I have been doing BT for 7.5 weeks with great results but things have started slowing down in the last two weeks. I have gone into a flap thinking I may never get that flat tummy I so desire. I started BT because I felt so disgusted with myself when I looked in the mirror & decided I had take charge & do something for myself. I lead a busy life but with this eating plan I find it very easy to follow & am compliant in every aspect. I even have Bodysculpt in the cupboard waiting to break out when I hit 5 kg from my goal weight.

    When I got your email about the Bodytrim BOOST shake I was over the moon the chance for me to fast track my weight loss & get me feeling on top of the world again in four weeks would mean so much. My self confidence would get a massive boost, I would be that much closer to reaching my goal weight & I would have the turbo boosted incentive to go for gold & reach my goal. I would hope that I would be turning heads.

  416. Kerry Rollins Says:

    I’m new to BT and still exploring the the whole thing. I think that anything that will assist me in losing weight is a bonus!

  417. carol Says:

    Hi Geoff
    i have been on body trim for about a month and for the first two weeks and i had great results but then i found it hard to keep focused i got depressed and stressed and went back to eating the foods that made me gain the origanal weight it is hard to kick the cravings and get back on track i lost my motivation.
    now i here that you have this awesome product that could help me i will be so happy to try it i need to loose wieght for medical reasons to be as healthy as i can get get as i have a condition called pulmonary arterial hypertension i struggle with day to day things like walking but i try and i push through it and with all the medicine’s that are coming out gives me hope .
    but there is one thing medicine cant help me with and that is weight loss that is up to me and i want to do anything i can to loos the weight to stay healthy and boost sounds like exactly what i need .
    thanks for listening .

  418. Lainie Says:

    G’day Geoff,
    So…I’ve got a milestone birthday coming up in three weeks time.
    I started BT in November & have been (generally) compliant & getting great results. I’m now in my forth week of Bodysculpt and people are starting to comment & compliment me – bonus!
    The Bodylicious bars, shakes, cookies + Nutrashot have been a great help along the way.
    I’m here because everything I’ve been doing on your system has been working for me so far, thankfully, sigh ;-).
    I’m keen to try your new and exciting product – especially if it’ll help rocket my results, and extra-specially if it will help make a difference in time for my birthday – which is THE goal I’ve been focussed on along my BT journey =)
    Thanks for everything!!

  419. Kim Says:

    Hi Geoff, I became a single mum of 10 children 4 yrs ago. The change in my family circumstances and heading into change of life has left me struggling with my weight. I’ve had some success with BT but need a bit of extra help.

  420. Jo Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’ve been on BT since late Jan and have happily lost 7 kgs. However I’ve hit a bit of a standstill in recent weeks with 10kgs to go! I have to admit, I’m a big believer and I know it works now but I’ve started avoiding my protein only day (all that protein just feels so dry) and I sometimes (ok often) skip my 6th meal of the day, cos I just can’t stomach any more of the protein options. I think a nice ice cold protein shake would be just the thing I need, in fact my mouth’s watering now just reading about it! I know I’m gonna love them at the end of a day as I still ‘crave’ (mentally, not physically) a sweet treat at the end of the day and I’m hoping it gives me that extra option which is just the thing I need to get the scales moving again.
    Thanks for the program Geoff, and I’d just love a month’s supply of Bodytrim Boost!

  421. Sue Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I had great success with the programme, kept my weight off despite frequent travel & encouraged all my friends to “give it a go”. Which a number of them have very successfully. I went on a long cruise over Xmas & thought I was being “good”…………….6kgs later. I still haven’t been able to shift them despite trying over & over. I’ve done the 3 day detox a number of times & continued on. I must be doing something wrong. I’m almost at the point of giving up. It was so easy before. Why isn’t working now??


  422. Denise McCoy Says:

    Dear Geoff,

    This new product boost sounds like a great idea for me. I love the bodytrim system and I find that it works for me while I’m following the program and keeping motivated. I don’t know why but after about the fourth week on the program I seem to have a break and then find it hard to get on track again. You see, while I’m having a break from the program my body is getting a surdge of carbs and sugar, irregular protein and water and then I end up tired and cranky. I find I don’t have time or energy to get back on track. While I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself I read your e-mail on Boost and got very excited because tmorrow I’ve decided to get back on track. I feel positive that your new product is going to give me the boost I need.

    Thanks Geoff.

  423. Jan Gilmour Says:

    I am an old “Weightwatcher” from several years ago and achieved my goal weight successfully as well as maintaining that weight. Since I have had to give up my sport (because of bad knees) as well as running a business in the food industry, along with the stresses of same, I have put on weight and become depressed. I struggle with depriving myself of chocolate, etc (comfort food, I call it) so when I read an article in Woman’s Day I thought I would give Bodytrim a go. If you can win me over with your plan you will be rewarded with my greatest admiration because I am a challenge to myself, let alone anyone else. I will be forever grateful.

  424. Suzanne Says:

    G’day Geoff,

    I’d just like to say that your email came at just the right time. Feeling a little bit flusted lately, I was talked into accompanying a friend to a herbalife party. I attended this party last night and although was tempted into their web of fast weight loss claims decided to sleep on it…After all living off shakes didn’t overly excite me. Thank God I came to my senses!!
    I feel like a revolving door lately and need a spur in the right direction. Financially things are tough and stressful at the moment so a BOOST would be a great help. I’d also like to commend you on your motovational cd’s (Bodytrim +) I have them in my car as a pick me up, to put weightloss and life into perspective. Thanks Geoff

  425. Angela Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am a second time user to body trim must say I love the new program.
    I just started on my 4th day and lost 2.5 kg feeling good, but one downer My health is taking another turn I have a rare allergic lung and sinus disease ABPA & Fungal Sinuses and last year it almost killed me after heavy doses of antifungls and steroids 2 operations I gained 35kg to a already over weight body, When I started I Weighing in at 124kg what heart ache I feel I must loss 51kg, I need to for my self esteem and to lessen the load on my lungs. I am still on the antifungls which are keeping Aspergillis from growing in my sinus and lung cavity’s again.
    I love all the motivation you get this time round and boost sounds fantastic, I would love to try it hopefully it doesn’t react to Itraconazol, this is the medication I’m on. I would love the boost to try to get my life back… Thanks for taking time to read this.. Regards Angela 🙂

  426. Ros Adam Says:

    After trying years to shift unwanted weight and being disheartened every week i realised I couldnt blame anyone else but myself and decided to take stock of my weight and be serious about it… I joined BT plus in Nov last yr and have lost 24 kilos…My aim is to lose another 28 which i know wont be a problem. Being an Aged Care Nurse, my shifts are all over the place which i admit makes my eating times somewhat a struggle.I sometimes get slack and think * oh this once wont hurt* seems sometimes old tricks die hard. I would appreciate ANY assistance which would help with my irregular shifts and eating times…GREAT work everybody…keep it going…If i can do this…anyone can.

  427. helen Says:

    My Bioelectric Impedence Analysis man tells me that I’ve put on four kilos of fat over the last ten months. Previously I’d lost just over 20 kilos. I’ve been trying to start again. Anything that makes this a bit easier is GOOD.
    It’s the Maintenance Phase that’s the really difficult bit.

  428. Shahn Dee Says:

    ANOTHER brilliant idea from BodyTrim. I am loving the Nutrishot and am looking forward to the new boost. I have tried a variety of protein powders and slim gym shakes but none have done the trick, so if the Boost is anywhere as delicious and effective as the Protein drink, I’m on the starting blocks. Between work and personal stresses over the past 6 months I have plateaued mainly because of NOT eating 3 small meals and 3 snacks, however, the BodyTrim way is so user friendly that when I do eat, that’s the way I eat. I am SO looking forward to an easy to use, delicious tasting way to get me going again – and the timing is perfect because I am READY!! Thanks for continually looking for ways to make the weight loss and healthy way easy yet tasty and for the frequent news updates which really do make it feel like a BodyTrim FAMILY!! Shahn

  429. CAZ DALLINGER Says:

    I jusr received my package 2 days ago,just before I had to hurry down to Brisbane.I have just got back and read about the boost trial.I will open my package and start bodytrim tomorrow.It is my last resort.I have been to Jenny Craig, Gloria Marshall,W/Watchers,a gym and various slimming clubs locally.I have written down everything I have eaten for 8 years and all I do is maintain.I am told that with walking I would tip it in my favour and lose weight.But I get tendernitis in my feet from time to time so cant keep the walking up long enough for results.I am flying to England at the end of May after waiting for 40 years to see my family.I would dearly love to be one of the ones you choose as I so want to be 10kg lighter by the 31st May.

  430. Ann Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I am Totally loving learning the Bodytrim system of weightloss.I have been following all ideas and recipes for 3weeks and it definitely works for me!!I look forward to trying the new BOOST!

  431. Felicity Gifford Says:

    Hi there, have been sticking to BT pretty well, and have lost 6kg, only want to lose another couple but a bit stuck. Boost might be just the thing.

  432. Jennifer Wallis Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I have been using bodytrim now for about 18 months it has been wonderful thank you so much. Now after 20 years of being a single stay at home mum and all of my children being in school i decided it was time for me to do something to get myself back into the workforce. So now i attend tafe 4 days a week and have found i am gaining weight and struggling to stay away from sugar and carbs, not to mention the lack of exercise from sitting in a classroom all day when i am use to being active and on the go all day. I am feeling myself becoming depressed due to the weight gain and lack of exercise, so of course i also have little energy and i’m tired all the time. I am desparately trying to get back on track and trying to find a way to rectify these problems i have run into. I couldn’t believe my luck when i got your email about BT boost it sounds like exactly what i need to get my weight back under control and to start to feel good about me again. BT Boost would be a dream come true for me as i have felt i just need to find a way to kick start my weight loss again which i am sure would then keep me motivated and on track for good. I would like to thank you and the BT team for this chance at trying BT Boost and look forward to hearing more about bodytrim boost.


  433. Lyn Says:

    I hve lost 31 kg and am happily exploring maintenance.

    Would love a Boost to keep the enthusiasm, variety and momentum going.

    As this is now a lifetime eating plan the new things make it easier to sustain – great timing yet again thanks.

  434. Anne Says:

    Hi Geoff Well I am one of the original BTr’s started Oct 08. I did get great results although my body reached a plateu weight and would not budge. I did the body sculpt challenge and did go down a couple of kilo’s but never reached my original intended goal weight. Still I was very happy where I was but since just before Christmas till now I have put on 5 kilo. I turned 60 in January and with that came a bit of depresion and the excess weight I just can’t get my motivation back. I hope that this new product will be just what I need to save me from my old yo yo habits and get me back on track.

  435. krystal Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I purchased BodyTrim for my husband about 3 years ago and he has always gone up and down with weight on and off with BodyTrim. However since starting off again in November 2010 he was on a serious mission and has lost 23kgs to date and is down to his first goal weight of 86kg (He looks and feels great!). However now he has the taste of success within such a great timeframe he has set himself another goal of loosing a further 5kgs but mentioned the other day he is not sure what else he can do as he has been 86kgs for the last month. BOOST sounds like a great start. I look forward to hearing more tomorrow. Thanks Geoff for making my husband feel great about himself again!!:-)

  436. Iman Amin Says:

    Hi Geoff ! I had been signing in different Gyms for the last past 4 years and always wanting to loose 15 Kilos. Did many classes and had private trainers. They always have celebrations with all kinds of “supposedly” Healthy food which includes: Sandwiches, cakes , biscuits, fruits and so on. I have 3 months to go, to finish the last of 4 years membership. Overall that time I kept loosing 2kilos then put it back on again. I did’nt understand why until I heard about the bodytrim from my friend and immediately started. I have been on it now for 2 weeks and lost 3 kilos. I understand now, how nutritional foods is the most important in life first and being aware of what you eat and then again aware of what you need to do for excerises , makes you feel relaxed, happy, contented, and look forward to continues with bodytrim products and way of life. This was the first time I found a diet that you can understand the informations so easiley and by following it step by step, it suprises you with weight loss that loose on measuring time in a very short time. Thank so much Geoff for your clear understanding of this Diet.

  437. Janine Steele Says:

    Hi Geoff and Team,

    I have just joined a Gym and gone through the process of the Weigh in and Measuring and oh! not good. Then I had the Blood Pressure test and that was even worse news. I had to go to the doctors for them to test me and get permission to go to the Gym. Well my Blood Pressure was way to HIGH. They did it 6 times in 1 and 1/2 hours, it went down a little bit but not enough. I have to take tablets now and go back for another test in 1 week, and see if it has gone down before I get permission to attend the Gym.
    I really need to lose weight and get fit, I want to see my Grand Children grow up.
    I am hopping your BOOST will help me achieve this.

    Thanks, Janine

  438. Veronica Bock Says:

    I only applied yesterday for Bodytrim and am surprised to have motivational support already, my package hasn’t arrived yet and I can only hope that this really works. I joined T.O.W.N. (Taking Off Weight Naturally)about 11/2 years ago and although I had great success initially i’ve failed to loose any weight over the last year. I joined hoping to get down to my goal weight of 60k by my 60th birthday, well my 60th birthday is coming up on 22nd May and I’m nowhere near it (I still have 30k to loose) I know it’s probably not possible to get to my goal by then but just to start loosing weight again and be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel would make my birthday all that I could hope for. So I’m hoping and praying that bodytrim will work for me because I see it as my last chance I’ve tried everything that’s out there, I just hope this is fairdinkum and Bodytrim Boost sounds like it could help even moore and maybe, just maybe, I could get really close to my goal weight and give everybody, including myself, a wonderful best ever birthday surprise.
    Here’s Hoping, Veronica

  439. Veronica Meier Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I have been on bodytrim since late July 2010 and it has been working well. I have lost 25 kilos so far and looking forward to getting the last 12 kilos off. It has helped me get out of the house and enjoy the walks. People are commenting on how slim I am looking and overall health is going well. They seem to be the hardest and this boost my do the trick. Looking forward to hearing more tomorrow.

  440. Josie Says:

    I love bodytrim & it works really well for me when I stick to it. I do find it difficult to stay on track at work tho as I work night shift & am often tired & hungry around midnight or later. Its also way too easy to pop into maccas drive thru on the way home at 4am & grab a burger… My head says wrong but my stomach says go for it. I would love a product that could help me at work & Boost sounds like it could be the go. Cheers.

  441. Kylie Says:

    Gday Geoff and team
    Ive been on BT and BT+ now for around 6 months. I had gained around 12kgs when I met my now husband and wanted it gone. I saw a friend get great results (lost around 40kgs) and she referred me on to BT and I havent looked back.
    Because I only had a small amount of weight to lose, and it was the last few kgs I had found it very difficult to find anything that suited, every program was designed to help those with alot to lose, not someone like me. After getting engaged last year I decided that was it, I had to do something, I didnt want to look back at my wedding photos and wish Id been smaller or looked better.
    It took me 6 months to lose 8.9kgs for my wedding day and although it wasnt quite goal I felt awesome and looked stunning (if i do say so myself). I had to be extremely careful with what I ate, and cut portions down to 50g only in order to lose the weight. Since our wedding and honeymoon (a month ago) I have managed to put about 4kgs back on. Ive simply got lazy and unmotivated and fallen back into the bad habit of watching the footy with beer and pizza – nice to do as a cheat, but Im talking friday night footy though to monday night footy!
    Instead of appealling to you by saying how busy I am, or how little I can afford it (both these are true though!), I’ll tell you that I am a huge advocate of the BT system, and have referred MANY family and friends onto the program – i have also posted before and after pics on my facebook page showing people the results and again refering them. My husband says I should be on your payroll…Ill settle for BOOST 🙂
    (BTW, I have couldnt work out how to post b4 and after pics on your website, so I have put them on BT facebook page).

  442. Nicole Daras Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Have had great success with BT before, but now as a new Mum I am struggling to shift the weight. After finishing breast feeding and thyroid medication I got the all clear to return to BT. Well have lost 5kgs in 9 weeks and its very disheartening. I need a BOOST to help accelerate my weight loss and motivate me again. Faced with the new challenges of being a stay at home Mum BOOST will save me time and help me reach my return normal weight.
    And a quick THANK YOU to your nutritionists who give great advice on the phone, they are so generous.


  443. Marie Says:

    Dear Geoff, I have lost 19kg and now seem stuck and the old cravings are back. Although I have not lost weight I have only put on 1/2 kg. I think that Boost sounds just what I need to motivate and help me lost a few more kilos as I have gone from size 24 to 16 and want to be size 14.

  444. chantel anzellotti Says:

    I definately think i need the BOOST shake to help keep weight loss running smoothly, i would love to try it and write a review of it also but up before and after pictures, i’m hoping that this shake works ,if not chosen i will still purchase it when it hits the BT store. but i’d definately like to try before i buy.

  445. Nicole Daras Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Have had success with BT before, then had my first baby. Just finished breast feeding and thyroid medication so got the all-clear to go back to BT. This time around the weight is shifting slowly- only 5 kgs in 9 weeks. I need a BOOST to help save me time and accelerate my weight loss as i am really getting desparate. Faced with the new role of stay at home Mum and trying to keep the pace with all the extra demands and extra weight is hard- going.
    By the way, your nutritionists have been SUPER at giving me phone advice food-wise. Thank you


  446. chantel anzellotti Says:

    I just started on bodytrim and finding it hard to stop myself from eating so much!, i would really love to try this product for a month and give you the reviews on it and how my body has changed i’d love to be the candidate to try this new product.

  447. Alison Says:

    I definately have fallen off the wagon. I reached the ideal weight before Christmas and instead of maintaining, I pigged out altogether and have put on more weight that I was to start the program. I feel so uncomfortable but lack the motivation to start the program again. I definately need something to boost me to start.

  448. Emma Says:

    My husband and I have both lost nearly 20 kilos each on bodytrim and we have plateaued. He only has another 5 kilos to go , bit I have 25 left to loose and would love to kick things along a bit!! Boost sounds like it would be a great help to both of us!

  449. Beverley Vears Says:

    Hi Geoff and team

    I have been on the BT programme for about 18 months. I started off great guns and lost about 12kgs in the first 3 months doing all the right stuff I started to think I knew it all and that I could still loose weight even if I did not stick to it rigidly I became slack and some days I would stick to it rigidly others not and so I have not really lost anymore weight. Then just before Christmas I had some family bad news which ended up that we lost a young child and that really hit me and what with Christmas I was not motivated to do anything about my weight. Then last month we went overseas on a holiday and that did not help and I put on about 3kgs of what I lost and since then I have been trying to get motivated and have since lost about 2kgs but everytime I loose a little bit something in my mind tells me that I am doing well and that I know it all and I don’t have to loose any weight when it fact this cannot be any further from the truth as I still have at least 25kgs to loose and I need to loose this weight quickly according to my doctor as the more weight I have the more it is affecting my legs which gets so stiff as I have an injury to my back and my knee and some days I cannot walk properly, so anything that will help my weight loss quickly I need so I hope that you can help me.

  450. Jules Says:

    What a great motivational addition to an already flawless eating program. Boost!
    Let’s face it, we all need that little bit extra to help boost us along our way to achieving the body of our dreams.
    “Eating for life”, or that’s what I call this program has been truly amazing!
    Not only have I shed so many of those unwanted kilos in the last few months, but health wise I feel great!
    Thanks to BT each day brings on a new hope, a new dream, and most importantly a new me! I can finally see my toes without having to bend forward on the scales to read my weight! (Believe me this has been a long time coming!)
    Unfortunately, there are still some days that bring me down and threaten to derail my progress, but I believe a supplement like Boost is just the thing the doctor ordered.
    Come on who doesn’t want to speed up their weight loss and reach their goal sooner! (I know I do.)
    Your BT range of products is already proof of this. Take Nutra shot for example: This has been an added bonus in helping supply all the nutritional requirements naturally as well as help speed up your metabolism in order to give your body that extra kick start needed to accelerate weight loss.
    I totally adhere to the “Real food is best” theory but having healthy alternatives such as Boost on hand for those much needed protein snacks makes life that little bit easier when those horrid chocolate or sweet cravings set in and you have nowhere else to turn to in an emergency.
    Thanks for all your support so far and looking forward to trying or even winning 4 weeks supply of Boost.

  451. Joke Brady Says:

    Hi. I am into my second week of the Bodytrim programme and have lost nearly 3 kilos. We have children in different parts of the country and both last weekend and this weekend are off to see them – one in Wellington and one in Auckland. I find it really hard to keep snacks on hand – being vegetarian – especially when staying away from home. Would love to try the Bodytrim Boost, as it sounds like exactly what I need to cope with my current irregular hours and travel.

  452. Lyn Oakley Says:

    Hey Geoff, this is my third attempt at Body trim and I am finally having success. I know its a real mind game to lose weight and I finally feel like my mind is in it this time. So if there is something out there that will keep me going strong then I am not ashamed to beg, beg, beg for a chance to have a go at Body trim Boost, please.
    Thanks for helping us all stay focused.

  453. suzi bamford Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I’ve just received my BT parcel and am very excited about beginning this journey of a healthier & more vibrant me. A year ago I got married & had to work extremely hard to loose the weight I had gained as a result of having my 2 children. The wedding day was my motivator to loosing the extra kilos I was carrying. A lot of long hour in the gym and eating very little did produce the results but since the big day I’ve put on almost 10kg. I can’t put myself through the regime again, as it was too hard on my body but want to loose this weight. Having the extra boost through your new product Boost would be a great help.

  454. Lorraine Says:

    What a BOOST! I have been using the Bodytrim Syustem for 10 months and have lost 20kg and am now stuck! I have ten kg to go and really having trouble moving the excess. This should give me that bit extra to achieve my goal weight.

  455. jaime Says:

    hi BT family,

    This new product couldn’t have come at a better time for me, i opened the email and read on and it as if the universe had answered my pleas for something new to happen – thank you!

    I am too embarrassed to say how many times i’ve started and re-started BT and BST as i’ve almost lost count.

    I had the BEST success ever last year while on Bst and still didnt get to my goal weight but i was so happy and confident with how toned and lean i was that the scales didnt faze me. Then we went away on two holidays and xmas happened (I know excuses excuses coz thats what they are) and i’ve been fighting with myself to get rid of the 5+ kilos i’ve put on since then. I signed up for the BT+ system and 12wk challenge but have lost virtually nothing since the 27th dec when i first started this next challenge. I get so frustrated writing on the forums as everyone else is having great losses but i have stagnated for such a long time. I must have done the 3 day PO detox a dozen times this year already to be lucky to lose a kilo if that. I excercise my heart out, i know that only 10,000+ steps is recommended, but im so active anyway that i feel lazy and lethargic if i dont revv it up.

    I have started a new job in a call centre which i love, but i dont love the fact my breaks and lunches etc and even loo breaks are all micro managed!!! Tryign to get in food every 3 hrs is proving to be my hardest trial, so something new and more convenient to get me back on track is just what i need. I’ve become so dissapointed with myself falling off the wagon and not having any success compared to last year that i’ve even gone a week on a smoothie diet and contemplated the dreaded and forbidden shake diets as i feel so desperate.

    I really hope this is all its promised to be, as i seriously need a massive helping hand both physically but more so mentally.


  456. Rachel Somers Says:

    Hi Geoff and the fab BT team!!!!

    I have managed to lose 40kg over the last 2 years by following WeightWatchers. But recent stressful times have caused me to seriously fall off track, wasting months and putting on a few kg. We emigrated from the UK in June 2009 with 2 young children and have settled in Port Macquarie, NSW.

    I have recently found the Bodytrim + system and am so excited about it. It’s a system that I can totally get my head round and understand the science behind it. Plus it can be used forever!!!

    I’m only on day 2 of my detox and loving it. I can’t wait to lose my last 14kg and be BODYTRIM!!!!!!!

  457. Melissa Hobday Says:

    Hi Team
    U know what even though i know bt works better than anything else on the market , i am really sruggling to get back on the wagon.I am tired cranky impatient unmotivated and worst of all my poor lil family r the ones suffering because they have to put up with me. Iwould really love something to give that kick start before the colder months set in or i know i will b heavier than ever before.My only concern for this product is the cost n will not only me but everyone else b able to afford it ………………………….. I hope we can because this sounds like a great way to get back on the wagon.
    MEL ;0)

  458. Rachel Somers Says:

    Hi Geoff and the rest of the fab BT team.

    I have lost 40kg over the last 2 years following WeightWatchers. We emigrated from the UK in June 2009 with 2 young children and settled in Port Macquarie, NSW. We totally love it here, but it has been very stressful, so my weight has been up and down. I have found it extremely difficult to get back on track and have wasted so many months. In turn that has caused me to go into a depression…….and so am in a vicious circle!! I have recently found the Bodytrim+ system and am currently on the 3 day detox. It’s a system that makes so much sense to me and that can also be used forever!!!!! I am so excited to be on the Bodytrim system. I am going to get BodyTrim!!!!!

  459. Ellyse Says:

    Hey Geoff

    I started BT at the beginning of last year when I returned from a years traveling and although I lost almost 10kg in 2 weeks the parties BBQ’s and catching up with everyone after a year during summer had me throwing the program by the way side. After returning from another few months traveling and then having an operation last year that had me sitting on the couch unable to move and subjected to my fathers delicious by oh so bad meals 3 time a day for 4 months I have reached over 100kg and devastated. I’m tall and will always be bigger but that weight was a shock. So I jumped straight back onto the BT system a few weeks ago and although I have only lost roughly 5-10kg (can’t tell coz all the scales say something different) I am feeling great and have lost 2cm from all parts of my body. I’m not so concerned what the scales say as long as I can see a difference although I would like to lose around 30kg. I can’t wait to try the new boost and see what difference it makes in my life. If I could see a difference on the scales due to it I think it would boost my motivation and I could start seeing some amazing results.
    Thanks for BT it really does make a difference!

  460. BarryFry Says:

    G’Day Geoff
    Ho Hum well lets give Boost a Go.

    The proof of the pudding will be in the eating OK the drinking.
    Looking forward to the results.

  461. Sylvia Bossie Says:

    Tried Body Trim a long time ago with no results . I have decided to give it another go very soon . I gained 47kgs while doing IVF & pregnancy & have been fighting a loosing battle for 13 years after my son was born I lost 17 kgs & was stuck there for 9 yrs I then got very ill & needed major surgery.Six months after surgery I had gained another 10 Kgs because of menopause .I don’t gain any more weight but I don’t lose it either .It is now starting to affect my health . Maybe Boost is what I need to start everything working again .Looking forward to learning more about it & restarting my long journey to weight loss.

  462. Karen R Says:

    I have been on BT for 2 weeks and I have been progressing very well, after 30 years of wanting to feel better about my self. Still feel wary about my success and love the encouragement from the emails. So far so good and if I were selected for this offer it would be a great reward

  463. Rose Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    My husband and I started the Bodytrim + program in January but unfortunately went on holiday and returned only to have put on 3 kilos more than when we started. We restarted with detox on 9th of Feb and couldn’t be happier with the difference it has made already to how we feel. We are 72 and 75 years of age and on a pension, but feel that it is very important to maintain our health.My husband has started this week with maintenance, but I have 9 kilos to go. We will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in March next year and it will be great to look at the wedding photos and feel that we have done our best to be in good health, on this great occasion. I think that the BOOST will help me to achieve this.

    Thank you Geoff and Team BODYTRIM

  464. Pauline Devine Says:

    Hi Geoff, I did Bodytrim last year and was going really well Christmas came and I did eat badly, put on a little extra but again started Bodytrim and had almost lost what I had put on, then my life was destroyed with the death of my eldest son, who at 20 still had his life ahead of him, needless to say I have totally lost it. I’m not motivated anymore I’ve put on the weight I lost and extra. I want to exercise and eat healthy but I can’t. I really hope that your new Bodytrim Boost is just what I need to start to help me to again try and live my life for the rest of my children.

  465. Deborah Stanley Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I have only just order the bodytrim package and am very excited to prder the boost product as well. My husband and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversay in June and I am desperate to loose 10 kilos for this occasion so hope this will help me as well. Dont know how to BLOG so cant enter your little comp.Deb .

  466. Jane Says:

    Hi Geoff, Have been partially on your BT plan and lost 4 kgs over the 1st month so not put any back on BUT need to get more disciplined. I struggle with the snacks a little and had bought a shake mix from the chemist and chose Vanilla but don’t really like it very much. The low carb, low sugar bars at the supermarket are YUK. I would love to win some products of yours to try. Now with exercise I was doing ok until the last big earthquake buggared up my swimming pool !!! Also am waiting for a knee replacement so sometimes my 1/2 hr walks get the better of me, so use my late husbands exercycle sometimes. Low carb and low sugar is quite easy to follow as I have an intolerence to wheat products. Must get off this computer and take a walk. Cheers, Jane

  467. LeAnn Says:

    LeAnn here and I want to say that your enthusiasim is catching! I have had challengers and need to start again on BT .I have felt ashamed that i can not keep my promise to BOOST along with your other great products would be FANTASTIC ….cheers

  468. Josie Agostinelli Says:

    Hi Geoff and the BT team.
    This is PERFECT timing for me, as things have been a bit slow lately. I have lost 11kg since December which is great, and was feeling very motivated. Until Cyclone Yasi hit and since then my world has been turned upside-down and inside-out. My Mum has moved in to live with us as her home was destroyed, we have been flooded in 4 times since Christmas, my house is a mess, it hasn’t stopped raining so my enthusiasum not to mention any exercise has long gone. I have been feeling a little down about my progress lately so I definately need a BOOST!!! I know you will be able to help me. Your positive enthusiasum never ceases to amaze me. I hope that BOOST will help make me as excited about BT again.

  469. Carol Stanton Says:

    My son and I have been using Bodytrim for 2 years now and really enjoyed the results. I lost 10kg and my son lost 18kg and we were going really well. My son got cancer and with all the treatments and hospital visits etc we lost our way trying to stick to the 6 meals and snacks daily. We tried once again on our weight loss journey as we had put all of the weight back on again and were doing really well when my son got stabbed at a 21st party. It was touch and go for a while and we lost our way again with the weight. We got back on track again and both lost weight me 5kg and my son 15kg. My son then had a bad accident at work cutting his leg and spent the next 3 months in hospital having skin grafts etc. It was very hard to keep to the meals being at the hospital every day. We are both very determined to get there this time and we are not giving up. The new BOOST sounds just the thing that we need to help us kick start our journey to losing all this unwanted weight. I have just recently been made redundant and not working has turned my world upside down. I still wear my pedometer every day and try to increase my steps every day.

  470. Michelle Burrows Says:

    I have had the bodytrim stuff for a week now,I have read the book,watched half of the DVDs and listened to one of the audio CDs.I think the whole program sounds so easy,however I am finding starting really hard to do.When I get up it so much easier to have for breaky what I always have which is the wrong thing to have.Then I think that I have started the day wrong so I will start tomorrow,but tomorrow never comes.I need to have major surgery this year so losing weight will help me recover better.I feel that if I could try the new BOOST system it might help me with the breaky option and get me started so that I can have my surgery sooner rather than later.

  471. sue thomson Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I hadn’t been getting any emails from you since December and just got two this month witihout the emails i have been wondering off track a few times but am slowly getting back i was lucky i only put on 1 kilo since December so have kept off 6.2 kilos .I really need to get back on my protein shakes and order your product as just grabbed a shake powder called slim when last at super market probably not the best one but better than not having them.The smaller powder products will be better for me as i get sick the same flavour all the time. sue Thomson

  472. DEBRA Says:

    I’ve been a B/Ter for quite a while, but I seem to lose an put back on the same 4 kg, go great for a while then something happens an out goes the good eating, would love to have that boost and get rid of those pesky last 4 kg for good.

  473. bear Says:

    I have hit a plateau and tried to increase cardio work to increase weight loss, results are slow. A ‘boost’ may be the answer!..

  474. Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I have been a BTer since 10/1/10, and am thrilled to bits with the results. I was in trouser size 107 & they were getting tight. Another couple of kg’s & I will fit in to 87’s. I initially lost 19 kg’s in 14 weeks & its been a slow process since then. I dont care, because I will until…………..
    I let myself slip now & then & have still shed 29.
    I would love to shed another about 5 or 6 kg’s & that will be stumps on the weight loss. BOOST sounds perfect.

    John Summerton

  475. Jenny-Tania Says:

    I have just started the amazing journey of losing weight. I am in the first week of the best move that I have ever made. After having my 4 children, I have been on that many different weight lose programs that its not funny. I was thinking that I would have to have lap-band surgery. I am on blood pressure tablets which I am aiming to come off. After the weight has come off. I would try anything that would help the weight fall off forever. So far I feel a lot better and all the cravings have gone. This new product will be so awesome to have to help things along.

  476. JANE SOLIS Says:

    Wow some people have had it really tough especially Leonie, you think your own life is shit until you read her story, she should be on your list for boost, but why boost would be helpful to me, my story goes like this;

    I just started with bodytrim, I am yet to receive the package in the mail. I have had weight issues my whole life, a fatty as a kid, my brother wouldn’t call me just “fattso”not my name.
    Then I slimmed down through teenage years, but during pregnancy and after having our children was always struggling with my weight, it didn’t matter how much I exercised nothing would change.

    I went to WW and lost 10kg but I have to be honest I basically starved myself and replaced food with alcohol, to lose it quicker. I have now from being 63kg regained that 10kg back plus an extra 10kg’s so at 83kg’s you can imagine my disgust, the anxiety, self loathing, and just wanting to hide away at home.
    I have this problem where when I start eating I just gorge myself, a habit from WW when after I reached my goal weight I decided to eat what I enjoyed after so long not having it.
    I need to get my health, self esteem, confidence and enjoyment for life back. I’m in my early 40’s I want to live this time of my life to it’s fullest and not have this heavy black cloud over my head. I have two beautiful children to have fun with and a husband I want to be sexy for something I haven’t felt for a long time.

  477. Trish Allen Says:

    Hi bBodytrim Team.
    Just a short answer everyone needs a boost in there life and if Bodytrim Boost can offer that boost we should use it

  478. Therese Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Well I tried but have not been able to stay stimulated with the diet, and would love to give this boost a go. I have always found the shakes easier for me as I really cant get motivated to eat as soon as I wake up, and continue to eat so many times throughout the day. I initially lost 6kg in the first week but nothing has come off since. I started Bodytrim in January this year and had a goal for losing 30kg in 6 months, but I cant see that happening unless something drastic happens and I would love to be considered for the Boost trial to see if it really works. Thank you for your committment to your clients and I hope the boost actually does boost my life and weight loss. Cheers Therese

  479. Cathy Says:

    I cant thank you enough, I have been following BT for the last 2 years, on and off, thankfully more on than off and so far I have lost 28 kilos. I still have about the same to lose and I will get there with the fantastic support that you offer. It is as if you are a mind reader, each time I am feeling down or thinking that its just too hard and craving a carb loaded snack I open my email and there is an email from you almost as if it was written just for me! Last nights motivational blurb was a case in point, I was feeling down as I had actually put weight on (200 grams) and was thinking of having a rum and some chips – checked the emails and there you were saying – yes Cathy its ok to fall but get back up and think about the big picture and so on. I happily grabbed my water and took a huge swig – I will save my rum and diet coke for my free day on saturday!!!! I am really looking forward to Boost to supplement the fantastic program and to help me get over a hurdle. I seem to have a mental barrier that I cant break the 100 kilo mark, I have gone from 130 kilos to 102 but for the last 4 months I just cant seem to get under the 100 kilo mark. I know that when I get below it I will never go over it again so bring on Boost and get me focused on breaking the 90 kilo mark and seeing 100 kilos as a past demon!!
    Again Geoff and the BT team heartfelt thanks from a grateful Queenslander

  480. Audrey Mennell Says:

    I looked at my beautiful daughter who has lost so much weight. Her face radiated health, her spirit illuminated. She was so excited as her long awaited holiday is just days away! I realised as I looked at her with my heart swelling with pride that she DID look like me and she achieved the body she desired and it was once what I had. I am determined at 50 to have that confidence and health back and this is the BOOST I need. I want to get my pride back, I want to radiate the happiness I feel inside on achieving the conquest of my nemesis, my overweight! I want to feel beautiful inside and out! I want the BOOST! Congratulations to you and your team for the wonderful support network and care you give to the overweight! Kind regards, Audrey

  481. carolyn harris Says:

    Morning Geoff and the team,

    WOW, you never cease to amaze me with your enthusiasm and excitement about launching new products and to think it is all for us!!!

    Have been doing BT since May 2010 and have lost 25kgs which is amazing in istself. I have just undergone major surgery with a 6 week recovery perion with NO exercise in that period – I am really trying to stay food compliant so I think that this new ‘BOOST’ would be a great asset to me when my 6 weeks is up to get me going again.

    Look forward to finding more about this product and thankyou, thankyou thankyou!!!!

  482. Pauline Says:

    I’ve been sick for the last month or more, I now have Bronchitis and I feel I need a BOOST to help me with my weight loss. A friend put me onto Bodytrim just before I got sick so I haven’t had a real good time as yet to get into the swing of it. I have lost 6 kilos over this time but I am now reverting to old ways since I have been sick it just seems too hard. I really do need help but not too sure what that help is.

  483. Lisa Fowler Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I have been body trimming for around four weeks now. I must say that I am enjoying weight loss but not at the rate that I would like. I suppose that we always want things instantly these days but results speak for themselves. I have been overweight since my late twenties and more so after my children. A friend of mine said the other day “I guess we just have to accept that as we get older we cant go back to the slim selves we once were”. I didnt say anything but in my head I was saying, “No that’s not true, it’s just not true!” My friends watch what I am eating and drinking with interest and have commented on my weight loss but boy would I love to show them just what it can do!!! I love my friends and would like to help them too but until they see results they will just look at me funny. 🙂 I would love to be super powered again, fit into my size 10 jeans, wear beautiful clothes again. I watch or listen to you every day Geoff. You are my inspiration and personal coach. Would love to have a BOOST!!

  484. Lois Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Due to health problems I have not been able to do my 10,000 steps or anything much in the way of fitness for the past 12 months. Hence, all my weight has come back. I am so disappointed in myself. I find the protein only days quite difficult when I try to start again, but the normal program is good. Thanks for coming up with new things all the time. I have been a BTer for a long time, I’m hoping that I will soon get back into line and start loosing weight again and liking myself and then feeling proud.

  485. Elaine Edwards Says:

    Geoff your timing in impeccable!!!

    Bodytrim Mark #1 22/3/10….Bodytrim Mark #2 22/3/11. I only just realized the dates were the same entering in my old diary last night….well it worked first time until September (apart from the last 5 kgs from my own relaxed “rules”) The old story a few family celebrations, enjoyed Christmas, followed by a months holidays…hellooooooo an extra 5kgs :(. Sooo…. here we go again. Just finished a strict 3 day PO to be a tad disappointed with losing only .5kgs SOOOO here I am hoping the the BOOST I need can be found in your new product.
    Hear me roar
    PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!!!

  486. Tanya Says:

    September 2009 my husband and I started on the Bodytrim system. We did great, having 2 young children made it difficult to stick to the system when they’re eating things that we would like to be eating as well. We both lost around 15kg. However Christmas came and we fell off the wagon big time, we both put on the weight we had lost and then some more. February 2011 we started again on Bodytrim+ and it is very slow and hard going. This time around it seems to be a lot harder to stick to the program and not go off the rails, the kids are older, life is different, we moved towns and my husband has a new job. I don’t know what it is but it is so much harder this time around, even when we do stick to it it seems to be a very slow road. I guess we are lacking the motivation. In the 2 months we have been back on the program I have lost only 4kg, my husband has lost 9kg (his job requires him to be walking for at least 9 hours out of his 12 hour shift). I am so proud of him and he is looking great but we both have a long way to go with our goal of losing 30+kg each. I have problems with my hips (exasperated with childbirth) and therefore cannot walk too much, especially on uneven ground such as roads or footpaths. To have an extra boost would be fantastic, to get things really started to get the motivation back. We know this system works, we have proved it to ourselves the first time around but I don’t have the motivation to continue, I am not happy with myself, I am proud of my husband but at the same time it depresses me because I’m not getting anywhere and he is doing so well. Hopefully the Boost shakes will be what I need to get the ball rolling again, I know that if i can see results that don’t take months to appear I will be fine and will get back on track. Thank-you Geoff for all the work you and your team put into Bodytrim and for caring about the people on it and what gets results, not what gets money in your pocket.

  487. julie Says:

    Hello all at BT, I am 4 weeks in, an my loss is 6 kg,s, Very happy, i am 52 years old, with a very bad drug addicted past,( speed), i do belive my addiction of 17 years has slowed down my body,clean now for 5 years, i to was a personal trainer,owned a gym in broome, entered body building comps, an feel that the product you talk about is just what my body needs, so thank you for BT, it made sence to straight away,hope my story is not to shocking to all out there, but , onwards an upwards, i to , “WILL UNTIL”.

  488. janine psomadelis Says:

    HI Geoff and the team, i recently started body trim towards the end of January this year and have lost 8 kilos which is fantastic, however with a busy lifestyle and my son (4YRS) old having an accident and having emergency surgery ,Ive been focused on him as you do and have forgotten about me therefore my weight is slowly being put back on,im trying so hard to have that motivation and some days its seem are just too hard.maybe an extra help with you new product will get me motivated to lose the other 10 kilos i want !!!.ps. ive just been for a walk around Cenntenial park and want to pick up where ive left off. thanks

  489. Afifi Says:

    Hi Geoff and BT people
    I have been on BT for about 7 weeks and have lost 6kg .Yes night time kills me i love my munchs, I am pretty busy have two boys and 3 dogs and they are full on . I am also going back to school , re planting after the fires 2 years ago ,and doing lost of fire stuff and scout stuff, as well keeping up with every day stuff So you see keeping up with BT can sometimes be hard SO can boost help i need too lose 10 kg i do not want tpye 2
    peace love and unity Afifi

  490. fiona leake Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Looks like another great product from you.For a year now I have been teatering from my original goal of 70kg I hit 73 more often than I care to say but have re assessed my goals and want to get to 65 boy would Boost help me get over my body plataeu and get me to my final stop.Bring on the next 4 weeks.

  491. Kathryn Hibbert Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    After a shocker to the start of the year, I’m back in the BT groove and am almost back to what I weighed pre-Xmas 2010. But, I’m not loosing the kgs as quickly as I’d like. With a family wedding happening in mid-April, your new product sounds like it’ll be me the “boost” (boom boom) I need.

    Thanks to you and all the BT team for all the support. The weekly newsletters and videos really help.

  492. Wendy Says:

    Just wrote a whole story then went to post and lost it, just another day on the computer wasting time when i could be doing 10000 steps

  493. Lynn Says:

    I’ve tripped up so many times lose and regain – as soon as the trousers get lose and the scales start dropping something in my head screams in panic and back to the carbs. I’ve stayed at 78 kilos after losing 16 for 3 months now with my up/down on BT, but the boost might be just the hit to help me get past the barrier in mind and body. Hopefully it will be chocolatey enough to get the bar a day hubbie to change to Boost instead of 220gr bars.

  494. Dianna Kellerman Says:

    Hi my name’s Dianna. Geoff and Gang, I was so grateful last year to have discovered your system and received the support that you give. I lost an amazing 20kg last year. Then we went overseas to see if we could find more of my adopted daughter’s family. A stressful trip but wonderful. We returned to a devastating start to 2011. My dad suddenly died and our family lost our beloved dad and grandpa. As if that wasn’t hard enough my daughter has not accepted this and now my daughter has started high school with dyslexia making it a very hard transition so what did I do? I turned to the biscuits and bread and other carbs. I have put back on 8 of those lost kgs and am very depressed about it all. I would love to have the boost help as although I am now again on the bodytrim system, this is my third lot of detoxing in 5 weeks because I finish the detox and go straight back to carbs within a couple of days. Please help and if I don’t get the boost because there are some very needy people out there can I please have some advice. With gratitutde.

  495. Sonia Says:

    P.S.S. Instead of purchasing the BOOST product I mean hopefully winning 😀

  496. Elia Basso Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Firtsly, can I say- you are ACE!

    I started great guns on Body Trim plus in January 2011. In December 2010 at age 43 I had a total hip replacement. In the months leading up to this I put on 15 kilo (besides the fact that i was already 10-15 kilo overweight anyway!!). I love Body Trim +. I have been telling EVERYBODY how ace body trim + and Geoff Jowett are!! The fact that I could still lose weight without doing my 10,000 steps due to the inability to walk at the time was fantastic…..I thought you had to do hours of cardio per day. Not being able to walk long distance has now taken its toll. I have no motivation. Your email this morning explained EXACTLY how I feel. I cant wait to purchase BOOST. I think it is exactly what I need, to get back on track – and when I can serioulsy start walking in 4 weeks time I know I will blitz the weight loss.
    Thanks are just ACE!!

  497. Marilyn Says:

    I started BodyTrim 7 weeks ago and lost 5.5kgs in the first few weeks. Since then I have failed to lose any more weight. I have struggled to get up to 10,000 steps let alone 15,000 with my schedule. BT Boost sounds like it would be the answer for me. I have emailed your professionals and they were great in giving me some helpful advice. I think once you fail to lose weight for few weeks you tend to fall off the rails as you become frustrated. BT Boost would help when you can’t get those 3 meals and 3 snacks and a shake is much easier.

  498. di Says:

    looking forward to tomorrow in anticipation of a real BOOST after hitting that dreaded plateau 😦

  499. Sonia Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Thank you .. your are truly inspirational. I received Bodytrim from a friend 2 weeks ago and I have watched the videos – completely inspired – and begun the program. I have become a member online and love love love navigating your website. I jumped on today to get some ideas for recipes/meals next week. I am sooooooo excited.
    I feel so much lighter yet stronger already. I am honestly amazed at how my cravings have disappeared. I must say I thoroghly enjoyed the detox as I’m a bit of a carnivore – more ham please :-D. Thankyou for being in my life. It feels great to be eating healthy and turning my life around. I have 10kgs I’d like to lose and l have already lost 3kg. I was a little worried initially as many of the people on your website are at a stage where they need to lose 20+ kgs and I thought that maybe it wasn’t right for me but oh no – this is for everyone. Thankyou again and I’m looking forward to purchasing and tasting your BT BOOST.
    Have a super day!
    P.S. I never comment on blogs normally but you have motivated me so much I felt I really wanted to! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  500. Janelle Taylor Says:

    This is my third attempt at Bodytrim and I can’t say enough of how valuable Bodytrim Plus has been. The DVD’s have been so helpful in keeping the motivation going through all the pitfalls. Also the weekly videos online have been great. So far I have lost 9.38% of my body weight and I am inspired. Why? because my doctor told me I can’t lose weight due to health problems – not looking for sympathy just stating fact. I’ve listened to him for 10 years and felt sorry for myself for years but then last year after a very intense period of illness I looked at my future and decided I didn’t want to grow old and gradually decline and become worse. So along with my BT eating plan, I started small and walked 7 minutes a day and then lay down to die! But I kept to the plan and gradually got stronger and I have been walking three kilometers in 35mins in the morning and every other day I do it twice a day. It’s not easy as it is extremely painful every time but I won’t give up! I am tougher and more determined to prove I can do it. I have more energy on Bodytrim even though my metabolism will never be normal and I will always lose weight slower than most but I am so proud of the 9.2kg I have lost and I am still losing. I would love any help that would boost my metabolism and assist me on my weight loss journey. Keep up the good work Geoff we are all behind you.

  501. SF from Your Building Brokers Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    This sounds like a great idea, i’ve been thinking of something like this as i’ve only just started BT and just quietly – am loving it! However, i do a lot of on-the-road consulting with my building business and sometimes find it hard with the snacks.
    I look forward to hearing more about this tomorrow!

  502. Mary Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I am really excited! I have fallen off the wagon for some months and am starting again, but have been putting it off! Your video and email have given me the push I needed and I am very excited about Boost! as an added tool to help me acheive my goals (30kg weight loss).
    Thank you!



  504. Natalie Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Your new product sounds fantastic! I work around confectionery, so the idea of having a product to help take the edge off wanting to snack on the naughty pleasures in life sounds great! I started body trim over a year ago now, After having my daughter i had put on a staggering 30 kg’s and i wasnt a small girl to begin with so i was BIG. happily i can say by using body trim when i did it kicked started my weightloss and although i fell off the wagon time and time again i always remembered the key rules from the body trim system which kicked me back in place. And to date ive lost 40kgs! Although this is great news ive found it alittle hard at the moment buying extra protein products and winning a months supply of your new product would definitely help out. Thank you so much for thinking of us all and always being so enthusiastic its a great motivator!!

  505. Bruce Says:

    I have started Body Trim a little over 2 weeks ago and have been regimental with the food and timing, but I am struggling with finding the time to clock up 10,000 steps a day(lucky to do 1000 per day).I’ve still managed to lose 6kg in this time, so I am wondering if BT Boost is going to be that benificial to some one like myself who is already achieving good results on the BT System.


  506. Says:

    Hi Geoff ,
    I am one off the old BTrimmers .. who has lost 17kgs on The BT system and the Body Sculpt, i entered the Challenge last t
    year ,had a wonderful result..BUT just as you mention in the video ….. i have falling off the wagon since january and can not seem to get back on … Your boost sounds to me like a winner and i will be wanting to get my hands on some … Thank you for once again popping up, right when i need you with a helping hand…
    Cheers to you
    Deb b..

  507. Linda Demchy Says:

    Hi Geoff, I have been on body trim for about 6 months now and lost 20kg so far which has made so much difference to my life but I still have another 20 kg’s to go and after a holiday in January I have really been struggling to get back on track and have hardly lost any weight at all since.
    We have our first overseas trip planned for beginning of July to Mana Island Fiji and need to achieve a good amount of wieght loss before then to feel good and look good!
    So Bodytrim Boost for rapid results sounds fantastic, and much needed in my weight loss journey, just thinking about it is making me motivated already! Thanks Geoff your the best!

  508. Nicole Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Just wondered to say am very excited to try and learn more about the new Boost. I brought Bodytrim a year ago now and still have not attempted it (until now) just got online to have another look at it and put it into practice and see a new Boost. Am on my way to a new me and hope to try the new product.

  509. Amanda Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I come from a very busy farming family and we are just coming into our busy cotton picking season, Your system has been great, but I am one who would need a boost and this sounds great. Hope it works for everyone. Cannot wait to try it.

  510. Gina Stewart Says:

    Have also put on a few kilo’s again lately,being disappointed with myself doesn’t help at all.
    Could Body Trim Boost be the answer?
    Many thanks guys.

  511. Judy Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Started Body Trim a few weeks ago and have already lost 4kgs. however I am leaving on a cruise next week and know that when I come home I will need to have a Boost. Sounds like this product will be ideal for me

  512. Tim Says:

    Thanks for agreat product. I’m at the stage of trying to lose the last 5kg, and boy is it tough; need to get to 83kg. It seems that it is almost a full-time job to get there. Maintaining it will be a challenge as well. I’m at that plateau and can’t seem to push beyond it. My main problems is nights. I can be compliant all day but my resolve falls away at night. I also find it hard to have aregular routine, bth in terms of eating and exercise as my job demands that I travel a lot. Also have hit the early 50’s and that is a double whammy whn it comes to weight loss. Anyway I keep trying. I feel better than I have in years and actually now enjoy the exercise.

  513. Mel Says:

    OMG…..are you a mind reader Geoff!!!!!! Just this morning I have woken up after a few days of trying as hard as i can to follow the BodyTrim system which has helped me loose 16 kilos over the past year and I just don’t seem to be able to get back on that horse and fight the cravings that are driving me crazy……so you email this morning was exactly what i needed to see!!!!!! I know I can do this and with this new BOOST it will certainly give me the motivation that I have missing these past few weeks to get me back on that right track again and help me push through this rough patch. Thank you!!!!!

  514. Kate Mooring Says:

    Hi Geoff
    What a great idea!!!! I have been doing BT Plus for a week and was quite disillusioned today when the scales told me I have lost NOTHING!!!!! I then measured, thankfully I have lost 2 – 3 cm!!! I must be making more muscle . Boost would be an ideal kick start and a great motivator, to fall off the wagon and scared to get back on in case you fail again is daunting and very possible somedays! With a Boost in the tool kit there would be no fear. The no alcohol thing is probably the hardest – a Queenslander that has given up RUM! The food is easy, as is the walking and incidental exercise. I live on a property so our drive way is dirt and full of ruts and wheel tracks so I have taken to the Highway and walk 7km everyday. It takes me an hr and ten minutes but there are 2 huge hills. Today I am going to pick up the pace a bit. I leave my car at our ramp and walk into town where Ian picks me up on the way home, doing it this way means I can’t cheat or make excuses – it is great motivation. Our sons are very supportive….one is a 14yr old fitness guru and the other is a medical student. I was speaking to the oldest so this morning and he was encouraging me to keep going, the fact I have lost cm and no weight will change. The youngest is cheering me on from Boarding School and my husband is also supportive. If I had BOOST in my life I may motivated more after being so dissappointed today. I want my hisband and children to be proud of me, I also want to gain some self respect and be able to look in the mirror and not cringe – bring on BOOST!!!!!
    Thanks for all your support Geoff, if I can do this ANYONE can.

  515. Kerry Says:

    can’t wait for bodytrim boost, as a hairdresser of over 30 years,I totally destroyed my metabolism grabbing whatever food at whatever time of day that gave me a 5 min break. bodytrim has been great but I can’t always pack a healthy lunch or have the time to stop and eat it,,”bring it on “

  516. Lizzie Says:

    You are amazing you keep going on the road to weight loss. I have lost 8kgs so far and getting there. I can say it is still at the moment a day to day battle with the psych behind why I have gained weight, but I can say the DVDS and CDs are really helping…they are my day time TV MUST WATCH and this is really helping me through,
    Many Thanks and keep up the great work, the lives you are changing if fantastic THANKYOU.

  517. chris Says:

    Hi Geoff
    This sounds like an answer for me as I work shift work and have a week of night shift per month and this is when my bodytrim plan goes out the window as I find it hard to eat regularly and get some sleep this week. I have just been diagnosed with lupis and arthritis in my hands, feet and pelvis so I have had to ease up on the gym as I cannot hold the equipment with my hands but have been able to still walk my 10000 steps per day, which is better than nothing. I have to learn more about my lupis condition and how I can help myself without to much medication because there is a lot of side effects from the medication e.g bloatness, weight gain,etc. I still need to lose 20- 25 kgs. Boost may be my answer.

  518. Leigh Says:

    Hi All

    Fabulous!! I have been on BT+ for 8 weeks and it is the first time I have lost weight without the mental attitude of being on a diet. Normally if I hear the word “Diet” my body shuts down but BT+ I really don’t feel like I am dieting. I am enjoying my food and losing weight and cm’s. I haven’t lost weight as quickly or as much as I thought I was going to after listening to the CD’s. But I am losing! So bring it on and give me a BOOST!

  519. Donna Belk Says:

    Hi everyone,
    I started on the bodytrim program at end of last year and lost 4kg, then with Uni stress and limited time as a single mum, slowly the carb eating convience foods came back into my life, so am about to do another carb detox to get back on the Wagon of healthy eating again! I have kept off the 4kg so am happy about that, just now want to really tone and lose another 5-10kg which I am struggling with a bit. So would love to try the bodytrim boost shakes to see if I can loose the 5-10 stubborn kilo’s that I need to, to make my year, this year to look Body trim Bootyluscious.

  520. Kate Mooring Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I started Body Trim Plus last Thursday and was quite disillusioned today whenI had lost NO WEIGHT!!!! I then measured and have lost 2 cm for thighs, hips and chest and 3cm from my abdomen. I think Boost will be ideal to have!!!!

  521. Elizabeth Says:

    Hi Geoff
    I have been on BT for 1 month now and have lost 4kg total, but I lost 3.1kg of that in the first week so have not achieved a lot since then! Now we have to go away due to a family crisis and it is going to be very difficult to juggle the 6 meals and 10,000 steps between travel, etc so I am very interested in learning more about BT Boost as I really don’t like any of the protein bars I have tried so far (haven’t tried yours yet I must admit). Will take my laptop with me so I can learn more about Boost tomorrow!
    By the way, many thanks for BT, it has already changed our lives.

  522. Sue Adams Says:

    Hi Geoff and the Bodytrim Team,

    My partner and I are half way through week two of our new lifestyles with Bodytrim, we want to lose over 60kgs between us. Apart from a few headaches whilst on the 3 day detox, we are finding the many changes you have suggested quite easy to follow and at our first weigh in I lost 2.4kgs and he lost 4.2 kgs (we were ecstatic as it had been so easy.
    I am not looking forward to hitting a plateau which I know has been my downfall previously, so to have a product that will help if that happens will have us both prepared to cope with that plateau. I look forward to hearing more and having the opportunity to purchase Bodytrim Boost.
    Thankyou so much for your guidance and motivation so far, our goal is to be celebrating Christmas this year much slimmer, healthier and more energetic.

  523. Trish Mills Says:

    I started my detox on Tuesday, trying to avoid mentioning it to my husband as he would say “another fad”. Anyway day 1 was OK and the after lunch on day 2, unexpected unannounced visitors arrived to stay for 2 nights! I was so annoyed and disappointed that this would happen now, when I had the perfect opportunity to detox and felt motivated to do so. I was very irritable for a while till I thought it through and decided it wasn’t the end of the world and I coud do this. I am finding it really hard but I am still doing the detox, I made stirfied chicken and got everyone to serve themselves. Nothing was said when I did not have any rice and I ate a small amount of veges…but today I weighed myself and have lost over 1 kg already. Tonight we are going out and I have chosen the restaurant because I know I can make a choice that will fit in to detox. Yippeee. 🙂

  524. Bob Says:

    Geoff, Bodytrim Boost Just could be my X factor and i will tell you why
    I started Bodytrim + 4 weeks ago. The first 2 weeks were great, i lost 5 kg and lots of inches which considering my job, i was really happy with.
    I work in sales management, travel a lot at times at at 3am on a plane somewhere work all day fly home .Some days are 15 hours long which is not a problem. However the problem i have is travelling with my 6 meals a day. Difficult to get on a plane with my Tuna and salad etc .Then when you arrive at a place it can be really hard to find what you need, particularly if you are on a tight program. Just like next week when i go to meetings in NZ. They will have all the things that meetings have like morning tea cakes, horrible fatty lunches and dinners, then there is the plane food O My God how will i ever survive to maintain my program that i really believe in. I am hoping it will be Bodytrim Boost !

  525. Anne Doak Says:

    as you said in your video I have fallen off the rails a little bit and am finding it hard to get back on. My nephew is getting married in the US later in the year and I want to be at my ideal weight before I go over so that I don’t have to be worrying the whole time I am over there about what I eat. I achieved my BMI last year and since Christmas have put on a few kilos. Would really love to be able to get them off again. Boost sounds like what I need.

  526. Cheryl Says:

    Starting BT on Sunday 27th March, have spent the last few days studying the reference guide, watching the DVD’s/CD’s and most importantly getting my VTT ready…I didn’t want to rush in this time as I want this to be a lifestyle change not a diet. Any extra help offered will be greatly appreciated :))

  527. Amanda Hebben Says:

    Anything that helps the weight loss journey is always appreciated. Work is very stressful at the moment and am trying hard to keep on track and not fall into bad habits, which is easier said than done!! Stress for me means a glass or two of wine at the end of the day which then often leads to bad food choices specially snacks and nibbles. Replacing these cravings with a long walk on the beach works well but I am keen for any other help too!

  528. Heather Ashford Says:

    Hi Guys
    Bodytrim Boost would be a great mental motivator. Just knowing that you’ve slipped up and this one product can get you back in line would be a lifesaver to many of us who get side tracked by the many obstacles put in our way. NZ and Australia have had a lot of disasters this year and it must be playing a toll on the availability of time to a lot of people. If this one product can help in any small way to get our bodies the way we would like it to be then it should bring happiness to alot of people in times of adversity.
    Thank you for offering the chance that Bodytrim Boost can make to many of us.

  529. Kerry Silcock Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    This is my second try with Bodytrim,last year with family stresses and work pressures I really fell off the wagon,put on more weight and became depressed and disappointed with myself as I was going so well and losing the weight but as I plateaued I lost that self control and digressed.But now after re watching the DVD’s and becoming more positive and you really have inspired me to try again I know that this time I can go all the way and lose the 30+kg I need to improve my health and hopefully my family will get back the happy and positive person they have been missing.Boost looks as though it would be a wonderful kickstart for me to achieve my goals and can’t wait to give it a go.Thank you

  530. Leonie Says:

    Hi Geoff and team, after taking medication for breast cancer Iam now fatter than ever. I need real help now!! I have just started Bodytrim (day 1 of carb detox) and are looking forward to a slimmer me. The last 2 years have been hell on earth with diagnosis, surgey, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and now the drugs which are making me fat!! True I am alive and grateful for that but I need more help to get slim. I think your Boost will definately help me to once again to be healthy and happy again.

  531. amanda tedesco Says:

    hi my names amanda and i’ve just received bodytrim plus and am currently watching the dvd’s and reading all the material provided and am very excited to get started. i think bodytrim boost would be a fantastic addition as anything that can help me acheive my weightloss goals and get me feeling on top of the world faster and more efficiently is a great thing! i suffer with depression and extreme anxiety and am affected by my weight so much and to be able to get my weight under control and start loving myself would greatly help me with my anxiety and depression. not only would i love to be able to look in the mirror and smile but i’d love for my family to see me smile 🙂 and if bodytrim boost can make this happen sooner than i would be so grateful. with a 21st coming up in the family in a couple months i’d love to rock up looking and feeling fantastic and i hope u can help me make that happen 🙂 thanku for this opportunity

  532. Geoff Jowett Says:

    Hey don’t forget!

    I’d love to know your feedback. Please blog post below and let me know how you think my new Bodytrim Boost can help you achieve RAPID RESULTS in only a few short weeks!

    I’ll be choosing 5 lucky winners myself over the next few days who’ll each receive a MONTH’s supply. GOOD LUCK!

    • Sharon Says:

      Hi Geoff,
      I have been on body trim now for 3 weeks and I am not seeing the results I shoujld? I have watched the dvds and have committed to the program but if I was being honest have not got the motivation and really need a kick start to see some results fast to get me into the swing of things. I have followed the program ie. done the 3 day detox, followed the 6 meals a day, 10,000 steps etc etc and have remained the same in weight and measurements.

      Please please please help. I’m actually thinking could I be the first of your receipients where body trim does not work??


      • Sandra Gow Says:

        Hi Sharon,

        I went over a month before I dropped any weight – I don’t know if it is to do with bad metabolism or not but it took a while to kick in. I stuck with it and have lost 16kg, but not fast. It’s still the best programme out there, so please stick with it!

        Sandra 🙂

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